Born: 28 Apr 1887 Grant City, Worth Co., MO |
Died: 6 Apr 1953 His home, Taylor County, Sharpsburg, Iowa Buried: 9 Apr 1953 Taylor County, Lenox, Iowa |
Sarah Margaret Hagans
Married: 30 Oct 1907 |
General Sources
1910 Census - Taylor County, Iowa - -May 3, 1910 |hn|fn|Name |rel |r|s|ag|m |y|birth |father |mother | |occu |trade |wk|rd |wri|o|h |f#|twp |94|94|Fattig, Williard J.|Head|m|w|23|M1|2|Missouri|Indiana|Missouri|Eng|Farmer|Gen Farm|OA|yes|yes|R|Farm of house|91|Grant | | |Fattig, Edna G. |Wife|F|w|21|M1|2|Iowa |Iowa |Iowa |Eng| | | | | | | | |
1920 Census - Taylor County, Iowa - Date |sa |h# |Name |rel |h|s|r|ag|m|rd |wri|birth |father |mother |trade |type |emp|f# |twp |103|103|Fattig, Willard|H |R|m|w|32|m|yes|yes|Missouri|Pennsylvania|Missouri|Farm |Gen farm|OA |103|Platte | | |Fattig, Edna |W | |F|w|31|m|yes|yes|Iowa |Iowa |Iowa |None | | | | | | |Reed, William |Fath-in-law| |m|w|54|m|yes|yes|Iowa |Ohio |New York| | | | | | | |Reed, Mary |Moth-in-law| |F|w|56|m|yes|yes|Iowa |Ireland |Ireland |Farmer|Gen farm|Emp| |
1930 Census - Taylor County, Iowa - April 26, 1930 |h#|f#|Name |rel|h|r|f |s|r|ag|m|a |sch|rd |birth |father |mother |eng|trade |type |e|w |v |f#|twp |62|62|Fattig, Willard J.|H |O|x|yes|m|w|41|m|20|no |yes|Missouri|Iowa |Missouri|yes|Farmer|Gen Farm|O|yes|no|61|Platte dist. 22 | | |Fattig, Edna G. |w | | |yes|F|w|39|m|18|no |yes|Iowa |Iowa |Iowa |yes|none | | | | | | | | |Fattig, Lucile R. |Dau| | |yes|F|w|9 |s| |yes| |Iowa |Missouri|Iowa | |none | | | | | |
1900 Census - Worth County, Missouri - June 26. 27, 1900 |hn |fn |Name |rel |r|s|birth |age|m |y|nc|l|birth |father |mother |occu |a|rd |wri|eng|o|f|h |f# |twp |210|210|Teasley, James |Head |w|m|Jan 1839|61 |M |4| | |Un |Un |Un |Farmer | |no |no |yes|0|F|Farm of house|206|Fletchall | | |Teasley, Sarah M.|wife |w|f|Dec 1845|54 |M |4|11|7|Missouri|Kentucky|Kentucky| | |no |no |yes| | | | | | | |Fattig, Willard |Step-Son|w|m|Apr |887|13|s| | |Missouri|Virginia|Missouri|At School|5|yes|yes|yes| | | | |