_Nathan BRITTON _____+ | (1782 - 1854) m 1800 _Elijah BRITTON _____| | (1809 - ....) | | |_Ketty STEVENS ______ | m 1800 | |--Sarah BRITTON | (1841 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Margaret SMITH _____| (1814 - 1897) | |_____________________
__ | _William DOWNS ______| | (1780 - 1857) | | |__ | | |--William DOWNS | (1819 - 1886) | __ | | |_Elizabeth MORSE ____| (1786 - 1854) | |__
William Downs �tab�40
Catharine Downs �tab�40
E J Downs �tab�16
W W Mitchell �tab�14
Sam O Downs �tab�10
Emma Downs �tab�5
Frank Downs �tab�2
H S Downs �tab�1
John S Mitchell �tab�25
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1884-1888
died at home of SIL Charles O Taylo. Paralysis 2-3 months ago, about 68
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
Ohio Marriages LDS
_Henry EVILSIZER ________________+ | (1780 - 1846) m 1798 _John EVILSIZER _______| | (1809 - 1860) m 1831 | | |_Elizabeth "Betsy" (Eitel) IDLE _ | (1784 - 1843) m 1798 | |--Mary Ellen EVILSIZER | (1835 - 1879) | _Cornelius COLLINS ______________ | | (1768 - 1850) |_Mary "Polly" COLLINS _| (1811 - 1880) m 1831 | |_________________________________
-pg 362
HH39 John Evilsizer,�b� �/b�41, farmer $700, VA
Mary,�b� �/b�39, OH
Elizabeth 17 OH
�b�Ellen �/b�15 OH
Frances J 12 IN
Louisa, 8, IN
John, 7 IN
Sarah C 5 IN
Euphraim, 2, IN
Marriage Record- County Record Books
Marriage Record- County Record Books
_Henry EVILSIZER ________________+ | (1780 - 1846) m 1798 _Squire EVILSIZOR ___| | (1812 - 1899) m 1835| | |_Elizabeth "Betsy" (Eitel) IDLE _ | (1784 - 1843) m 1798 | |--Jasper EVILSIZOR | (1837 - 1840) | _Phillip COMER __________________+ | | (1776 - 1830) m 1796 |_Christina COMER ____| (1810 - 1891) m 1835| |_Babara BAKER ___________________ m 1796
_Rolland J HARVEY _______ | m 1826 _Roland J HARVEY _______| | (1850 - 1921) m 1878 | | |_Phoebe Electia MATHEWS _ | m 1826 | |--Ola Chloe HARVEY | (1886 - 1974) | _Emanuel JENKINS ________+ | | (1825 - 1897) m 1850 |_Elizabeth Ann JENKINS _| (1856 - 1934) m 1878 | |_Mary "Catherine" BODEY _+ (1833 - 1915) m 1850
_Samuel T HEDGES ____+ | (1791 - 1880) m 1813 _James D HEDGES _______| | (1816 - ....) m 1841 | | |_Rebecca DUNLAP _____+ | (1798 - ....) m 1813 | |--Mollie L HEDGES | (1856 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Rebecca Ann HOLLOWAY _| (1821 - ....) m 1841 | |_____________________
1870 Census-Champaign Co, OH-Heritage Quest
Obituary Notice
Lew Ellingham [email protected] file on Frederick Bodey 6/2003
__ | _John MARSHALL ______| | (.... - 1890) | | |__ | | |--Charles W MARSHALL | (1823 - 1890) | __ | | |_____________________| | |__
C. W. Marshall �tab�56
Loraha Marshall �tab�50
Kashamia Phenix �tab�33 servant
Mary Murphy �tab�78 boarding
Champaign Co - Newspaper Articles 1889-1894
died in Denver; had gone to Calif for health reasons and was on his way home
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_John MAST _____________________+ | (1793 - 1881) m 1823 _John Emory MAST __________| | (1838 - 1922) m 1869 | | |_Elizabeth TRAGO _______________ | (1804 - 1880) m 1823 | |--Clarence S MAST | (1879 - 1936) | _Armando Sebastian STONEBRAKER _ | | (1811 - 1888) |_Minerva Jane STONEBRAKER _| (1847 - 1932) m 1869 | |_Sophia REMSBURG _______________ (1810 - 1888)
Clarence S Mast �tab�40
Clara Mast �tab�40
Mildred Jane Mast �tab�10
Henry Edmund Mast �tab�7
John Remsburg Mast �tab�5
Clarence Simpson Mast �tab�[2 3/12]
Champaign Co - Birth Records 1878-1884
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
_Isaac MILLER _______+ | (1819 - 1881) m 1842 _Joseph MILLER ______| | (1856 - ....) m 1884| | |_Anna MERRITT _______ | (1823 - 1895) m 1842 | |--Mary Ann MILLER | (1891 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Melvina E __________| (1854 - ....) m 1884| |_____________________
__ | _Nathaniel POTTER ___| | (.... - 1847) | | |__ | | |--Lucy R POTTER | (1809 - ....) | __ | | |_Mary Polly _________| (1812 - ....) | |__
CD 400 - Marriage Index, OH
_Andrew SEITZ ____________+ | (1807 - 1883) m 1833 _Jacob SEITZ ________| | (1853 - 1919) m 1899| | |_Mary Ann BAKER __________ | (1819 - 1897) m 1833 | |--J Harold SEITZ | (1909 - ....) | _Granville J LEBER _______+ | | (1844 - 1924) m 1874 |_Louisa LEBER _______| (1881 - 1953) m 1899| |_Sarah Jane HESSELGESSER _+ (1853 - 1918) m 1874
_Daniel SNYDER ______+ | (1788 - 1849) m 1809 _Daniel SNYDER ______| | (1808 - 1870) m 1830| | |_Barbara PENCE ______+ | (1789 - 1866) m 1809 | |--William P SNYDER | (1835 - 1898) | _____________________ | | |_Ann KIZER __________| (1811 - 1881) m 1830| |_____________________
Record Book 38, Page 508 - Filed 11 January 1871 Petition to Partition John Snyder vs William P. snyder and others Daniel Snyder died in 1870, seized of 240 acres of land located in the ea st half of the north- west quarter and the north- east quarter of section 1 6, 51 acres of land on the south side of the south- east quarter of Secti on 17 and 39.85 acres of land in the north- west quarter of the south- ea st quarter of Section 22 Township 4 Range 11. Anna Snyder was Daniels wido w. There were fourteen children: John Snyder; William Snyder; Elizabeth Snyder, wife of Hamilton Nagrew; Minerva Snyder; Mary Ann Snyder, wife of E. R. Johnson; Eliza Jane Snyder, wife of John M. Beach/Bench; Charles Snyder; Laura Snyder; Balfore/Balfour Snyder; Josephine Snyder; Cyrus Snyder; Martin V. B. Snyder, Maggie S. Snyder, wife of John W. Houx/Knox and David Snyder. The last five named people were non- residents of Ohio. Balfore and Joseph Snyder were minors.
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
b 1833
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1895-1900
Champaign Co - Cemteries Vol 1 & 2
Champaign Co - Newspaper Abstracts 1895-1900
Find-A-Grave Web Site www.find-a-grave.com
_Andrew Jackson WAGNER _ | (1846 - 1921) m 1871 _Carlton WAGNER _____| | (1890 - 1976) m 1913| | |_Lucinda BAKER _________ | (1852 - ....) m 1871 | |--Mary Jane (Mason) WAGNER | (1915 - 2006) | ________________________ | | |_Margaret CHEESEMAN _| (1895 - 1973) m 1913| |________________________
__ | _Jacob WIBEL ________| | (1820 - 1901) m 1855| | |__ | | |--William Albert WIBLE | (1867 - ....) | __ | | |_Anna PLANK _________| (1831 - 1908) m 1855| |__
Champaign Co- Newspaper Abstracts 1900-1916