4, 1934
Sunday 4th
( March) Temperature 48o to 58o heavy fog
and at 8:10 AM Rain lightly the ice is going out today and a
Big River over 28 ft. Four Steam Boats and 18 Barges of the Jones and
Laughlin fleet broke loose at Floreff early this AM came
over the Dam at Lock #3 and were landed by Carnegie Boats at Bell Bridge
bend. 20 or more Steele Barges of the Carnegie line broke loose at
Colonial Mines and the Steamers A.O. Ackard and Donora and Edgar
Thompson have been picking them up in front of the Town
quite a few of them are sunk several of them at Dam
#3 two are stuck on the comb of the Dam the
River is bank full of heavy ice. Raining at 6:30 PM
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