He was born in 1844/48, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
date: 3 (19 in 1864), 8 (12 in 1860), 10 (3 in 1850).
place: 3, 8, 10]
In January 1843, Charles' parents, Thomas Mellor and Julia [unknown family name], were married, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by Alderman Mandenfield.
[source: 9]
In 1850, he was living in ward 2, Southwark, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
He was living with his parents Thomas and Julia, and with Louisa and Sarah (presumably siblings).
[source: 10]
In 1860, he was living in ward 2, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
He was living with Thomas and Julia Mellor (presumably his parents), with Lewis and Sarah Mellor (presumably siblings), and with Robert Harris and Ellen Ryan.
He had attended school within the year.
[source: 8]
On 22 September 1862, Charles' father, Thomas Mellor, died, at Philadelphyia, Pennsylvania, of typhoid fever.
On 24 September 1862, he was buried, in Monument Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
[sources: 9, 12]
When he enlisted, he was a machinist.
He had been giving his mother $4 from his weekly earnings (of about $6 per week), for about three years.
[sources: 3, 9]
When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 5-1/2 inches tall, had a dark complexion, dark eyes, and dark hair.
[source: 3]
During the war
He enlisted, as a recruit, and was mustered into service for three years, on 9 February 1864, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
He was enlisted by Lieutenant Shipley, and mustered into service by Lieutenant Burke.
He was a private in company E.
[sources: 1, 3, 9, 13-16]
He was wounded on 18 June 1864.
He died on 19 June 1864 of wounds received at Petersburg, Virginia, having been shot in the breast while charging the enemy's works.
He was a private, in company E.
He had not received any pay.
[sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13-16]
After the war
On 30 August 1864, Matthew Hall certified that he had died of wounds received while charging the enemy's works.
[source: 9]
On 19 September 1864, his mother, Julia Mellor, applied successfully for a pension, from Pennsylvania, under the Act of 14 July 1862.
She was living at 840 Geary Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Her application was accepted on 4 April 1865, and she received a pension of $8 per month, retroactive to 19 June 1864.
[sources: 6, 7]
On 20 January 1865, John L Graham certified that Mellor was wounded in battle on 18 June 1864, and 'died whilst being Carried of[f] the field on the morning of the 19th of June 1864'.
[source: 9]
On 26 January 1865, company E published resolutions mourning his death (and fifteen others), and sympathizing with their families.
[source: 5]
On 17 March 1865, Julia Mellor, who was still living at 840 Geary Street, swore that her right arm had been paralyzed for eighteen months, that she had no income from any property, and that she was a piano teacher but had only two students, who were paying her $9 per quarter.
[source: 9]
On 4 January 1890, Julia Mellor died, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, of typhoid fever.
On 8 January 1890, she was buried in Mount Peace Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
[source: 11]
On 14 February 1890, the Pension Office agreed to reimburse Sarah K Mellor $12.40 in the case of Julia Mellor.
[source: 9]
Nancee McClay is researching Mellor; contact her at [email protected].
1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233.
(In the roster)
81860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 2, microfilm series M653, film 1152, page 340 = 340 handwritten
(Charles Mellor)
9dependent's pension certificate file, National Archives and Records Administration, record group 15, certificate WC 44,752
(Julia Mellor mother of Charles A Mellor)
101850 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Southwark, ward 2, microfilm series M432, film 821, page 145 verso = 304 handwritten (FamilySearch)
(Charles Mellor)
11 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 4 January 1890, Julia Mellor (not transcribed, but available on FamilySearch (accessed 6 October 2012))
12 death certificate, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 22 September 1862, Thomas Mellor (not transcribed, but available on FamilySearch (accessed 6 October 2012))
13index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania
(Charles A Mellas)
14index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania
(Charles A Mellor)
15index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania
(Charles A Meller)
16index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania
(Charles A Miller)
Sources checked unsuccessfully
1870 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
1880 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
1890 US census, veterans schedules
Ancestry index (accessed May 2007)
1900 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
1910 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
1920 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
1930 US census
FamilySearch index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
records of headstones for deceased Union veterans, 1879-1903
FamilySearch index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
Pennsylvania veterans burial cards
Ancestry index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
US National Cemetery interment control cards 1926-1962
Ancestry index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
applications for headstones for military veterans, 1925-1941
FamilySearch index (accessed 6 Oct 12)
Find a grave
searched Charles Mellor (accessed 6 Oct 12)
RootsWeb WorldConnect
searched Charles Mellor (exact) died 1862; Charles Mellor (metaphone) child of Thomas and Julia Mellor (accessed 6 October 12)
[1850 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Southwark, ward 2, microfilm series M432, film 821, page 145 verso = 304 handwritten (FamilySearch)]
[the FamilySearch index has the family name as 'Miller', but there is no dot over the second letter unlike almost all instances of 'i' on the page, and the next-to-last letter is more open than the instances of 'e' on the page]
[identification is probable; see the note on the 1860 census entry transcribed below]
[1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 2, microfilm series M653, film 1152, page 340 = 340 handwritten (FamilySearch)]
[identification is probable, since the apparent parents' names match the names in the dependent's pension certificate file; note also that his father's occupation matches his occupation at enlistment, and that Robert Harris is presumably the R S Harris living with Julia Mellor whom she used as a supporting witness in her pension application]
[index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania]
[transcribed 17 January 2015, from Fold3]
Mellas Charles A.
Co. E, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt | Pvt.
Original filed under
Mellor Charles A
[card 2, transcribed 17 January 2015]
Mellor Charles A.
Co. E, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt | Pvt
[card 3, transcribed 17 January 2015]
Meller, Charles A.
Co. E, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
Original filed under
Mellor Charles A.
[card 4, transcribed 20 January 2015]
Miller, Charles A.
Co. E, 91 Pennsylvania Inf.
Pvt. | Pvt.
Original filed under
Mellor, Charles A.
[widow's pension certificate file, National Archives and Records Administration, record group 15, certificate WC 44,752, Julia Mellor mother of Charles A Mellor]
[abstracted October 2012, from 36 pages on Fold3]
January 1843
Thomas Mellor married Julia, at Philadelphia, by Alderman Mandenfield (p.4)
September 1862
Thomas Mellor died, at Philadelphia PA (p.4)
before enlisting
Charles Mellor regularly gave his mother $4 from his weekly earnings (about $6 per week) (pp.4, 5)
9 Feb 1864
Charles Mellor volunteered at Philadelphia PA (p.4)
he gave his mother $200 of the $250 bounty he received from the city (p.5)
18 June 1864
Charles Mellor was absent wounded in action (p.7)
19 June 1864
Charles Mellor died of wounds received 18 June 1864 near Petersburg VA (pp.4, 7, 10)
'Rec'd no pay' (p.10)
he left no widow or child under 16 (p.4)
30 Aug 1864
Matthew Hall (capt E 91) certified at Weldon RR that Charles A Mellor 'was wounded while charging the enameys [sic] works near Peatersburg Va June 18th 1864 Died june 19th at Divishion [sic] Hosptl' (p.17)
19 Sept 1864
Julia Mellor, 37 years old, mother of Charles A Mellor (E 91) applied for a pension under the act of 14 July 1862 (p.4)
dated 6 Sep 1864 (p.4)
application 65,431 (pp.7, 10, 15)
Julia was the widow of Thomas Mellor (p.4)
she was living in Philadelphia, post office address 840 Geary St (p.4)
attorney George W Ford, 241 Dock St, Philadelphia PA (p.4)
witnesses D S Harris (848 Geary St Philadelphia) and Theodore Earnest (1112 South St Philadelphia) (p.5)
admitted 4 April 1865, pension of $8 per month retroactive to 19 June 1864 (pp.3, 13)
certificate 44,752 dated 7 April 1865 (p.13)
28 Nov 1864
the Pension Office requested information about Charles A Meller's service (p.11; see also page 15, 16)
1 Dec 1864
the Adjutant General's office sent the Pension office the above-summarized information (p.10)
13 Jan 1865
the Pension Office sent circular 21, requesting information about the injury or disease that caused the soldier's death (p.16, 19)
20 Jan 1865
Lieut John L Graham certified that Charles A Mellor volunteered on 9 Feb 1864 at Philadelphia, was wounded by the enemy in the battle before Petersburg 18 June 1864 and 'died whilst being Carried of [sic] the field on the morning of the 19th of June 1864' (p.18)
the final statements had been forwarded to the War Department (p.18)
25 Jan 1865
the Pension Office received a response to circular 21 (p.16)
26 Jan 1865
the Pension Office requested information from the Adjutant General about Charles A Mellor's service (p.8 [circular 16], 16 [note the change in name])
2 Feb 1865
Adjutant General's Office sent the Pension Office the above-summarized information (p.7)
the Pension Office received it on 17 Feb 1865 (p.16)
17 Feb 1865
the Pension Office sent circular 2 (p.16)
23 Feb 1865
Julia Mellor, resident of 840 Geary St, swore that for about 3 years before enlisting Charles A Mellor gave her about $4/week from his earnings, to pay for house rent and other necessary expenses, that he gave her the bounty he received from Philadelphia, and that her husband Thomas Mellor died on 24 Sep 1862 at Philadelphia (p.24)
R S Harris (840 Geary St Philadelphia) and Maggie Burns (1112 South St Philadelphia) swore to the same facts (R S Harris having been confined with yellow fever in the same house when Thomas Mellor died of yellow fever) (pp.25-27)
3 Mar 1865
the pension office sent [for] additional evidence, and sent circular 2 requesting means of support and amount of property (presumably sent to Mellor's attorney) (p.16)
17 Mar 1865
Julia Mellor (resident of 840 Geary St) swore that she could not use her right arm because of paralysis (for the last 18 months), had no income from any property, has been unable to establish a business because of the paralysis of her right arm, that she is trying to teach piano but has just two students, paying her $9 per quarter (p.29)
R S Harris (840 Geary St Philadelphia) and Maggie Burns (Christian Street above 16th Street Philadelphia) swore to the same facts (p.31)
29 Mar 1865
Charles F Gebler MD, resident of 1327 Parrish St Philadelphia, swore that he had attended Julia Mellor (mother of Charles A Mellor) for about 2 years 'for an affetion of the nerve governing the arm causing a partial paralysis and unfitting her for manual labor to obtain a livelihood that she has been and is still suffering with an affection of the head that her whole system is affected with symnptoms of neuralgia which from present indications will eventually result in paralysis' (p.21)
27 Mar 1874
the Pension Office informed Hon M Sayler that 'there is no right to increase' (p.14)
14 Feb 1890
accounting officer's settlement number 7214 for $12.40 (p.14)
9 July 1890
the 14 Feb 1890 settlement was 'returned by P.A and sent to Secretary of the Interior for requisition' (p.14)
15 Sep 1890
Sarah K Mellor's claim for reimbursement in the case of Julia Mellor was settled on 3 Feb 1890 for $12.40 and certificate 7214 was forwarded to next day; the claimant is complaining of delay in payment (p.36)
8 Nov 1890
the Pension Office advised the Hon Chas O'Neill of the 9 July 1890 action (p.14)