Ancestors of Lazurus Long & Lilieb555 - with connections to others peoples work
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Lydia EDMUNDS.5,94,126,127 Parents: John EDMUNDS and Silence EMERSON.

[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]5,94,126,127 She was born in 1750.5,94,126,127 She is reference number 9245. Parents: Benjamin EDMUNDS and Mehitabel TRUESDELL.

Mehitabel EDMUNDS5,94,126,127 was born in 1753.5,94,126,127 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]5,94,126,127 She is reference number 9244. Parents: Benjamin EDMUNDS and Mehitabel TRUESDELL.

Molly EDMUNDS5,94,126,127 was born in 1750.5,94,126,127 She is reference number 9243. Parents: Benjamin EDMUNDS and Mehitabel TRUESDELL.

Reuben EDMUNDS.5,94,126,127 Parents: John EDMUNDS and Silence EMERSON.

Sarah EDMUNDS5,94,126,127 was born in 1757.5,94,126,127 She is reference number 9242. Parents: Benjamin EDMUNDS and Mehitabel TRUESDELL.

Silence EDMUNDS.5,94,126,127 Parents: John EDMUNDS and Silence EMERSON.

Esther EDMUNDSON3,78 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 27855.

Spouse: William HAINES. William HAINES and Esther EDMUNDSON were married on 9 Apr 1792 in Warrington, Bucks, Pennsylvania.3,78 Reference Number:530124

Erik EDMUNDSSON5,128 was born about 849 in Sweden.5,128 He died about 900.5,128 He is reference number 2049. Parents: Edmund ERIKSSON.

Children were: Bjorn ERIKSSON.

King Of Sweden Erik EDMUNDSSON7,64,117 was born in 849 in Sweden. He died in 900. Also Known As:<_AKA> Erik /Edmundsson/
There was much disturbance of the peace by the vikings inland in Gautland during his time. Parents: Edmund ERIKSSON.

Children were: King Of Sweden Bjorn ERIKSSON.

Erik Sweden Goten EDMUNDSSON7,101 was born about 849 in , , , Sweden. He died about 900. Parents: .

Children were: Bjorn ERIKSSON.

Olaf EDMUNDSSON5,128 was born about 933 in Sweden.5,128 He died about 974.5,128 He is reference number 2031. Parents: Bjorn ERIKSSON.

Spouse: INGEBERGE. Olaf EDMUNDSSON and INGEBERGE were married. Reference Number:2206 Children were: Styrbjorn STARKE.


Spouse: Frank CROSIER. Children were: Nettie CROSIER.

EDNA3,407 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 42443.

Spouse: William J. BOYD. William J. BOYD and EDNA were married. Reference Number:760997 Children were: Living BOYD, Living BOYD, Living BOYD, Living BOYD.

EDNA3,676 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 52429. [boyd-trees.ged]


1920 Census - living in Blairsville Township, IL near Otho & Emma Boyd (Aunt Em)

Spouse: Grover G. ANDERSON. Grover G. ANDERSON and EDNA were married about 1915 in Illinois.3,676 Reference Number:910350 Children were: Living ANDERSON, Living ANDERSON.


Spouse: William THACKABERRY.


Spouse: Jefferson CROSE. Children were: Eva CROSE.

EDNA3,425 died in 1981.3,425 She was born WFT Est 1863-1887.3,425 She is reference number 67893.

Spouse: Lawerence MERSHIMER. Lawerence MERSHIMER and EDNA were married WFT Est 1868-1915.3,425 Reference Number:1126748 Children were: Tod MERSHIMER.

EDNA5,128 was born in 1885 in Unknown.5,128 She died in 1986 in Ashlemd Cemetery Wellsburg NY.5,128 She is reference number 1317.

Spouse: Frank H. COLWELL. Frank H. COLWELL and EDNA were married in Unknown.5,128 Reference Number:1911 Children were: Daniel COLWELL.

Living EDNA. Parents: AZRIAIL.

Spouse: Unknown METHUSELAH\METHYSALEM. Children were: Living ELIAKIM, Living RAKE'EL, LAMECH.

Living EDNA. Parents: Living DANEL.

Spouse: ENOCH. Children were: Unknown METHUSELAH\METHYSALEM, Living BARAKI'IL.

Living EDNA. Parents: AZRIAIL.

Spouse: Unknown METHUSELAH\METHYSALEM. Children were: Living ELIAKIM, Living RAKE'EL, LAMECH.

Living EDNA. Parents: Living DANEL.

Spouse: ENOCH. Children were: Living BARAKI'IL, Unknown METHUSELAH\METHYSALEM.

Living EDNI. Parents: Living DANEL.

EDNOWAIN7,14 was born about 913 in Of Wales.

Spouse: Ednowain EDNOWAIN. EDNOWAIN and Ednowain EDNOWAIN were married in . Children were: Seisyll Ap EDNOWAIN.

Ednowain EDNOWAIN7,14 was born about 918 in Of Wales.

Spouse: EDNOWAIN. EDNOWAIN and Ednowain EDNOWAIN were married in . Children were: Seisyll Ap EDNOWAIN.

Seisyll Ap EDNOWAIN7,79,233 was born about 938 in Wales. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] Ancestral File Number:<AFN> FLH5-9G
GEDCOM line 31861 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 GIVN Seissylt (Seisyll)

GEDCOM line 31862 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 SURN ap Ednowain

Tur ton's "Plantagenet Ancestry: 6.html#I2250 Parents: EDOWAIN. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: EDNOWAIN and Ednowain EDNOWAIN.

Spouse: Prawst Verch ELISE. Seisyll Ap EDNOWAIN and Prawst Verch ELISE were married. Children were: Cynan Ap SEISYLL, King Of Deheubarth & Seis Llewellyn AP SEISYLL.

Angharad Verch EDNYFED7,10 was born about 1180 in Of, Is Dulas, Denbighshire, Wales. Parents: Ednyfed Ap CYNWRIG and Tangwystl VERCH LLYWARCH.

Cynwrig Ap EDNYFED7,10 was born about 1170 in Of, Tregarnedd, Llangivni, Anglesey, Wales. Parents: Ednyfed Ap CYNWRIG and Tangwystl VERCH LLYWARCH.

Gwenllian Verch EDNYFED7,10 was born about 1172 in Of, Tregarnedd, Llangivni, Anglesey, Wales. Parents: Ednyfed Ap CYNWRIG and Tangwystl VERCH LLYWARCH.

Hywel Ap EDNYFED7,10 was born about 1168 in Of, Tregarnedd, Llangivni, Anglesey, Wales. He died after 1247. Parents: Ednyfed Ap CYNWRIG and Tangwystl VERCH LLYWARCH.

Iorwerth Ap EDNYFED7,10 was born about 1174 in Of, Tregarnedd, Llangivni, Anglesey, Wales. He was also known as Ygwahanglwyfus. Parents: Ednyfed Ap CYNWRIG and Tangwystl VERCH LLYWARCH.

Llywelyn Ap EDNYFED7,10 was born about 1166 in Of, Tregarnedd, Llangivni, Anglesey, Wales. Parents: Ednyfed Ap CYNWRIG and Tangwystl VERCH LLYWARCH.

Rhys Ap EDNYFED7,10 was born about 1176 in Of, Tregarnedd, Llangivni, Anglesey, Wales. Parents: Ednyfed Ap CYNWRIG and Tangwystl VERCH LLYWARCH.

Rhys Sais Ap EDNYFED7,10,33,120 was born about 985 in , , Wales. Parents: Ednyfed Ap LLYWARCH and Sioned Or Jonet Verch RHIWALLON.

Spouse: Efa Verch GRUFFUDD HIR. Rhys Sais Ap EDNYFED and Efa Verch GRUFFUDD HIR were married. Children were: Ranulp De WRENOC, Tudur Ap RHYS SAIS.

Tudur Ap EDNYFED7,10 was born about 1178 in Of, Tregarnedd, Llangivni, Anglesey, Wales. Parents: Ednyfed Ap CYNWRIG and Tangwystl VERCH LLYWARCH.

Gwenllian Verch EDNYWAIN.10

Spouse: Owain Ap GRUFFYDD.

Morwyl Verch EDNYWAIN7,342 was born about 1048 in Of Tegaingl, Flintshire, Wales. She died about 1077. GIVN Morwyl Verch
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1 987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of La tter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 7 AUG 2000
TIME 01:00:00

GIVN Morwyl V erch
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUT H The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, Jun e 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
REPO @RE PO1097@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR An cestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 199 8, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
REPO @REPO109 7@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sain ts
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestr al File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Chur ch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, da ta as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
T ITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
P UBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral Fi le (R)
DATE 7 AUG 2000
TIME 01:00:00

TITL World Family Tree Vol . 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
C ustomer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
T EXT Date of Import: 13 May 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Br derbund Software, Inc.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Family Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 13 May 1998
TITL World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
AUTH Brderbund Software, In c.
PUBL Release date: July 28, 1997
Customer pedigree.
MEDI Fami ly Archive CD
PAGE Tree #0940
TEXT Date of Import: 13 May 1998AFN: FJGV -DM

DATE 29 APR 2000 Parents: Ednywain Bendew I Ap NEINIAD and Gwerful Verch LLUDDICA.

Spouse: Lord Of Flint Owain AP EDWIN. Lord Of Flint Owain AP EDWIN and Morwyl Verch EDNYWAIN were married about 1063. REFN 86664 Children were: Ankaret Ferch OWAIN, Gronwy Ap OWAIN.

EDOWAIN7,79 was born about 908 in , , , Wales. GEDCOM line 70345 not recognizable or too long:
() 2 GIVN Edowain


Children were: Seisyll Ap EDNOWAIN.

EDRED7,378 died about 1012. Parents: King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and Elgiva Of NORTHUMBRIA.

EDRIC.10,14,33,64,173 Parents: King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and Queen Of England Aelflaed Alfgifu Alfflaid GUNNAARSDOTTIR.

Prince Of England EDRIC.378 Parents: King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and Elgiva Of NORTHUMBRIA.

Alice EDRINGTON3,91 was born on 6 Dec 1925 in Kingsville, Kleberg, TX.3,91 She died on 18 Dec 1992 in Houston, Harris, TX.3,91 She is reference number 99104. Parents: Leslie Morgan EDRINGTON and Georgia Elizabeth GRAUL.

Spouse: Ernest Webb William PERRY. Ernest Webb William PERRY and Alice EDRINGTON were married. Reference Number:1584227 Children were: Living PERRY, Living PERRY, Living PERRY.

Benjamin EDRINGTON3,91 was born in 1746 in Stafford , VA.3,91 He died after 1810.3,91 He is reference number 99289. Parents: John EDRINGTON and Margaret MUSE.

Burwell EDRINGTON3,91 was born in 1780 in Fairfield Co., SC.3,91 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 99442. Parents: James EDRINGTON and Catherine MCTIER.

Catherine Mctier Or Mckentosh EDRINGTON3,91 was born in 1800 in Green Co., KY.3,91 She died after 14 Feb 1867 in Trigg Co., KY.3,91 She is reference number 99445. Parents: James EDRINGTON and Catherine MCTIER.

Christopher EDRINGTON3,91 was born in 1629 in England.3,91 He lived in Old Rappahannock Co., VA in 1666.3,91 He died in 1678 in Old Rappahannock Co., VA.3,91 He is reference number 99245. [boyd-trees.ged]



Born possibly to Christopher Etherington and Alice Ullstrom in

Spouse: Margaret JENNINGS PAYNE. Christopher EDRINGTON and Margaret JENNINGS PAYNE were married on 16 Feb 1671 in Old Rappa Co., VA.3,91 Reference Number:1586031 Children were: Christopher EDRINGTON II.

Christopher EDRINGTON II3,91 was born about 1672 in Sittingbourne Parish, Rappahannock Co., VA.3,91 He died on 21 Feb 1738 in Hanover Parish, King George Co., VA Stafford Co. Vaor.3,91 He is reference number 99232. Parents: Christopher EDRINGTON and Margaret JENNINGS PAYNE.

Spouse: Mary PAYTON. Christopher EDRINGTON II and Mary PAYTON were married in 1698 in King George , VA.3,91 Reference Number:987140 Children were: Susanna EDRINGTON, Mildred EDRINGTON, Mary EDRINGTON, Elizabeth EDRINGTON, Christopher EDRINGTON III, Sarah EDRINGTON, William EDRINGTON, John EDRINGTON, Hester EDRINGTON.

Christopher EDRINGTON III3,91 was born on 23 Feb 1708 in Westmoreland, VA.3,91 He died on 25 Mar 1740 in Westmoreland, VA.3,91 He is reference number 99247. Parents: Christopher EDRINGTON II and Mary PAYTON.

Spouse: Mary Lovell HARRISON. Christopher EDRINGTON III and Mary Lovell HARRISON were married. Reference Number:1586229

Christopher EDRINGTON3,91,95 was born on 16 Apr 1749 in , Stafford Co., VA..3 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,91 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 57450. He has Ancestral File Number C9VZ-82. Parents: William EDRINGTON and Elizabeth Betty HELMS.

Spouse: ELIZABETH. Christopher EDRINGTON and ELIZABETH were married. Reference Number:987032

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