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Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 THURSDAY, JUNE, 25, 1778
Donated by Curt Larsen a list member
A report being brought in from the Board of War was read; Whereupon, At a Board of War, May 17th., 1778 Present, Colo. Pickering, Mr. Peters, Mr. Duer. That Colo. Armand, Marquis de la Rouerie, at present commanding the Independent Corps, formerly raised by Major Ottendorf, be authorized
Page 643 | Page image to recruit for the purpose of compleating the said Corps, Deserters from the Enemy's foreign Troops, French Men, and others not owing Allegiance to the King of Great Britain, upon the same Terms as other Troops raised on the Continental Establishment for three Years or during the War. That the said Corps be distinguished by the Name of The Free and Independent Chasseurs. That it consist of Three Companies, formed and Commanded as follows, vizt.: Each company to consist of one Captain, 1 Captn. Lieut., 2 Lieuts., 8 Sergeants, 8 Corporals, 2 Drummers, 128 Privates. Regimentary Officers, 1 Colo., 1 Major, 1 Regimental Standard Bearer, or Ensign Major, with the Rank and Pay of Lieut. So that the whole will be composed as follows, viz: One Colonel 1 Major 3 Captains 3 Capt. Lieuts 6 Lieuts 1 Ensign Major 14 Commn. Officers 24 Sergeants 24 Corporals 6 Drummers or horn sounders 384 Privates 438 Non-Comd. and Privates That Genl. Washington be authorized to appoint as Officers to the said Corps, such Officers of Merit as are at present in it, and such other foreign Officers of Merit as at present hold Commissions, and who are not already and cannot be annexed to other Corps, on the propose arrangement of the army. That this Corps when raised shall act in concert with Genl. Pulaski's Legion in such manner as Genl. Washington shall deem best That if any French, or other Foreigners (not Deserters from the Enemy) shall Enlist in the said Corps, the State in which such Troops shall so enlist shall be credited in their Continental Quota for such Recruits as they shall think proper to allow the State Bounty in addition to that allowed by the United States. And whereas, Congress have received Information that several Foreign Deserters from the Enemy's Troops and Prisoners of War have been enlisted in the Regiments rais'd by the Respective States, contrary to the Resolutions of Congress, but injurious to the interests of these States.
Page 644 | Page image Resolved, That Genl. Washington be directed to order Returns to be made from the Regiments of such Deserters and Prisoners of War; and that they be turn'd over to such Companies of Genl. Pulaski's Legion, or of the Free and Independent Chasseurs as they shall prefer. That the sum ofDollars be advanced by the Treasury to the Order of the Board of War to be by the said Board paid from Time to Time to Colo Armand or his order for the purpose of recruiting the said corps. By order of the Board.Tim. Pickering, junr That none of the said Foreign Officers, to be appointed in the said corps, shall receive any higher pay than what is annexed to the Commands they may respectively be appointed to, by Virtue of any Brevet Commission which may have been granted by the Resolutions of Congress of the 2d February last.1 [Note 1: 1 This report, in the writing of William Duer, is in the Papers of the Continental Congress, No. 147, II, folio 39. It is endorsed: "Debated, partly amended and postponed."] Resolved, That the independent corps raised by Colonel Armand, in consequence of General Washington's permission, be taken into continental pay; the pay to commence from the time of the respective inlistments of the non-commissioned officers and privates engaged in the same: That General Washington be authorized to officer this corps with such foreign and other officers of merit as at present hold commissions, and who are not already and cannot be annexed to other corps on the proposed arrangement of the army: That if any of the states shall think proper to allow to the non-commissioned officers and privates, who have or shall inlist in Colonel Armand's corps, the bounty allowed by them respectively, in addition to the continental bounty, the men so engaged shall be credited as part of the quota of the State who shall allow the additional bounty: That the sum of five thousand dollars be paid to the Board of War, to be by them advanced to Colonel Armand,
Page 645 | Page image towards paying the continental bounty and recruiting
charges of the said corps; for which sum, Colonel Armand is to be accountable.1
[Note 1: 1 This report, in the writing of Timothy Pickering, is in the Papers of
the Continental Congress, No. 147, II, folio 125.]
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