David Dreyer's Banat Ship List-Finland

Emigration from Banat
in the National Archives Ship Records

Extractions by David Dreyer - of San Mateo, California

© Copyright 2000-2007 by David Dreyer; all rights reserved

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Last Update: July 27, 2013 at 8:47:50 PM
For NEW entries the Name will appear in ITALIC RED Font.
CHANGED information (spelling corrections etc.) appear in NORMAL RED Font.
Cross-reference Links: Cities - Ships - Surnames - Villages

239 Extractions for the Ship: Finland

Index of Ship Names

Aachen |Acropolis |Adria |Adriatic |Airamoa |Alaunia |Albano |Albert Ballin |Albertic |Alice |America |American Legion |Amerika |Amsterdam |Andalusia |Andania |Antigone |Antonia |Aquitania |Arabia |Arabic |Arcadia |Argentina |Armenia |Ascania |Assyria |Asturias |Augusta Victoria |Aurania |Ausonia |Badenia |Balfe |Baltic |Barbarossa |Barcelona |Batavia |Bayern |Belgenland |Belgravia |Belvedere |Berengaria |Berlin |Bluecher |Bonn |Borkum |Braga |Brandenburg |Bremen |Breslau |Buecher |Bulgaria |Bulow |Cairnrona |Calabria |Caledonia |Calgaric |California |Cambroman |Campanello |Campania |Canada |Canopic |Cap Arcona |Carenthian |Carinthia |Carmania |Caroline |Caronia |Carpathia |Cassandra |Cassel |Cedric |Celtic |Chemnitz |Chicago |Christiania |Cincinnati |Cleveland |Columbia |Columbus |Constantinople |Corcovado |Coronia |Corsican |Crefeld |Dania |Darmstadt |Derfflinger |Deutschland |Donaldson Line |Dora |Doric |Dresden |Duca D' Aosta |Duchess Of Bedford |El Al Airline |Elbe |Elis Rickmers |Ellen Rickmers |Empress Of Australia |Empress Of Britian |Empress Of France |Empress Of Ireland |Empress Of Scotland |Empress Of Scottland |Erlangen |Erny |Essen |Estonia |Ethiopia |Etruria |Eugenea |Europa |Finland |Florida |Flying Tiger Airline |France |Francesca |Francesia |Franconia |Frankfurt |Friedrich D Gr |Friedrich Der Gr |Friedrich Wilhelm |Friesland |Furst Bismarck |Furst Buelow |Gen Blatchford |Gen C C Ballou |Gen C H Muir |Gen Harry Taylor |Gen W C Langfitt |General Von Steuben |Geo Washington |Geo Wshington |Georgia |Gera |Gerty |Giulia |Gneisenau |Gotha |Gothland |Gr Krufurst |Gr Kurfurst |Graf Waldersee |Great Lakes Airline |H H Meier |Halle |Hamburg |Hannover |Hansa |Harry Taylor |Havel |Haverford |Heffron |Hohenstauffen |Hohenzollern |Homeric |Hudson |Ile De France |Imperator |Ionian |Iramoi |Ivernia |K Aug Victoria |K Augusta Victoria |K Wilhelm D Gr |K Wilhelm Der Gr |K Wilhelm Ii |Kaiserin Maria Theresia |Kamarima |Karlsruhe |Kensington |Kiautschau |Kleist |Koeln |Koenig Albert |Koenigin Luise |Kronprinz Cecilie |Kronprinz Friedrich Wil |Kronprinz Friedrich Wilhelm |Kronprinz Wilhelm |Kroonland |La Aquitaine |La Bourdonnais |La Bretagne |La Champagne |La Gascogne |La Lorraine |La Provence |La Quitaine |La Savoie |La Touraine |Laconia |Lafayette |Lahn |Lake Manitoba |Lake Michigen |Lake Ontario |Lapland |Laura |Laurentic |Leopoldina |Leviathan |Lituania |Loconia |Logan |Lucania |Luetzow |Luisana |Lusitania |Lutzow |Madrid |Main |Mainz |Majestic |Manchuria |Marburn |Maria Rickmer |Mark |Marloch |Martha Washington |Mauretania |Megall Hellas |Megantic |Melita |Merion |Metagama |Milwaukee |Minnedosa |Minnekahda |Mississippi |Moltke |Mongolia |Mont Laurier |Montcalm |Montclare |Montezuma |Montfort |Montnairn |Montreal |Montrose |Montroyal |Mt Carroll |Mt Clay |Mt Clinton |Mt Royal |Mt Temple |Muenchen |Muretania |Napolitan Prince |Neckar |Nederland |New Rochelle |New York |Niagara |Nieuw Amsterdam |Noordam |Noordland |Normandie |Obdam |Obitz |Oceania |Ohio |Oldenburg |Olympic |Orbita |Orca |Orduna |Oropesa |Otavi |Palantia |Palatia |Pallanza |Pan Am |Pannonia |Paris |Patricia |Pennland |Pennsylvania |Phoenicia |Pisa |Pittsburgh |Poland |Polynesia |Pomeranian |Potomac |Potsdam |Pres Adams |Pres Arthur |Pres Fillmore |Pres Grant |Pres Harding |Pres Lincoln |Pres Roosevelt |Pres Wilson |Pretoria |Princess Matoika |Prinz Adelbert |Prinz Alice |Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm |Prinz Irene |Prinz Oskar |Prof Woermann |R M Blatchford |Regina |Reliance |Republic |Resolute |Rhaetia |Rhein |Rhynland |Rijndam |Rochambeau |Roland |Roon |Rotterdam |Rousillon |Roussillion |Royal Dutch Airline |Rugia |Ruthenia |Ryndam |Saale |Samland |Sardinian |Saturnia |Saxonia |Scharnhorst |Scotia |Scythia |Seydlitz |Sicilian Prince |Sierra Cordoba |Sierra Morena |Sierra Nevada |Sierra Ventana |Silvia |Slavonia |Smolensk |Sobieski |Sofia Hohenberg |Southern Cross |Southwark |Spartan Prince |Spree |St Laurent |St Louis |St Paul |Statendam |Strassburg |Stuttgart |Suevia |Susquehanna |Swakopmund |Switzerland |Taormaina |Teutonic |Themistocles |Thuringia |Tormina |Trans America Airline |Trave |Trier |Tunisian |Tuscania |Tyrrhenia |Ultonia |Umbria |United States |Unknown |Uranium |Vaderland |Vasari |Vauban |Veendam |Verdi |Virginia |Volendam |Volturno |Weimar |Werkendam |Werra |Weser |Westernland |Westphalia |Wieland |Willehad |Wittekind |Wuerttemburg |Wurzburg |Yorck |York |Ypiranga |Zeeland |Zieten

Data Listed: Name - Soundex - Age - Village - Date Arrived - Destination - Via Ports - Ship Name - Comments

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 11 Mar 1903 Ports: Ant/NY

ANDER Anna -[A536]- Age: 19 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 11 Mar 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Johann Tham.

ENDERLE Margaretha -[E536]- Age: 35 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 11 Mar 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Katharine 7 and Anna 5. Going to join husband, Caspar Enderle.

MUTTLER Peter -[M346]- Age: 52 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 11 Mar 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 52 and sons, Johann 7 and Anton 7/12. Was previously in the U. S., 1894-?. Going to join son, Peter Mutter.

OTT Barbara -[O300]- Age: 49 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 11 Mar 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join husband, Josef Ott.

OTT Johann -[O300]- Age: 21 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 11 Mar 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join father, Josef Ott.

ROOSZ Anton -[R200]- Age: 21 -From: St Nikolaus (Gr)
-DtAr: Wednesday, 11 Mar 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother-in-law, Peter Mueller.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 19 May 1903 Ports: Ant/NY

ROTH Johann -[R300]- Age: 44 -From: Neuzina
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 May 1903 - To: Erie, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Schenker.

Arrival Date: Monday, 13 Jul 1903 Ports: Ant/NY

PETERS Anna -[P362]- Age: 24 -From: Modosch
-DtAr: Monday, 13 Jul 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Bertha 7. Going to join husband, Lepold Peters.

Arrival Date: Monday, 10 Aug 1903 Ports: Ant/NY

HOFFERT Theresia -[H163]- Age: 48 -From: Pantschowa
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Aug 1903 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join husband, Peter Hoffert.

KELLER Christina -[K460]- Age: 28 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Aug 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Mathias 10 and Barbara 8. Going to join husband, Hermann Keller.

MERLING Katharine -[M645]- Age: 20 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Aug 1903 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join husband, Peter Merling.

MESLING Katharina -[M245]- Age: 20 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Aug 1903 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join husband, Peter Mesling.

NIEDER Katharine -[N360]- Age: 26 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Monday, 10 Aug 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Peter 2 and Katharine 7/12. Going to join husband, Adam Nieder.

Arrival Date: Saturday, 29 Aug 1903 Ports: Ant/NY

BARTH Andreas -[B630]- Age: 35 -From: Modosch
-DtAr: Saturday, 29 Aug 1903 - To: Ellwood City, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Georg Barth.

BAYER Michael -[B600]- Age: 32 -From: Modosch
-DtAr: Saturday, 29 Aug 1903 - To: Ellwood City, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Bader

GUTH Maria -[G300]- Age: 20 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Saturday, 29 Aug 1903 - To: Newark, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Josef Scheitzenhoffer.

PONAK Maria -[P520]- Age: 30 -From: Hatzfeld
-DtAr: Saturday, 29 Aug 1903 - To: Newark, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Anton Roland.

Arrival Date: Monday, 7 Sep 1903 Ports: Ant/NY

BERTH Andreas -[B630]- Age: 35 -From: Modosch
-DtAr: Monday, 7 Sep 1903 - To: Ellwood City, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1899-1901. Going to join bro-in-law, Georg Barth.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 8 Sep 1903 Ports: Ant/NY

THORAN Heinrich -[T650]- Age: 37 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Tuesday, 8 Sep 1903 - To: Steelton, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Traveling with Heinrich Johann Thoran 37. Going to join bro-in-law, Heinrich Rothenal.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 6 Oct 1903 Ports: Ant/NY

MAJOR Michael -[M260]- Age: 20 -From: Guttenbrunn
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Oct 1903 - To: Mckees Rocks, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Johann Carpelian.

MURZA Johann -[M620]- Age: 18 -From: Guttenbrunn
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Oct 1903 - To: Mckees Rocks, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

SZELLER Johann -[S460]- Age: 18 -From: Guttenbrunn
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Oct 1903 - To: Mckees Rocks, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 1 Dec 1903 Ports: Ant/NY

MUELLER Julianna -[M460]- Age: 32 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Dec 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Georg 9, Julianna 6, Magdalena 3, Johann 1 1/2 and Maria 4/12. Going to join husband, Johann Mueller.

OBENKUDA Michael -[O152]- Age: 18 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Dec 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join stepfather, Johann Mueller.

SCHOLLER Katharine -[S460]- Age: 18 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Dec 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Mueller.

SOHL Elisabeth -[S400]- Age: 25 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Dec 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by son, Karl 2. Going to join husband, Friedrich Sohl.

ZIMMERMANN Elisabeth -[Z565]- Age: 20 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Dec 1903 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join husband, Andreas Zimmermann.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 21 Jun 1904 Ports: Ant/NY

BERLINGER Josef -[B645]- Age: 24 -From: Schoendorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 21 Jun 1904 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

FANKOWITSCH Paul -[F523]- Age: 24 -From: Panjowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 21 Jun 1904 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

WINTERKORN Jacob -[W536]- Age: 17 -From: Schoendorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 21 Jun 1904 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

WOLLNY Franz -[W450]- Age: 55 -From: Schoendorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 21 Jun 1904 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join son, Franz Wollny.

Arrival Date: Saturday, 26 Nov 1904 Ports: Ant/NY

BAUMHAUER Adam -[B560]- Age: 18 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Saturday, 26 Nov 1904 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

Arrival Date: Thursday, 8 Dec 1904 Ports: Ant/NY

THEM Johann -[T500]- Age: 49 -From: Fibisch
-DtAr: Thursday, 8 Dec 1904 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join wife, Maria Them. Was previously in Mansfield, 1880-1904.

THIRJUNG Johann -[T625]- Age: 30 -From: Nitzkydorf
-DtAr: Thursday, 8 Dec 1904 - To: Milwaukee, MN -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 25 and kids, Michael 3 1/2 and Anna 2. Going to join uncle, Stefan Horvath.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 18 Jan 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

GLATT Nikolaus -[G430]- Age: 29 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 18 Jan 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by cousin, Barthold Glatt 28 Going to join cousin, Johann Bergauer.

REIF Cecelia -[R100]- Age: 16 -From: Fibisch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 18 Jan 1905 - To: Allentown, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Johann Gall.

WOLF Cib -[W410]- Age: 17 -From: Fibisch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 18 Jan 1905 - To: Allentown, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Frank Wolf.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

DIVO Nikolaus -[D100]- Age: 29 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Ebner.

EGLER Johann -[E246]- Age: 36 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join nephew, Nikolaus Ebner.

FLEISCHMANN Nikolaus -[F425]- Age: 14 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother, Konrad Fleischmann.

GROSSMAYER Josef -[G625]- Age: 21 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Georg Bergauer.

HALLITRCH Rosina -[H436]- Age: 18 -From: Neusiedel
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: Allentown, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Anna Reiss.

HEILER Anton -[H460]- Age: 21 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Josef Gebert.

HUMMEL Anna -[H540]- Age: 18 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Wilhelm Hummel.

PRCZLAR Josef -[P624]- Age: 30 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 21. Going to join uncle, Mathias Szadorf.

SCHAEFFER Anna -[S160]- Age: 19 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Nikolaus Ebner.

SCHAFFER Anna -[S160]- Age: 14 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Nikolaus Ebner.

SZEITZ Johann -[S320]- Age: 27 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

THEISSMANN Michael -[T255]- Age: 28 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother, Konrad Theissmann.

VOLKER Jakob -[V426]- Age: 15 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother, Michael Volker.

VOLLMANN Julia -[V455]- Age: 17 -From: Neusiedel
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Feb 1905 - To: Allentown, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother, Albert Vollmann.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

BROLISEK Josef -[B642]- Age: 26 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 - To: Stiles, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1897-1900. Going to join uncle, Franz Bordisek.

GERGER Agnes -[G626]- Age: 18 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

HETZER Elisabeth -[H326]- Age: 18 -From: Giseladorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join stepbrother, Josef Spier [*20 Jun 1887 Giseladorf, dau of Sebastian Hetzer and Elisabeth Putz].

HRATZER Stefan -[H632]- Age: 15 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 - To: Coplay, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

KLEIN Jrnre -[K450]- Age: 19 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 - To: Coplay, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

KRIZSANITS Maria -[K625]- Age: 18 -From: Giseladorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Szotrell.

MUTH Katharine -[M300]- Age: 19 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Anton Christ.

NEUBAUER Franz -[N160]- Age: 23 -From: Alexanderhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 - To: Niles, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join stepbrother, Frank Nikles.

WEINHARDT Johann -[W563]- Age: 26 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Mar 1905 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother, Peter Weinhardt [*21 Jan 1879, son of Leonhard Weinhart and Katharina Szika].

Arrival Date: Thursday, 16 Mar 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

BODISCK Josef -[B320]- Age: 26 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Thursday, 16 Mar 1905 - To: Stiles, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to joiin uncle, Franz Bodisck.

GERGER Agnes -[G626]- Age: 18 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Thursday, 16 Mar 1905 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

KRATZER Stefan -[K632]- Age: 15 -From: Ujwar
-DtAr: Thursday, 16 Mar 1905 - To: Coplay, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 9 May 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

MUELLER Adam Mrs -[M460]- Age: 29 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Tuesday, 9 May 1905 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by sons, Anton 2 and Michael 3/4. Going to join husband, Adam Mueller.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 10 May 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

DEUTSCH Stefan -[D320]- Age: 18 -From: Karlsdorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 10 May 1905 - To: Allentown, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Charles Deutsch.

GRUNWALD Andreas -[G654]- Age: 49 -From: Arad
-DtAr: Wednesday, 10 May 1905 - To: Harrisburg, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Eva 42 and daughter, Maria 9. Going to join bro-in-law, Konrad Schubkegel. Previously lived in Harrisburg, 1902-1904.

HUBER Josef -[H160]- Age: 40 -From: Darowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 10 May 1905 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother-in-law, Franz Gregovic(?).

JANDRASCHITZ Edward -[J536]- Age: 26 -From: St Nikolaus (D) (GR)
-DtAr: Wednesday, 10 May 1905 - To: Coplay, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1901-1904. Going to join brother, Ignatz Jandraschitz.

KNAB Josef -[K510]- Age: 30 -From: Mokrin
-DtAr: Wednesday, 10 May 1905 - To: Wilhemsport, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother, Wilhelm Knab.

MAYER Josef -[M600]- Age: 21 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 10 May 1905 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother, Michael Mayer [*12 Aug 1889 son of Adam Mayer and Eva Fillip [*12 Aug 1889, son of Adam Mayer and Eva Fillip oo 16 Jun 1886 to Barbara Biermacher, dau of Johann Biermacher and Margaret Jaspar].

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 6 Jun 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

GEBERT Johann -[G163]- Age: 24 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Jun 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1903-1904. Going to join brother, Josef Gebert.

GROSSMAYER Josef -[G625]- Age: 24 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Tuesday, 6 Jun 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Josef Gebert.

Arrival Date: Monday, 3 Jul 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

WEBER Jakob -[W160]- Age: 26 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Monday, 3 Jul 1905 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 20. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Lauer [*18 Jul 1880, son of Jakob Weber and Catharina Apfel, oo to Magdalena Lauer].

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 1 Aug 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

DOERNER Johann -[D656]- Age: 24 -From: Marienfeld
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Aug 1905 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Karl Klein.

FEDERSPIEL Barbara -[F362]- Age: 27 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Aug 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Magdalena 5/12. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Federspiel [*24 Oct 1876, dau of Josef Arnold and Elisabeth Dilig, oo to Nikolaus Federspiel].

KUHN Anna -[K500]- Age: 19 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Aug 1905 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1901-1905. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Lusz. [Anna Kuhn, *Billed, dau of Nikolaus Kuhn and Anna Herbst, oo to Conrad Decker, resided in Heightstown NJ(Cathy Deschu)].

RAUSCH Katharina -[R200]- Age: 16 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Tuesday, 1 Aug 1905 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Krist Botscheller [*19 May 1889, dau of Peter Rausch and Elisabeth Pfersch].

Arrival Date: Monday, 28 Aug 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

BENKEVITSCH Johann -[B521]- Age: 18 -From: Karlsdorf
-DtAr: Monday, 28 Aug 1905 - To: Coplay, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join step brother, Johann Konig(?).

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 26 Sep 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

HELLBERG Maria -[H416]- Age: 33 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Tuesday, 26 Sep 1905 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Johann 9 and Maria 8. Going to join husband, Josef Hellberg.

SCHIEBER Margaret -[S160]- Age: 40Wd -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Tuesday, 26 Sep 1905 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughters, Theresia 19 and Katharine 17. Going to join brother, Josef Hellberg.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 22 Nov 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

SCHUSTER Nikolaus -[S236]- Age: 18 -From: Heufeld
-DtAr: Wednesday, 22 Nov 1905 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother, Michael Schuster. Last residence, Heufeld.

STEINER Susanna -[S356]- Age: 27 -From: St Peter
-DtAr: Wednesday, 22 Nov 1905 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Barbara 4 1/2. Going to join husband, Michael Steiner.

TEICHMEISTER Ida -[T252]- Age: 30 -From: St Nikolaus (D) (GR)
-DtAr: Wednesday, 22 Nov 1905 - To: Northampton, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Rosina 10 1/2 and Adolf 4 1/2. Was previously in the U. S., 1903-1905. Going to join husband, Adolf Teichmeister.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 19 Dec 1905 Ports: Ant/NY

SCHUSTER Michael -[S236]- Age: 18 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Dec 1905 - To: Salem, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Johann Bernerth.

SEBASTIAN Magdalena -[S123]- Age: 18 -From: Mercydorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 19 Dec 1905 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join sister, Hermine Sebastian.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 30 Jan 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

CHRISTIAN Nikolaus -[C623]- Age: 21 -From: Ulmbach
-DtAr: Tuesday, 30 Jan 1906 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Johann Sonn [*11 May 1884, son of Johann Christian and Magdelana Millesz].

HABEL Peter -[H140]- Age: 21 -From: St Nikolaus (D) (GR)
-DtAr: Tuesday, 30 Jan 1906 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Nikolaus Heingasser. Last residence, Kl St Nikolaus.

ZETTELMAYER Wilhelm -[Z345]- Age: 25 -From: Ulmbach
-DtAr: Tuesday, 30 Jan 1906 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: [*29 Oct 1880, + 12 Oct 1909 Ulmbach, son of Martin Sedelmayer and Anna Hoffmann].

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

DEUTSCH Ignatz -[D320]- Age: 35 -From: Karlsdorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1891-1901. Going to join father-in-law, Georg Bala.

MILLES Mathias -[M420]- Age: 21 -From: Ulmbach
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Pine~, PA -Via: Rot/NY -Ship: Finland

WERTH Johann -[W630]- Age: 21 -From: Ulmbach
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Pine~, PA -Via: Fiu/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join brother, Mathias Werth [*9 Jul 1887, +6 Apr 1945, son of Johann Werth and Katharina Stein].

WOHLFAHRT Margaret -[W416]- Age: 19 -From: Gilwas
-DtAr: Tuesday, 27 Feb 1906 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Julius Kiss.

Arrival Date: Sunday, 25 Mar 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

MAGER Peter -[M260]- Age: 42 -From: Gertianosch
-DtAr: Sunday, 25 Mar 1906 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Maria 37 and daughters, Katharine 20 and Rosine 17. Peter was previously in the U. S., 1903-1905.

RIESZ Karl -[R200]- Age: 44 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Sunday, 25 Mar 1906 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Theresia 39 and daughter, Theresia 19. Going to join cousin, Victor Ehling [*1862 Hatzfeld, son of Adam Ries and Katharina Federspiel, oo to Theresia Zillich].

WALTER Johann -[W436]- Age: 24 -From: Detta
-DtAr: Sunday, 25 Mar 1906 - To: Baltimore, MD -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Johann Krema.

Arrival Date: Monday, 26 Mar 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

HUHN Nikolaus -[H500]- Age: 26 -From: Keglewichhausen
-DtAr: Monday, 26 Mar 1906 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 21.

PINNEL Nikolaus -[P540]- Age: 30 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Monday, 26 Mar 1906 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Theresia 20.

ROCHEL Rubin -[R240]- Age: 36 -From: Mramorak
-DtAr: Monday, 26 Mar 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 25 Apr 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

EISLER Elisabeth -[E246]- Age: 32 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Apr 1906 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Elisabeth 8, Josef 6, Katharina 3 and Mria 2. Going to join husband, Anton Eisler.

EULER Elisabeth -[E460]- Age: 32 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Apr 1906 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Elisabeth 8, Josef 6, Katharine 3 6/12 and Maria 2. Going to join husband, Anton Euler.

KARTYE Margaret -[K630]- Age: 15 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Apr 1906 - To: Newark, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Urban.

KOCK Maria -[K200]- Age: 33 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Apr 1906 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Josfine 12, Melsas 11, Eva 10, Stefan 8 and Jacob 1 6/12. Going to join husband, Anton Kock.

KORTYE Margaret -[K630]- Age: 15 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Apr 1906 - To: Newark, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Urban.

MAYER Maria -[M600]- Age: 18 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Apr 1906 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Josef Lambrecht.

REITER Josef -[R360]- Age: 17 -From: Kl Betschkerek
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Apr 1906 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Philipp Ebner.

WACHTER Josef -[W236]- Age: 24 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Wednesday, 25 Apr 1906 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Traveling with his sister, Theresia Wachter 16. Going to join uncle, Anton Eisler.

Arrival Date: Monday, 21 May 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

BENEDEK Johann -[B532]- Age: 30 -From: Werschetz
-DtAr: Monday, 21 May 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 34. Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Toth.

FREITAG Andreas -[F632]- Age: 33 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Monday, 21 May 1906 - To: Alliance, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Was previously in the U. S., 1901-1905. Going to join bro-in-law.

JUNG Josef -[J520]- Age: 24 -From: Pantschowa
-DtAr: Monday, 21 May 1906 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Michael Mueller.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 1 Aug 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

UNTERREINER Josef -[U536]- Age: 55 -From: Warjasch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 1 Aug 1906 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join son-in-law, Johann Unterreiner, in E Pittsburg.

Arrival Date: Monday, 27 Aug 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

KLUG Johann -[K420]- Age: 27 -From: Neuarad
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Aug 1906 - To: Buffalo, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Klug.

KOVACS Michael -[K120]- Age: 32 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Monday, 27 Aug 1906 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join bro-in-law, Alexander Zwick.

Arrival Date: Monday, 24 Sep 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

KEINER Nikolaus -[K560]- Age: 44 -From: Modosch
-DtAr: Monday, 24 Sep 1906 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Maria 41. Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Schmidt.

KIPPER Franz -[K160]- Age: 38 -From: Seultour
-DtAr: Monday, 24 Sep 1906 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join Godfather, Nikolaus Welsch.

PETERS Anna -[P362]- Age: 28 -From: Modosch
-DtAr: Monday, 24 Sep 1906 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Berta 9. Going to join husband, Johann Peters.

SCHLENR Peter -[S456]- Age: 23 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Monday, 24 Sep 1906 - To: Steelton, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland

SCHMIDT Halicza -[S530]- Age: 17 -From: Modosch
-DtAr: Monday, 24 Sep 1906 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join uncle, Johann Peters.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 2 Oct 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

HORVATH Franciska -[H613]- Age: 32 -From: Gr Kikinda
-DtAr: Tuesday, 2 Oct 1906 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughters, Christina 9 and Magdalena 8/12, all born in Gr Kikinda. Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Kunstler.

Arrival Date: Monday, 22 Oct 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

HORVATH Martin -[H613]- Age: 26 -From: Gr Kikinda
-DtAr: Monday, 22 Oct 1906 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Gr Kikinda. Going to join bro-in-law, Josef Kunstler.

OSWALD Magdalena -[O243]- Age: 46 -From: St Michael (D)
-DtAr: Monday, 22 Oct 1906 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by son,. Josef 13, both born in D St Michael. Going to join husband, Franz Oswald.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 5 Dec 1906 Ports: Ant/NY

NEDER Susanna -[N360]- Age: 40wd -From: Werschetz
-DtAr: Wednesday, 5 Dec 1906 - To: Passaic, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Going to join cousin, Helena Nader Botany.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

BERMANN Magdalena -[B655]- Age: 17 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join cousin, M Dusel.

BRUCK Nikolaus -[B620]- Age: 23 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join bro-in-law, Mathias Kurz.

BRULL Johann -[B640]- Age: 23 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 - To: Brooklyn, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join cousin, Kaspar Ihm.

FELLENZ Peter -[F452]- Age: 16 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 - To: Brooklyn, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join cousin, Kaspar John.

KLAMMER Katharine -[K456]- Age: 20 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join uncle, Johann Funk.

LINDEMANN Karl -[L535]- Age: 24 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join bro-in-law, Franz Lamesfelder.

MUELLER Johann -[M460]- Age: 23 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join uncle, Johann Funk.

SCHWAAN Josef -[S500]- Age: 22 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join father, Josef Schwaan.

UHR Peter -[U600]- Age: 18 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 13 Feb 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

LUITERMANN Karl -[L365]- Age: 22 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 13 Feb 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join brother-in-law, Franz Lamesfelder.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 20 Mar 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

MUELLER Maria -[M460]- Age: 28 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 20 Mar 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Franz 9, Margaret 8, Johann 4 and Daniel 11/12, all born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join husband, Johann Mueller.

Arrival Date: Monday, 15 Apr 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

EBER Eva -[E160]- Age: 42 -From: Blumenthal
-DtAr: Monday, 15 Apr 1907 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Georg 19, Oto 11, Julius 9, August 4, Maria 3 and Helena 2, all born in Blumenthal. Going to join husband, Georg Eber.

ENGLER Peter -[E524]- Age: 29 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Monday, 15 Apr 1907 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Zichydorf. Going to join bro-in-law, Jakob Schneider [*28 Dec 1878, son of Johann Engler and Magdalena Skibulits].

TAZER Stefan -[T260]- Age: 29 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Monday, 15 Apr 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Johanna 32 and daughter, Johanna 11/12, all born in Temeswar. Was previously in the U. S., 1903-1904.

Arrival Date: Monday, 13 May 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

EWINZEL Thomas -[E524]- Age: 25 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 22, both born in Sartscha. Going to join cousin, Georg Sandase.

GRAVATH Johann -[G613]- Age: 52 -From: Blumenthal
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Mattawau, WI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 54 and daughters, Magdalena 18, Eva 14 and Anna 9, all born in Blumenthal. Goingto join son-in-law, Andreas Luley.

JUNGHEIM Johann -[J525]- Age: 27 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 22, both born in Sartscha.

KIRCH Adam -[K620]- Age: 36 -From: Grabatz
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: [*05.06.1871] Born in Grabatz. Going to join brother, Peter Kirch.

KLEIN Jakob -[K450]- Age: 24 -From: Schoendorf
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Buffalo, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Schoendorf. Going to join father, Johann Klein.

KORTNCS Karl -[K635]- Age: 23 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Sartscha.

LAMBING Nikolaus -[L515]- Age: 36 -From: Kl Betschkerek
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Kl Betschkerek. Going to join bro-in-law, Johann Sch(?).

LUNG Franz -[L520]- Age: 37 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Elmira, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Sartscha. Going to join brother, Georg Lung.

NACS Maria -[N200]- Age: 18 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Sartscha. Going to join uncle, Jacob Schneider.

NOLL Mathias Mrs -[N400]- Age: 24 -From: Lenauheim
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Lenauheim. Going to join husband, Michael Noll.

PUTZ Christof -[P320]- Age: 28 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 23, both born in Sartscha. Going to join cousin, Laslo Schneider.

SCHIMMER Jakob -[S560]- Age: 27 -From: Rekasch
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Rekasch. Going to join cousin, Kaspar Schimmer.

WERTZ Nikolaus -[W632]- Age: 26 -From: Giseladorf
-DtAr: Monday, 13 May 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by Michael(?) Wertz 19, both born in Giseladorf [*Simony, oo to Susanna Kraus].

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 12 Jun 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

BLASY Mathias -[B420]- Age: 36 -From: Setschan
-DtAr: Wednesday, 12 Jun 1907 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Setschan. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Schulz.

FOCHT Andreas -[F230]- Age: 26 -From: Ernsthausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 12 Jun 1907 - To: St Bernard, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Ernsthausen. Going to join cousin, Stefan Korosz.

HENNY Emrich -[H500]- Age: 49 -From: Pankota
-DtAr: Wednesday, 12 Jun 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Elisabeth 38 and kids, Rosa 14, Helena 11, Emrich 6 and Julius 2, all born in Pankota. Going to join cousin, (?) Eberstein [oo NN Schiller].

HERBERHOLZ Mathias -[H616]- Age: 21 -From: St Georgen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 12 Jun 1907 - To: Seattle, WA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in St Georgen. Going to join cousin, Ludwig Herberholz. Mathias Herberholz and family lived in Seattle in the 1920 census.

SCHILLER Fulop -[S460]- Age: 71 -From: Pankota
-DtAr: Wednesday, 12 Jun 1907 - To: Gervais, OR -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 55, both born in Pankota. Going to join sister-in-law, E Baumann [*24 Feb 1831 St Anna] .

TURK Jakob -[T620]- Age: 27 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 12 Jun 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 25 and daughter, Maria 6/12, all born in Zichydorf. Going to join cousin, Anton Kraemer [*14 Jan 1880 ex Stamora, son of Peter Turk and Anna Grimm oo 4 Jun 1905 to Anna Wingert, *18 Jul 1882, dau of Johann Wingert and Anna Schneider]..

URBAN Wendel -[U615]- Age: 16 -From: Karlsdorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 12 Jun 1907 - To: Harrisburg, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Karlsdorf. Going to join brother, Mathias Urban.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

BELJUNG Mathias -[B425]- Age: 27 -From: Arad
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: Bloomington, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in arad. Wife, Eva Beljung, lives in Arad. Going to join brother-in-law, Stefan Pruder(?)

DRAXLER Ferdinand -[D624]- Age: 18 -From: Rekasch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Rekasch. Father, Jakob Drexler, lives in Rekasch.

DRAXLER Ignatz -[D624]- Age: 26 -From: Rekasch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Rekasch. Wife, Elisabeth Draxler, lives in Rekasch. Going to join father-in-law, Nikolaus Stricker.

KUGLER Johann -[K246]- Age: 35 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 28 and son, Johann 8, all born in Temeswar. Mother-in-law, Johann Fisch, lives in Moritzfeld. Going to join cousin, Jakob Bitz.

MUELLER Johann -[M460]- Age: 20 -From: Rekasch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Father, Jakob Mueller, lives in Rekasch.

STRICKER Franz -[S362]- Age: 32 -From: Rekasch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Rekasch. Wife, Margaret Stricker, lives in Rekasch. Going to join brother, Georg Stricker.

STRICKER Michael -[S362]- Age: 25 -From: Rekasch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Rekasch. Wife, Magdalena Stricker, lives in Rekasch.

SUBERT Peter -[S163]- Age: 28 -From: Arad
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Arad. Wife, Eva Subert, lives in Arad. Going to join brother, Mathias Subert.

WAYAND Anna -[W530]- Age: 30 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Temeswar. Father, Abraham (?) lives in Temeswar. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Wayand. Was previously in the U. S., 1906-1907.

WENDLING Adam -[W534]- Age: 27 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 24 Jul 1907 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 26 and daughter, Katharine 3, all born in Zichydorf. Mother, Theresia Wendling, lives in Zichydorf. Going to join father-in-law, Andreas Ibach.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 20 Aug 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

BAVLE Barbara -[B140]- Age: 39 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Aug 1907 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by sons, Anton 9 and Peter 4, all born in Zichydrof. Sister, Elisabeth Mueller, lives in Zichydorf. Going to join husband, Anton Bavle [*dau of Michael Frasz and Barbara Amon oo to Anton Bavle, son of Josef Bawle and Barbara Mayer].

BEITZ Nikolaus -[B320]- Age: 24 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Aug 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Roza 21, both born in Bogarosch. Father, Franz Beitz, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join brother, Nikolaus Beitz.

BIRK Anna -[B620]- Age: 22 -From: Rudolfsgnad
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Aug 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Barbara 9/12, both born in Rudolfsgnad. Father, Franz Dippolt, lives in Rudolfsgnad. Going to join husband, Franz Birk [*1885, daughter of Franz Tipold and Barbara Kehl].

BOOS Josef -[B200]- Age: 48 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Aug 1907 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Zichydorf. Wife, Theresia Boos, lives in Zichydorf [Son of August Boosz and A M Roszlein, oo 10 Feb 1885 to Thersia Juszt, dau of Johann Juszt and Elisabeth Borczeller] .

EICHOFF Frank -[E210]- Age: 22 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Aug 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 22, both born in Zichydorf. Father, Stefan Eichoff, lives in Zichydorf. Going to join step-brother, Josef Kutschall [*1 Dec 1884, son of Stefan Eichhof and Kristina Eiszler oo Johann Haag, *18 Dec 1884, dau of Michael Haag and Susanna Losz] .

KUTSCHALL Franz -[K324]- Age: 54 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Aug 1907 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Theresia 52 and son, Johann 6, all born in Zichydorf. Son Anton Kutschall, lives in Zichydorf. Going to join son, Josef Kutschall.

SCHIMEL Johann -[S540]- Age: 50 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Aug 1907 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 50, both born in Bogarosch. Going to join nephew, Johann Kaspar.

WANDERCH Johann -[W536]- Age: 24 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 20 Aug 1907 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Zichydorf. Father, Michael Wanderch, lives in Zichydorf. Going to join uncle, Josef Kutsachall..

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 17 Sep 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

FISCHER Friedrich -[F260]- Age: 23 -From: Baratzhausen
-DtAr: Tuesday, 17 Sep 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Baratzhausn. Wife, Anna Fischer, lives in Baratzhausen. Was previously in the U. S., 1903-1905.

NESTER Michael -[N236]- Age: 23 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Tuesday, 17 Sep 1907 - To: Pittsburg, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 22 both born in Gr Betschkerek. Father, Mathias Nester, lives in Gr Betschkerek. Going to join bro-in-law, Jakob Franz Hag. Wife, Katharine, was entered on the manifest but stricken.

Arrival Date: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

ALTMAYER Franz -[A435]- Age: 40 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Klek. Wife, Susanna Altmayer, lives in Klek. Going to join cousin, Johann Tegl.

AUGUSTIN Peter -[A223]- Age: 25 -From: Schag
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: New Brunswick, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Schag. Wife, Katharine Kreiche, lives at 364 Schag. Going to join bro-in-law, Adam Keller.

BUSCH Johann -[B200]- Age: 29 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Zichydorf. Going to join uncle, Michael Frech.

SCHLEISINGER Markus -[S425]- Age: 42 -From: St Peter (Serb)
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: ?, ? -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Serb St Peter. Wife, Julia Schlenagel, lives in Serb St Peter. Going to join brother, Adolf Schlenagel.

SCHUBERT Franz -[S163]- Age: 22 -From: Kathreinfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by Illeg. daughter, Anna Filips 2, both born in Kathreinfeld. Father, Christian Schubert, lives in Gr Betschkerek. Going to join sister(?) Anna Schubert.

SEIWAL Elisabeth -[S400]- Age: 17 -From: Denta
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Traveling with sister, Barbara Busch 25, both born in Denta. Father, Adam Seiwal, lives in Denta. Going to join uncle, Michael Frech.

STEZEL Karl -[S324]- Age: 38 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Marianna 38, kids, Albert 9 and Katharine 3, all born in Klek. Sister, Katharine Bandi, lives in Klek.

STRUMPF Michael -[S365]- Age: 49 -From: Gr Betschkerek
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Gr Betschkerek. Wife, Theresia Strumpf, lives in Gr Betschkerek. Going to join cousin, Mathias Bruns.

TITRICH Anna -[T362]- Age: 22 -From: Moritzfeld
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: S Bethlehem, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Moritzfeld. Mother, Katharine Dittrich, lives in Moritzfeld. Going to join cousin, Johann Kraus.

ZIMMER Josef -[Z560]- Age: 50 -From: Sartscha
-DtAr: Monday, 14 Oct 1907 - To: Wyandotte, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Agnes 50 and son Johann 9, all born in Sartscha. Daughter, Anna Nuber, lives in Sartscha. Going to join son, Kaspar Zimmer.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 15 Oct 1907 Ports: Ant/NY

BERGER Leopold -[B626]- Age: 20 -From: Temeswar
-DtAr: Tuesday, 15 Oct 1907 - To: Allegheny, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Temeswar. Father, Josef Berger, lives in Temeswar. Going to join brother, Johann Berger.

DINGER Rosina -[D526]- Age: 34 -From: Pantschowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 15 Oct 1907 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Georg 11, Andreas 9, Friedrich 7 and Rosina 5, all born in Pantschowa. Going to join husband, Friedrich Dinger.

MES Johann -[M200]- Age: 30 -From: Pantschowa
-DtAr: Tuesday, 15 Oct 1907 - To: Mansfield, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by Kristof Brendl 24 and niece, Theresia Bor 9, all born in Pantshcowa. Mother, Maria Cziraj, lives in Pantschowa. Going to join wife, Kristina Bor who is the sister of Kristof Brendl and mother of Theresia Bor.

Arrival Date: Thursday, 6 Feb 1908 Ports: Ant/NY

EBERHARDT Franz -[E166]- Age: 29 -From: Heufeld
-DtAr: Thursday, 6 Feb 1908 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Heufeld. Wife, Margaret Eberhardt, lives in Heufeld. Going to join bro-in-law, Lorenz Schiemer.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 8 Apr 1908 Ports: Ant/NY

HEROLD Filip -[H643]- Age: 24 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Apr 1908 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Maria 22, both born in Billed. Bro-in-law, Mathias Alexius, lives in Billed. Going to join brother, Johann Herold [*4 Dec 1883, son of Johann Herold and Margaretha Jobb, oo to Maria Alexius].

JECK Maria -[J200]- Age: 21 -From: Perjamosch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Apr 1908 - To: Elizabeth, NJ -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Perjamosch. Mother, Anna Jeck, lives in Perjamosch. Going to join cousin, Johann Herold.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 2 Jun 1908 Ports: Ant/NY

JERHOF Albert -[J610]- Age: 24 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Tuesday, 2 Jun 1908 - To: Ann Arbor, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Klek. Father, Peter Ferhof, lives in Klek [*14 Apr 1884 Klek, son of Peter Jerhof and Katharina Buttel, oo 2 Jun 1914, to Anna Metz, *28 Mar 1883, dau of Sebastian Metz and Anna Koppinger].

SCHILLER Magdalena -[S460]- Age: 27 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 2 Jun 1908 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughters, Katharine 7, Pauline 5 and Susanna 11/12 and stepdaughter, Barbara 11. Susanna U. S. born. Father, Josef Graf, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join husband, Johann Schiller. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1903-1907.

SCHWECHTE Elisabeth -[S230]- Age: 26 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Tuesday, 2 Jun 1908 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Father, Peter Schwechte, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Schwechte. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1904-1908.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 3 Nov 1908 Ports: Ant/NY

SCHNEIDER Margaretha -[S536]- Age: 35 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Tuesday, 3 Nov 1908 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Eva 20 [stepdaughter, *6 Jun 1889], Josef 18 [stepson, *2 Dec 1890], Anna 14 [*27 Oct 1894], Molie 11 [Maria *21 Jan 1899], Gertrud 7 [* 24 Feb 1901] and Johann 5 [*29 Jun 1903], all born in Zichydorf. Going to join husband, Johann Schneider [Katharine Achtzehner, 1oo, Margaretha = Maria geb Koenig 2oo to Johann Schneider (Allen)]. [Katharine Achtzehner, *1866, +29 Mar 1893 dau of Philipp Achtzehner and Gertrud Hamesz, oo 19 Jul 1886 to Johann Schneider, son of Lorenz Schneider and Magdalena Mueller].

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 9 Dec 1908 Ports: Ant/NY

ZILLICH Johann -[Z420]- Age: 27 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Wednesday, 9 Dec 1908 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Billed. Wife, Anna Zillich, lives at Billed 346. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Lutz [*27 Aug 1881, son of Johann Zillich and Elisabeth Wilhelm, oo to Anna Kron].

Arrival Date: Saturday, 13 Feb 1909 Ports: Ant/NY

GUMBER Anna -[G516]- Age: 17 -From: Neubeschenowa
-DtAr: Saturday, 13 Feb 1909 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neubeschenowa. Going to join sister, Magdalena Gumber.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 14 Dec 1909 Ports: Ant/NY

KOCH Helen -[K200]- Age: 29 -From: Sakula
-DtAr: Tuesday, 14 Dec 1909 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughters, Anna 7 and Maria 5, all born in Sakula. Father, Josef Koch, lives in Moroa St Janos. Going to join husband, Johann Koch.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 26 Jan 1910 Ports: Ant/NY

BERES Peter -[B620]- Age: 25 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Wednesday, 26 Jan 1910 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Klek. Father, Johann Beres, lives in Klek. Going to join uncle, Josef Fetter.

BUTTEL Magdalena -[B340]- Age: 17 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Wednesday, 26 Jan 1910 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Klek. Father, Johann Buttel, lives in Klek. Going to join cousin, Franz Altmayer.

JANCER Maria -[J526]- Age: 24 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Wednesday, 26 Jan 1910 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Traveling with cousin, Magdalena Jancer 17, both born in Klek. Father, Peter Jancer, lives in Klek. Going to join brother, Nikolaus Jancer. The father of Magdalena Jancer, Anton Jancer, lives in Klek.

Arrival Date: Friday, 4 Mar 1910 Ports: Ant/NY

HANSZL Nikolaus -[H524]- Age: 34 -From: Setschan
-DtAr: Friday, 4 Mar 1910 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in D St Michael. Accompanied by wife, Anna 28, born in Setschan. Mother, Josefa Russo, lives in Setschan. Going to join brother, Johann Russo. Previously lived in Glendive, Montana, 1905-1907.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 31 May 1910 Ports: Ant/NY

KANNENGIESSER Nikolaus -[K552]- Age: 25 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Tuesday, 31 May 1910 - To: Mckees Rocks, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Marie 25 and nephew, Hans Angelle. The Kannengiessers are born in Triebswetter. Hans born in the U. S. Father-in-law, Johann Loch, lives in Triebswetter. Going to join brother-in-law, Josef Angelle. Previously lived in McKees Rocks for 5 years.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 8 Mar 1911 Ports: Ant/NY

BETTENDORF Anna -[B353]- Age: 47Wd -From: Georgshausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Mar 1911 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Georgshausen. Son, Johann Bettendorf, lives in Georgshausen. Going to join sister, Theresia Zehna.

BETTENDORF Michael -[B353]- Age: 18 -From: Georgshausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Mar 1911 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by sister, Anna 4, both born in Georgshausen. Brother, Johann Bettendorf, lives in Georgshausen. Going to join brother-in-law, Nikolaus Leitner.

GROSS Elisabeth -[G620]- Age: 21 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Mar 1911 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Traveling with sister(?), Anna Gross 17, both born in Klek. Father, Johann Gross, lives in Klek.

SCHUTZ Nikolaus -[S320]- Age: 57 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Mar 1911 - To: Portland, OR -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Margaret 49, both born in Klek. Brother-in-law, Josef Hey, lives in Klek. Going to join son-in-law, Georg Ilk [*Kathreinfeld, +20 Feb 1944 Klek, oo to Margaretha Krettler, *Klek].

THORAN Georg -[T650]- Age: 28 -From: Karlsdorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 8 Mar 1911 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Karlsdorf. Wife, Elisabeth Thoran, lives in Karlsdorf. Going to join father, Georg Thoran. Previously lived in Milwaukee, 1902-1910. G

Arrival Date: Thursday, 9 Mar 1911 Ports: Ant/NY

JANCZER Christof -[J526]- Age: 17 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Thursday, 9 Mar 1911 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Klek. Father, Martin Janzer, lives in Klek. Going to join "sister", Michael Hofmann.

JANCZER Elisabeth -[J526]- Age: 17 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Thursday, 9 Mar 1911 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Klek. Father, Anton Janzer, lives in Klek. Going to join cousin, Michael Psermsulye(?).

KAPPLER Marianna -[K146]- Age: 27 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Thursday, 9 Mar 1911 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Klek. Father, Andreas Kappler, lives in Klek. Previously lived in Cleveland. 1907-1910.

KREMER Elisabeth -[K656]- Age: 17 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Thursday, 9 Mar 1911 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Klek. Father, Nikolaus Kremer, lives in Klek. Going to join cousin, Johann Wilhelm.

KREMER Franz -[K656]- Age: 18 -From: Karlsdorf
-DtAr: Thursday, 9 Mar 1911 - To: Odema, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Karlsdorf. Mother, Theresia Kremer, lives at Karlsdorf 340. Going to join cousin, Andreas Kremer.

SCHMIDT Magdalena -[S530]- Age: 18 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Thursday, 9 Mar 1911 - To: Cleveland, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Klek. Father, Nikolaus Schmidt, lives in Klek.

TABOR Peter -[T160]- Age: 38 -From: Klek
-DtAr: Thursday, 9 Mar 1911 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Barbara 48, both born in Klek. Father, Georg Tabor, lives in Klek. Going to join stepson, Michael Hoffmann [*31 Jul 1873, Setschanfeld, 1oo to Barbara Krettler, *17 Feb 1863 Klek, +16 May 1933 Klek].

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 23 Aug 1911 Ports: Ant/NY

BETSCHNER Laura -[B325]- Age: 19 -From: Josefsdorf
-DtAr: Wednesday, 23 Aug 1911 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Josefsdorf. Father, Josef Betschner, lives in Josefsdorf. Going to join bro-in-law, Karl Bohm [*4 Dec 1891 Josefsdorf, dau of Josef Betschner and Anna Zettinger].

BILIAS Eva -[B420]- Age: 43 -From: Bogarosch
-DtAr: Wednesday, 23 Aug 1911 - To: Malta, ? -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Bogarosch. Father, Johann Bilias, lives in Bogarosch. Going to join aunt, Helen Harlacher.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 30 Apr 1912 Ports: Ant/NY

JAKUBOVIA Gualia -[J211]- Age: 19 -From: St Georgen
-DtAr: Tuesday, 30 Apr 1912 - To: Youngstown, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in St Georgen. Father, Josef Jakubovia, lives in St Georgen. Going to join uncle, Martin Pollak.

JANOVICS Paula -[J512]- Age: 18 -From: St Georgen
-DtAr: Tuesday, 30 Apr 1912 - To: Youngstown, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in St Georgen. Father, Josef Janovics, lives in St Georgen. Going to join sister, Anna Janovics.

RISKA Rosa -[R200]- Age: 29 -From: St Georgen
-DtAr: Tuesday, 30 Apr 1912 - To: Youngstown, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Traeling with sister, Maria Rehak 17, both born in St Georgen. Mother, Eva Rehak, lives in St Georgen. Going to join husband, Johann Riska. Previously lived in Younstown, 1902-1910.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 8 Oct 1912 Ports: Ant/NY

GEROLD Johann -[G643]- Age: 25 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Tuesday, 8 Oct 1912 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Liebling. Wife, Katharine Gerold, lives in Liebling. Going to join cousin, Andreas Koller. Was previously scheduled to sail on the Lapland which arrived NY, 30 Sep 1912.

LOCH Karl -[L200]- Age: 28 -From: Liebling
-DtAr: Tuesday, 8 Oct 1912 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Liebling. Wife, Johanna Loch, lives in Liebling. Going to join cousin, Andreas Koller. Was originally scheduled to sail on the Lapland due to arrive NY, 30 Sep 1912.

Arrival Date: Thursday, 12 Dec 1912 Ports: Ant/NY

KOCH Georg -[K200]- Age: 50 -From: Franzfeld
-DtAr: Thursday, 12 Dec 1912 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Franzfeld. Sister, Johanna Weidle, lives in Franzfeld.

Arrival Date: Thursday, 27 Mar 1913 Ports: Ant/NY

HEMPLER Johann -[H514]- Age: 50 -From: Albrechtsflor
-DtAr: Thursday, 27 Mar 1913 - To: Milwaukee, WI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by son, Stefan 15, both born in Albrechtsflor. Wife, Susanna Hempler, lives in Albrechtsflor.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 18 Jun 1913 Ports: Ant/NY

GRAF Stefan -[G610]- Age: 57 -From: Sackelhausen
-DtAr: Wednesday, 18 Jun 1913 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by daughter, Barbara 18, both born in Sackelhausen. Wife, Maria Graf, lives in Serb Releshut(?). Previously lived in Chicago, 1902-1907.

JORDAN Theresia -[J635]- Age: 18 -From: Tschanad
-DtAr: Wednesday, 18 Jun 1913 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Tschanad. Father, Johann Jordan, lives in Tschanad. Going to join brother-in-law, Christof Bus(?).

METCHE Katharine -[M320]- Age: 34 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Wednesday, 18 Jun 1913 - To: Mckees Rocks, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Triebswetter. Accompanied by niece, Elisabeth 17, born in Torontal. Father, Johann Loch, lives in Triebswetter. Going to join husband, Wilhelm Metche. Previously lived in McKees Rocks, 1906-1913.

PIERRE Maria -[P600]- Age: 16 -From: Triebswetter
-DtAr: Wednesday, 18 Jun 1913 - To: Mckees Rocks, PA -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Triebswetter. Father, Heinrich Pierre, lives in Triebswetter. Going to join uncle, Frank Tutenve. Aunt, Katharine Metche is on this same ship---see separate entry.

Arrival Date: Saturday, 11 Oct 1913 Ports: Ant/NY

ROSZLEIN Justine -[R245]- Age: 29 -From: Zichydorf
-DtAr: Saturday, 11 Oct 1913 - To: St Paul, MN -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by kids, Michael 8, Theresia 3 and Johann 16/12, all born in Zichydorf. Going to join husband, Georg Roszlein. Mother, Justine Risch, lives in Zichydorf [*6 Jul 1884 dau of Mathias Riszt and Josephine Rottler, oo 26 Jan 1904 to Georg Roslein, *17 Mar 1880, son of Georg Roselein and Theresia Schneider].

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 26 Nov 1913 Ports: Ant/NY

MARTIN Anton -[M635]- Age: 46 -From: Tschakowa
-DtAr: Wednesday, 26 Nov 1913 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Katharine 44 and sons, Peter 9 and Wilhelm 3 1/2, all born in Tschakowa. Sister, Mathias Patsch, lives in Tschakowa. Going to join brother-in-law, Wilhelm Kachan.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 15 Apr 1914 Ports: Ant/NY

BACH Peter -[B200]- Age: 24 -From: Johannisfeld
-DtAr: Wednesday, 15 Apr 1914 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Johannisfeld. Wife, Elisabeth Bach, lives in Johannisfeld. Going to join aunt, Josef Ousel. Previously lived in Chicago, 1906-1908.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 21 Jul 1914 Ports: Ant/NY

FEITH Peter -[F300]- Age: 60 -From: Billed
-DtAr: Tuesday, 21 Jul 1914 - To: St Louis, MO -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Maria 55, both born in Billed. Nephew, Jacob Hipp, lives at IV Bez Warwrck Str 14 Wien. Going to join son, Peter Feith. Previously lived in St Louis, 1906-1912.

Arrival Date: Monday, 28 Dec 1914 Ports: Gen/NY

REMICH Eva -[R520]- Age: 25 -From: Neusiedel
-DtAr: Monday, 28 Dec 1914 - To: Philadelphia, PA -Via: Gen/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Born in Neusiedel. Accompanied by daughter, Emilia 3, born in the U. S. Father, Nikolaus Say, lives in Neusiedel. Going to join husband, Nikolaus Remich. Previously lived in Philadelphia, 1905-1914.

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 7 Dec 1920 Ports: Ant/NY

KAUSCH Nikolaus -[K200]- Age: 28 -From: Pardan
-DtAr: Tuesday, 7 Dec 1920 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 41 and daughter, Magdalena 1 1/2. Parents born in Pardan, daughter born in New York. Going to join sister-in-law, Elisabeth Klopz. Previously lived in New York, 1910-1920.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 12 Jan 1921 Ports: Sou/NY

MORANG Anton -[M652]- Age: 60 -From: St Hubert
-DtAr: Wednesday, 12 Jan 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Sou/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 55, and daughters, Elisabeth 19 and Rosa 17, all born in St Hubert. Daughter, Barbara Adam, lives in St Hubert. Going to join son-in-law, Peter Hess. Previously lived in Chicago 1906-1912.

Arrival Date: Wednesday, 23 Mar 1921 Ports: Ant/NY

HEIMBACH Michael -[H512]- Age: 28 -From: Botschar
-DtAr: Wednesday, 23 Mar 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Magdalena 33 and daughter, Magdalena 6/12, all born in Botschar.Brother, Johann Heimbach, lives at 351 Botschar. Previously lived in Cincinnati. Going to join cousin, Paul Kollar.

Arrival Date: Sunday, 21 Aug 1921 Ports: Ant/NY

BOHN Peter -[B500]- Age: 53 -From: Lugosch
-DtAr: Sunday, 21 Aug 1921 - To: New York, NY -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Previously lived in New York, 1914-1921.

Arrival Date: Monday, 7 Nov 1921 Ports: Ant/NY

MERLE Franz -[M640]- Age: 35 -From: Nakodorf
-DtAr: Monday, 7 Nov 1921 - To: Chicago, IL -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by wife, Cucana 31, daughter Jolan 9 and son, Nikolaus 6, all born in Nakodorf. Mother, Magdalena Merle, lives in Komlos. Going to join brother-in-law, Stefan Stober.

WAGNER Stefan -[W256]- Age: 17 -From: Nakodorf
-DtAr: Monday, 7 Nov 1921 - To: Cincinnati, OH -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Finland
-Note: Accompanied by sister(?), Anna 20, both born in Nakodorf. Father, Johann Wagner, lives in Nakodorf. Going to join bro-in-law, Peter Thio..


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