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Woodward DIAL3,483 was born on 19 Aug 1848.3,483 He died
Unknown.3 He is reference
number 58858. Parents: Joseph
DIAL and Emily Ann Elizabeth WOODWARD. Living DIANE.5,128 Spouse: Living HALSTEAD. Children were: Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD. Living DIANN.3 Spouse: Living MEADOWS. Spouse: Living EVANS. Children were: Living EVANS, Living EVANS, Living EVANS. Elizabeth DIARMEN3,167 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 59744. Spouse: Jonas WILSON. Jonas WILSON and Elizabeth DIARMEN were married. Reference Number:1014497 Children were: Elizabeth WILSON. DIAZ.213 Parents: Rodrigo Diaz De VIVAR and Jimena Ximene DIEGO. Elvira Christina DIAZ.213 Parents: Rodrigo Diaz De VIVAR and Jimena Ximene DIEGO. Spouse: Ramiro II Of NAVARRE. Children were: Garcia NAVARRE VII, Alonso Ramirez De NAVARRE. Jose DIAZ3,91 was born on 5 Mar 1905 in Gillette, TX.3,91 He died in May 1980 in El Campo, TX.3,91 He is reference number 99427. Spouse: Living MORENO. Children were: Living DIAZ, Living DIAZ, Living DIAZ, Living DIAZ, Living DIAZ, Living DIAZ. Living DIAZ.3 Parents: Jose DIAZ and Living MORENO. Spouse: Paul Donald SANCHEZ. Children were: Living PARRA, Living PARRA, Living SANCHEZ. Spouse: Living PARRA. Children were: Living PARRA, Living PARRA. Living DIAZ.3 Parents: Jose DIAZ and Living MORENO. Spouse: Living HERRERA. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living DIAZ. Living DIAZ.3 Parents: Jose DIAZ and Living MORENO. Spouse: Living MORALES. Children were: Living, Living. Spouse: Living PALACIO. Living DIAZ.3 Parents: Jose DIAZ and Living MORENO. Living DIAZ.3 Parents: Jose DIAZ and Living MORENO. Spouse: Living MANZANAREZ. Children were: Living MANZANAREZ, Living MANZANAREZ. Spouse: Living OVALLE-ALVARADO. Living DIAZ.3 Parents: Jose DIAZ and Living MORENO. Spouse: Living CASTRO. Spouse: Living SALAS. Children were: Living, Living. Living DIAZ.3 Parents: Living DIAZ and Living. Living DIAZ.5,128 Spouse: Living EXCELL. Dona Jimena Ximena DIAZ DE OVIEDO7,45 was born in 1054. She died in 1115. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Dona DATE 28 APR 2000 Parents: . Spouse: Count De Vivar Rodrigo Diaz El Cid CAMPEADOR'. Count De Vivar Rodrigo Diaz El Cid CAMPEADOR' and Dona Jimena Ximena DIAZ DE OVIEDO were married on 14 Jul 1074. Children were: Christina De BIVAR. Living DIBA.3 Spouse: Living MERSHIMER. Living DIBBERN.3 Spouse: Living RAKES. Children were: Living RAKES, Living RAKES, Living RAKES, Living RAKES, Living RAKES. Charlotte Bonsell DIBBLE377 was born in 1838.377 She died in 1921.377 Spouse: Edward Tiffin RECTOR. Edward Tiffin RECTOR and Charlotte Bonsell DIBBLE were married in 1868.377 Children were: Edgar Terwilligarr RECTOR, Homer Simpson RECTOR, Mary Charlotte RECTOR, Frank Leslie Rector MD. Emma Almyra DIBBLE.4,5 Spouse: Richard Hall SEDGWICK. Hepzibah DIBBLE.5,94,126,127 Spouse: Samuel GIBBS. Children were: Experience GIBBS. Living DIBBLE.3 Spouse: Living BOYD. Living DICE.3 Spouse: Living LIPKA. Children were: Living DICE. Living DICE.3 Parents: Living DICE and Living LIPKA. Alex DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59751. Parents: William James DICK and Margaret MCQUILLAN. Alexander DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59907. Parents: James DICK and Margaret BOYD. Alexander DICK3,167 was born on 29 Sep 1793 in Fairfield Cty. SC.3,167 He died on 28 Mar 1865 in Jefferson City, MO.3,167 He is reference number 59764. Parents: John DICK Sr. and Margaret WYLIE. Spouse: Elizabeth WILSON. Alexander DICK and Elizabeth WILSON were married on 9 Mar 1820.3,167 Reference Number:1014376 Children were: William Carroll DICK, Whitley DICK, Bird DICK, Ellen DICK, George W. DICK, Marion DICK, Amanda DICK, Lafayette DICK, Franklin DICK, Mary DICK, Jerusha DICK, Henry DICK, James DICK, Elizabeth DICK. Spouse: Elizabeth RAMSEY. Alexander DICK and Elizabeth RAMSEY were married on 22 Jun 1853 in Pulaski Cty., KY.3,167 Reference Number:1014364 Alexander Stroud DICK3,167 was born on 27 Sep 1856 in Laurel Cty. KY.3,167 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59772. Parents: Hezekiah DICK and Carolyn ADAMS. Amanda DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 59735. Parents: Alexander DICK and Elizabeth WILSON. America DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 59746. Parents: John DICK Sr. and Margaret WYLIE. America A. DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 59770. Parents: Hezekiah DICK and Carolyn ADAMS. Annette Pernicia DICK3,167 was born on 6 Sep 1910.3,167 She died on 7 May 1962 in Manchester, TN.3,167 She is reference number 59955. Parents: John William DICK and Minnie Alice LUTER. Spouse: John Ewell YATES. John Ewell YATES and Annette Pernicia DICK were married. Reference Number:1013133 Children were: Living YATES, Living YATES, Living YATES. Archibald DICK3,167 was born on 28 Dec 1788.3,167 He died on 16 Aug 1850.3,167 He is reference number 59743. Parents: John DICK Sr. and Margaret WYLIE. Spouse: Jerusha WILSON. Archibald DICK and Jerusha WILSON were married on 24 Dec 1811 in Pulaski Cty., KY.3,167 Reference Number:1014413 Children were: Elizabeth DICK. Bird DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59728. Parents: Alexander DICK and Elizabeth WILSON. Charlie DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59938. Parents: Dennis Washington DICK and Pernicie Frances LAWRENCE. Daphyn Cornelia DICK3,167 was born on 14 Nov 1903.3,167 She died in Dec 1997.3,167 She is reference number 59952. She was in Worked At The Curlee Clothing Manufacturer.3,167 She was in Baptist.3,167 Parents: John William DICK and Minnie Alice LUTER. Spouse: Berlon BRUCE. Berlon BRUCE and Daphyn Cornelia DICK were married. Reference Number:1016755 Children were: Living BRUCE, Living BRUCE. Dave DICK.3 Children were: Ryan DICK, Kevin DICK. Denis Marion DICK3,167 was born on 31 Dec 1901.3,167 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59951. Parents: John William DICK and Minnie Alice LUTER. Spouse: Living MCCLENDON. Spouse: Living ADAMS. Dennis Washington DICK3,167 was born on 17 Sep 1856.3,167 He died on 3 Sep 1919.3,167 He was also known as D.W.. He is reference number 59923. Parents: William DICK and Permelia Francis PITMAN. Spouse: Pernicie Frances LAWRENCE. Dennis Washington DICK and Pernicie Frances LAWRENCE were married. Reference Number:1016469 Children were: Charlie DICK, Luther DICK, Gertie DICK, George DICK, John William DICK, Elwood Franklin DICK. Elizabeth DICK3,95 was born about 1587 in Spouse: Thomas BOYD. Thomas BOYD and Elizabeth DICK were married. Reference Number:948950 Elizabeth DICK3,167 was born in 1816.3,167 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 59729. Parents: Alexander DICK and Elizabeth WILSON. Parents: Archibald DICK and Jerusha WILSON. Ellen DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 59730. Parents: Alexander DICK and Elizabeth WILSON. Elwood Franklin DICK3,167 was born on 3 Apr 1880.3,167 He died on 2 Jan 1965.3,167 He is reference number 59931. Parents: Dennis Washington DICK and Pernicie Frances LAWRENCE. Spouse: Carrie L. WINGO. Elwood Franklin DICK and Carrie L. WINGO were married. Reference Number:1016588 Spouse: Mary Nola CAGLE. Elwood Franklin DICK and Mary Nola CAGLE were married. Reference Number:1016589 Children were: Living DICK, Living DICK, Living DICK. Francis D. DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59771. Parents: Hezekiah DICK and Carolyn ADAMS. Franklin DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59737. Parents: Alexander DICK and Elizabeth WILSON. George DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59941. Parents: Dennis Washington DICK and Pernicie Frances LAWRENCE. George W. DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59733. Parents: Alexander DICK and Elizabeth WILSON. Gertie DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 59940. Parents: Dennis Washington DICK and Pernicie Frances LAWRENCE. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Paul, Dick. Granville Gentry DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59773. Parents: Hezekiah DICK and Carolyn ADAMS. Henry DICK3,167 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 59740. Parents: Alexander DICK and Elizabeth WILSON. |