91st PA--letters and orders, 2 September 1864

Letters and orders, 2 September 1864

[source: regimental letters book]
[related file: number present]
[see the larger list of deficiencies on 14 September 1864]
[the deficiencies in ordnance stores had been corrected by 16 Sep 64]

Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa Vet Vols Sept 2nd 1864
Capt E C Bennett
Actg Asst Inspector Genl

I have the honor to Submit the following report

[I have reoriented the table vertically to make it fit better.]
Duty Comm Officers 15
Enlisted Men 220
Present Comm Officers 15
Enlisted Men 228
Gain Comm Officers  
Enlisted Men  
Loss Comm Officers  
Enlisted Men  
Drills Squad 0
Company 0
Regimental 0
Inspections Company one
Regimental one
Dress Parades 0
[The following is in four columns in the manuscript.]
Ordnance & Ordnance Stores
(1) one Gun and accoutrements
(2) Gun Slings (Two)
(2) Two Catridge [sic] box belt plates
(2) Two " " plates
(2) Two " " tins
(3) Three Thumb Vices
(4) Four Ball Screws

(2) Two Forage Caps
(14) Fourteen Blouses
(14) Fourteen Pants
(26) Twenty Six Shirts
(18) Eighteen pr Drawers
(67) Sixty [sic] pr Stockings
(30) Thirty " Shoes
(17) Seventeen Blankets (Woolen)
Camp & Garrison Equippage
(18) Knapsacks Eighteen
(2) Two Haversacks
(3) Three Canteens
(2) Two Great Coat Straps
(13) Thirteen Shelter tents
(5) Five Camp Kettles
(5) Mess Pans Five
(9) Nine Camp Hatchets & Handles
No deficiency in ammunition

I am Capt.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
(sgd) Eli G Sellers
Capt Comng
[source: regimental orders book]
[related file: number present (etc.)]
[The list of men detailed in the regimental orders book may be compiled from these lists.]

Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa Vet Vols
September 2nd 1864
Circular }

Company Commanders will furnish tho [sic] these Head Quarters without delay a list of all officers and men absent from their respective companies whose term of Service does not expire previous to December 31st 1864

These lists will show where they are and when they left the Command

By order of
Eli G Sellers
Capt Commdg
(Sgd) B J Tayman

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revised 24 Dec 02
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions