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ETERIS5,94,409 was born
on 14 Aug 1751 in Berks County, Pennsylvania.5,94,409
He died on 3 Nov 1800.5,94,409 He is
reference number 8983. Parents: Johann
Peter EADER and Maria DOROTHY. Spouse: CHRISTINA. Children were: Johann Peter ETERIS, Johann Wilhelm ETERIS, Daniel ETERIS, Elizabeth ETERIS, Anna ETERIS. John George ETERIS5,94,409 was born about 1748 in Pennsylvania.5,94,409 He died in 1814.5,94,409 He is reference number 8979. Parents: Johann Peter EADER and Maria DOROTHY. Spouse: Martha EGBERT. Children were: Maria ETERIS, Johannes ETERIS, Joseph ETERIS. Joseph ETERIS5,94,409 was born on 4 Feb 1775 in Whitpain Twonship, Montgomery, PA.5,94,409 He is reference number 9004. Parents: John George ETERIS and Martha EGBERT. Maria ETERIS5,94,409 was born on 9 Mar 1772 in Whitpain Twonship, Montgomery, PA.5,94,409 She is reference number 9002. Parents: John George ETERIS and Martha EGBERT. Maria Veronica ETERIS5,94,409 was born about 1742 in Pennsylvania.5,94,409 She died in Montgomery, Pennsylvania.5,94,409 She is reference number 8973. Parents: Johann Peter EADER and Maria DOROTHY. Spouse: Jacob SHIETZ\SHEETZ. ETHAN.279,280 Parents: ZERAH and ELECTRA. ETHEL.394 Spouse: Oscar LEHMAN. Children were: Living LEHMAN. ETHEL3,399 was born.3,399,400 She died Unknown.3,399,400 She is reference number 11564. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]3,399,400 Spouse: James Burg HATCHER. James Burg HATCHER and ETHEL were married.3,399,400 Reference Number:270818 Children were: Living HATCHER. Mary ETHEL3,387,393 died Unknown.3,387 She is reference number 60664. Spouse: James Harry POWELL. James Harry POWELL and Mary ETHEL were married in Jan 1906.3,387,393 Reference Number:1025608 ETHELBURGA.14,280 Spouse: King Of Withred KENT. ETHELHELM.139,242,243 Parents: Harald II Fra DANMARK and Elgiva Elfgifu' WESSEX. Aelfleda ETHELHELM7,10,14,20,21,32,33,64,120,165,250 was born about 878 in Of, Wessex, England.32 She died in 920.20 She was buried in Winchester Cathedral, London, England. GEDCOM line 24184 not recognizable or too long: () 2 GIVN Elflaed (Aelflaed) Weis' "AR" (45:16) identifies her as the mother of Eadgyth. Parents: . Parents: AETHELHELM and Lady Aethelgyth Of MERCIA. Parents: . Spouse: West Saxon King Of Edward ENGLAND I. West Saxon King Of Edward ENGLAND I and Aelfleda ETHELHELM were married in 901 in Berkshire, England.20,32,250 Children were: Edhilda OF WESSEX, Aelfleda ENGLAND, Ogive Of FRANCE, Elgiva OF WESSEX, Aethelflaeda ENGLAND, Edgiva OF WESSEX, Aethelhilda ENGLAND, Princess Of England Eadgyth OF ENGLAND, Prince Of Edgiva FRANCE, Prince Of Ethelwerd ELFWERD, Princess Of England Edith OF ENGLAND, Princess Of Edhilda Of ENGLAND. Earl Of Mercia ETHELRED I7,27,113,163,516,530,2624 was born in 865 in Mercia, England. He died in 912. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> GXQD-R9 DATE 17 MAY 2000 Parents: The Great, Earl Of Mercia HUGH. Spouse: Queen Of Mercia Aethelflaed Of WESSEX. Earl Of Mercia ETHELRED I and Queen Of Mercia Aethelflaed Of WESSEX were married. Children were: Elfwina Of MERCIA. Spouse: Princess Of Ethelfleda ENGLAND. Earl Of Mercia ETHELRED I and Princess Of Ethelfleda ENGLAND were married in 886. Children were: Elfwina Of ELFWINA, Elfwina Of MERCIA. Spouse: Princess Of Elfrida ENGLAND. Earl Of Mercia ETHELRED I and Princess Of Elfrida ENGLAND were married in 886. Children were: Lady Of Mercia ELFWYNN. King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II7,10,14,20,21,27,32,33,44,46,47,48,64,81,104,105,113,120,122,130,173,174,175,176,233,248,261,304,377 was born in 968 in Wessex, England.20,32,81,104,157,304 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He died on 23 Apr 1016 in London, Middlesex, England.20,32,81,104,304 He was buried on 23 Apr 1016 in St Paul's, London, Middlesex, England.201 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was also known as The Unready. He was also known as Ethelred The Unready. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin]113 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Also Known As:<_AKA> Ethelred II the Unready King of /England/ Name Suffix:<NS FX> King Of Aethelred, one of the most hated kings of England, inherited the t hrone when he was ten years old. His name comes from the Anglo Saxon name for him, "Unraed," which means "evil-counseled," or "uncounseled," and was a pun on his name. Later generations, after the language had changed, produced the pun we have here. He was supposed to be licentious and mean. He was not read y for the Danes to renew their attack. They had been pretty docile since Alfre d, the Great. He lost all of England. His son Edmund II Ironside, briefly rec overed some of it, but then King Canute (and 2 other Danish kings) took over un til Aethelred's other son, Edward the Confessor, regained the throne--only to l ose it (for the Saxons anyway) in the next generation to William the Conqueror. ------------------------------------------------ Ethelred II, also spell ed AETHELRED, byname ETHELRED THE UNREADY, or AETHELRED UNRAED (b. 968? - d. 23 April 1016, London), king of the English from 978 to 1013 and from 1014 to 101 6. He was an ineffectual ruler who failed to prevent the Danes from overrunnin g England. The epithet "unready" is derived from unraed, meaning "evil counsel ." The son of King Edgar (ruled 959-975), Ethelred ascended the throne upon the assassination of his half brother King Edward the Martyr in March 978. Wid espread suspicion that Ethelred may have had a part in the murder created much of the distrust and disloyalty that undermined his authority. Hence, there was no unified defense when the Danish invasions resumed in 980. Nearly all of the country was ravaged, and Ethelred's efforts to buy peace only made the inva ders more rapacious. When they did begin to settle down in towns, Ethelred pro voked further invasions by launching a massacre of Danish settlers (13 Nov 1002 ). By the end of 1013 the Danish king Sweyn I had been accepted as king in Eng land, and Ethelred had fled to Normandy. After Sweyn died in Feb 1014, Ethel red's council of advisers invited him to return to the throne on condition that he agree to satisfy their grievances. At the time of Ethelred's death in 1016 , Sweyn's son Canute was ravaging England. Ethelred was succeeded by his son E dmund II Ironside (ruled 1016); one of his other sons ruled England as Edward t he Confessor from 1042 to 1066. [Encylcopaedia Britannica] Ancestral File N umber:<AFN> B19R-5C King of Wessex/England: March 978 - April 23, 1016. E thelred, son of King Edgar, and brother of Edward, was consecrated king before all the nobles of England at Kingston. An evil omen, as St. Dunstan interpreted it, had happened to him in his infancy. For at his baptism he made water in th e font; whence the man of God predicted the slaughter of the English people tha t would take place in his time. (Henry of Huntingdon) Edwardthe Martyr and A ethelred became the focus of rival factions after their father's death in 975 a nd the consequence was Edward's murder 3 years later. (The Oxford Illustrate d History of the British Monarchy, by J. Cannon & R. Griffiths,1988) Aethelr ed became king when he was only 10 years old, after the murderof his older brot her, Edward "the Martyr". He reigned for 34 years. Ethelredhas had a consis tently bad press, starting with his collusion in the murderof his predecessor a nd stepbrother, Edward, and ending with his ultimate defeat through mishandling renewed Danish invasions. (The Oxford Book of Royal Anecdotes, edited by Eliz abeth Longford, 1989) He was said to be a cruel and foolishman; totally unfi tted to war against the Danes. Archbishop Wulfstan wasAethelred II's adviser . (The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy,byJ.Cannon & R. Grif fiths, 1988) The fact that he was called "the Unready" doesnot imply that he lacked energy or resource, but is a corruption of the OldEnglish unraed, "bad Councel", which is in reference to his misfortuneAlso Known As:<_AKA> the /Unready/ Reign 978-1016 Æthelred II, the Unready (9 78-1016 AD) He succeeded to the throne after the murder of his half-brother, Edward II, the Martyr, at the age of ten. His reign was plagued by poor advice from his personal favorites and suspicions of his complicity in Edward's murde r. His was a rather long and ineffective reign, which was notable for little ot her than the payment of the Danegeld, an attempt to buy off the Viking invaders with money. The relentless invasions by the Danish Vikings, coupled with their ever-escalating demands for more money, forced him to abandon his throne in 10 13. He fled to Normandy for safety, but was later recalled to his old throne at the death of Svein Forkbeard in 1014. He died in London in 1016. Name Suffix:<NSFX> II 1 _FA1 2 PLAC Reigned 979-1013 (deposed) and 1014-10 16. House of Wessex. 2 SOUR S283806 2 SOUR S286879 3 PAGE line 1 pp 1-4, line 34 pp 37-38 3 DATA 4 TEXT reigned 979-1016 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 27 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S403153 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 28 Mar 1999 1 _F A2 2 PLAC (1002) Ordered slaughter of all Danes in south of England, incl. S weyn's sister. 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S26137 4 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 27 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S403153 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 28 Mar 1999 1 _FA3 2 PLAC Repeated Danish raids forc ed paymnt of huge tributes (Danegeld). 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 27 Mar 1999 2 SO UR S403153 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 28 Mar 1999 1 _FA4 2 PLAC Dr iven into exile by Sweyn the Dane (1013) but returned after his death (1014). 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 27 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S403153 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Im port: 28 Mar 1999 1 _FA5 2 PLAC Died during Canute's invasion of England. 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S28683 4 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 27 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S403153 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of I mport: 28 Mar 1999 1 _FA6 2 PLAC When he acceded, desribed as "comely, han dsome & elegant manners." 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 1 4 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 27 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S403153 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 28 Mar 1999 1 _FA7 2 PLAC One of the wors t kings in English history. 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 27 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S403153 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 28 Mar 1999 1 _FA8 2 PLAC Buried: St. Paul's, London, Middlesex, England. 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S286834 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 16 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S261374 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 27 Mar 1999 2 SOUR S403153 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 28 Mar 1999 [large-G675.FTW] Reigned 978-1016. Ethelred II acceded the throne of England in 978 and was ca lled either Aethelred or Ethelred II the Unready, KIng of England. Reigned 979- 1013 (deposed) and 1014-1016. In light of repeated Danish raids, he was forced to pay huge tributes (Danegeld). He was driven into exile by Sweyn but returne d after his death. Died during Canute's invasion of England. Burke says he di ed 1010. REF: British Monarchy Official Website: Ethelred II (reigned 978-10 16) tried to buy off renewed attacks by the Vikings with money levied through a tax called the Danegeld. Eventually, in 1013 Ethelred fled to Normandy when Sw eyn (the Danish king's son) dispossessed him; and Ethelred returned to rule af ter Sweyn's death in 1014. Acceded 979-1013 & 1014-1016. Ethelred 'the Unre ady' Edgar's sudden death at the age of 33 led to a succession dispute between rival factions supporting his sons Edward and Ethelred. The elder son Edward ( reigned 975-978) was murdered in 978 at Corfe Castle, Dorset, by his seven year old half-brother's supporters. For the rest of Ethelred's reign (reigned 978-1 016), his brother became a posthumous rallying po Parents: King Of England Edgar ENGLAND and Elfrida ORDGAR. Parents: . Parents: . Parents: King Of England Edgar ENGLAND and Queen Of Elfrida ENGLAND. Parents: King Of England Edgar ENGLAND and Aelfthryth EALDORMAN. Parents: King Of England Edgar ENGLAND and Queen Of Elfrida ENGLAND. Parents: . Parents: . Spouse: [Queen Of England] Emma AELFGIFU. King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and [Queen Of England] Emma AELFGIFU were married on 5 Apr 1002 in Normandy, France.16,20,50,81,113,201,249,263,277,377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]50,249 _STATMARRIED Children were: \King Of England\ EDWARD, GODA, Countess Vexin, Princess Goda GODGIFU, King Of England ST.EDWARD, King Of England\ ST. EDWARD III, Godgifu OF ENGLAND, Princess Of England GODGIFU, Prince Of Edred ENGLAND, Prince Of Alfred ATHELING OF ENGLAND, Ingelric ENGLAND, King Of Edward ENGLAND III, Princess Of Aelfgifu ENGLAND, Princess Of Adgina ENGLAND. Spouse: Alfgifu GUNNARSSON. King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and Alfgifu GUNNARSSON were married in Wessex, England. Children were: King Of Edmund ENGLAND II, Elgiva ENGLAND. Spouse: AELTHELGIFE. King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and AELTHELGIFE were married. _STATMARRIED Spouse: Aelfgifu Of NORTHUMBRIA. King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and Aelfgifu Of NORTHUMBRIA were married. Children were: King Of Edmund ENGLAND II, Princess Of Wessex\ Alfgifu ENGLAND. Spouse: Queen Of England Aelflaed Alfgifu Alfflaid GUNNAARSDOTTIR. King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and Queen Of England Aelflaed Alfgifu Alfflaid GUNNAARSDOTTIR were married about 985 in Wessex, England.15,20,32,50,81,227,249,263,304,305 _STATMARRIED Children were: Aelfgifu Of NORTHUMBRIA, EDRIC, Prince Of Athelstan ENGLAND, Prince Of Ecgbert OF ENGLAND, Princess Of Wessex\ Alfgifu ENGLAND, King Of Edmund ENGLAND II, Prince Of Edred ENGLAND, Unknown OF ENGLAND, Prince Of Eadwig ENGLAND, King Of England Harold II Godwineson, Prince Of Edward ENGLAND, Prince Of Edgar ENGLAND, Princess Of Wulfhild ENGLAND, Ingelric ENGLAND, Queen Ringmere Princess Of ENGLAND, Edwy OF ENGLAND, Princess Of Aethelreda ENGLAND, Wulfhilda OF ENGLAND, Edgive OF ENGLAND. Spouse: Elgiva Of NORTHUMBRIA. King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and Elgiva Of NORTHUMBRIA were married about 985. Children were: EGBERT, EDRED, EDWY, EDWARD, EDGAR, EDITH, WULFHILDA, Daughter Of II AETHELRED, Abess Of WHERWELL, Prince Of England EDRIC, ATHELSTAN, Elgiva Of WESSEX, King Of Edmund ENGLAND II. Spouse: Alffaed GUNNARSSON. King Of England Aethelred ETHELRED II and Alffaed GUNNARSSON were married in 985 in Wessex, England.104 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]104,113 Children were: Princess Of Wessex\ Alfgifu ENGLAND, King Of Edmund ENGLAND II. Spouse: Aelthelgife (Of WESSEX). ETHELRIDA7,121 was born about 1130 in , , England. Spouse: Jordan FITZ ESSULF. Jordan FITZ ESSULF and ETHELRIDA were married. Children were: Richard De THORNHILL. ETHELSWITH7,163 was born about 851. She died in 888. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> G0Z9-V6 Parents: King Of Kent & Aethelwulf WESSEX and Lady Of Wessex, Queen Of Osburga WESSEX. ETHELWALD.139,242,243 Parents: Harald II Fra DANMARK and Elgiva Elfgifu' WESSEX. ETHELWOLD7,174 was born about 930. Spouse: Queen Of Elfrida ENGLAND. ETHELWOLD and Queen Of Elfrida ENGLAND were married about 955. Son Of ETHELWULF7,242,342,465,466 was born before 849.465,466 Would you like a CD with all of the current information on my family. If so, se nd me an email and I will give you my address where you can send $10.00 to cove r my expense of sending you a CD with all of the information here and pictures. If you have information relating to our tree, then please email me at jcrun [email protected]. I will be very interested in what you have and adding it to my tree. I have had several request to remove some individuals, unfortunatly, I have lost those request due to a computer crash. If you will please send my t hose request again, I will remove them on my next update. For now please accept my appologies. Thanks, John Crunk Parents: King Of Kent & Aethelwulf WESSEX and Lady Of Wessex, Queen Of Osburga WESSEX. Benjamin ETHERIDGE.234 Spouse: Gelina Ann RISLEY. Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE5,128 was born about 1870.5,128 He died in Jan 1958 in St. Brides, Chesapeake, VA..5,128 He is reference number 9053. Spouse: Laura Virginia HALSTEAD. Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE and Laura Virginia HALSTEAD were married on 11 Jul 1888.5 Reference Number:33649 Children were: Luther ETHERIDGE, Martha Elizabeth ETHERIDGE, Evelyn Virginia ETHERIDGE, Otis Lee ETHERIDGE, Indiana ETHERIDGE, Susan Mae ETHERIDGE, Samuel ETHERIDGE, James Calvin ETHERIDGE. Cherrie Margaret ETHERIDGE3,1315 was born on 23 Jul 1854 in Bywayh, Missisippi.3,1315 She died on 15 Mar 1942 in Knickerbocker, Texas.3,1315 She is reference number 947. Spouse: Theodore David BOYD. Theodore David BOYD and Cherrie Margaret ETHERIDGE were married on 10 Apr 1871 in Choctaw County, Mississippi.3,1315 Reference Number:25485 Children were: John Robinson BOYD. Evelyn Virginia ETHERIDGE5,128 was born in 1896.5,128 She died in 1965 in Norfolk Co., VA..5,128 She is reference number 9314. Parents: Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE and Laura Virginia HALSTEAD. Indiana ETHERIDGE5,128 was born in May 1900.5,128 He died in 1998 in Great Bridge, Chesapeak, VA.5,128 He is reference number 9319. Parents: Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE and Laura Virginia HALSTEAD. James Calvin ETHERIDGE5,128 was born in 1909 in Mother Died In This Chialds Birth.5,128 He died in 1957 in Batlimore, MD.5,128 He is reference number 9318. Parents: Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE and Laura Virginia HALSTEAD. Living ETHERIDGE.5,128 Spouse: Living HALSTEAD. Children were: Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD. Spouse: Living HALSTEAD. Children were: Living HALSTEAD, Living HALSTEAD. Luther ETHERIDGE5,128 was born in May 1891.5,128 He died in 1956 in Suffolk, VA.5,128 He is reference number 9315. Parents: Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE and Laura Virginia HALSTEAD. Lydia ETHERIDGE5,128 was born about 1757.5,128 She is reference number 8793. Spouse: Nathaniel HALSTEAD. Nathaniel HALSTEAD and Lydia ETHERIDGE were married on 18 Aug 1796 in Norfolk Co., VA.5 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]5,128 Reference Number:32860 Children were: John Etheridge HALSTEAD, Franky HALSTEAD, Elizabeth HALSTEAD. Martha Elizabeth ETHERIDGE5,128 was born on 27 Apr 1894 in Norfolk Co., VA.5,128 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]5,128 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]5,128 She died on 10 Aug 2000 in Chesapeak, VA.5,128 She was also known as Bettie. She was buried in Pleasant Grove Cemeteru, Hickory, Chesapeak, VA.5,128 She is reference number 9313. Parents: Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE and Laura Virginia HALSTEAD. Spouse: George Wilson CULPEPER. George Wilson CULPEPER and Martha Elizabeth ETHERIDGE were married. Children were: Living CULPEPER, Living CULPEPER, Fleetwood Wilson Sr. CULPEPER, George Winfred CULPEPER, Ervin Etheridge CULPEPER. Otis Lee ETHERIDGE5,128 was born in Mar 1898.5,128 He died in Batlimore, MD.5,128 He is reference number 9317. Parents: Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE and Laura Virginia HALSTEAD. Samuel ETHERIDGE5,128 was born in 1906.5,128 He died in 1956 in Batlimore, MD.5,128 He is reference number 9316. Parents: Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE and Laura Virginia HALSTEAD. Samuel Norfleet ETHERIDGE5,128 was born about 1864.5,128 He is reference number 8840. Spouse: Georgia Columbia HALSTEAD. Samuel Norfleet ETHERIDGE and Georgia Columbia HALSTEAD were married. Reference Number:32975 Susan Mae ETHERIDGE5,128 was born in May 1903.5,128 She died on 28 Jun 1990.5,128 She is reference number 9312. Parents: Calvin Joseph ETHERIDGE and Laura Virginia HALSTEAD. Spouse: Walter CARTWRIGHT. Randell ETHERINGTON.377 Spouse: Janet CONSTABLE. Margaret A. ETHERTON.5,94,409 Spouse: Richard T. ATER. ETHICO.64,101,131,242 Parents: Duke Of Guelph ALTDORF I and Edith Hedwig Of SAXONY. Count Of Altdorf I ETHICO7,25,26 was born about 800.25 He died in 870.25 He was buried in 870.25 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count of Altdorf 2 SOUR S0001921 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date o f Import: Mar 22, 1999 Gedcom G419 =========== Submitted to Broderbund b y: Robert W. McGahuey 203 Willowbrook Court Winchester, VA 22602 (540) 723 -8974 Created by: Pat Adams 2111 Albemarle Terrace Brooklyn, NY 11226-39 05 (718) 469-4032 Parents: Count Of Bavaria & Swabia Welf GUELPH I and Dutchess Of Bavaria Edith VON SAXONY. Living ETHYL.377 Spouse: Living WEITMAN. Children were: Living WEITMAN, Living WEITMAN, Living WEITMAN. Count In The Breisgaus ETICHO7,121 was born about 853. He died about 910 in Ettal, Amergau. Parents: Count Of Argengau WELF. ETIENETTE7,340,497 died in 1100.340 2 SOUR S0085816 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 16, 2002 Spouse: Count Geoffrey I OF PROVENCE. Count Geoffrey I OF PROVENCE and ETIENETTE were married. Children were: Gerberge OF PROVENCE. Of Dol ETIENETTE7,207 was born about 995. Spouse: Juhel I DE MAYENNE. Juhel I DE MAYENNE and Of Dol ETIENETTE were married. Children were: Geoffroy II DE MAYENNE. Count Of Macon ETIENNE I7,122,262 died in 1101. He was born WFT Est 1053. Parents: Count Of Macon Burgundy William I DE BOURGOGNE and Stephanie De LONGWY. Prince Of France ETIENNE7,129 was born in 1225 in ., Paris, Seine, France. He died in Died Young. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJD-RG Parents: King Of France Louis FRANCE VIII and Queen Of France Blanca Alphonsa DE CASTILE. Sarah ETOL5,128 was born on 5 May 1876 in Marble Rock, Floyd, Indiana.5,128 She died on 28 Oct 1962 in Lakeport Lake, CA..5,128 She was buried in Marble Rock, Floyd, Indiana West End Cemetery.5,128 Spouse: William Elmer HALSTEAD. William Elmer HALSTEAD and Sarah ETOL were married on 13 Dec 1897 in Montevido.5 Children were: Roy HALSTEAD, Eva HALSTEAD, Iva HALSTEAD. ETTA.188 Spouse: Alfred Benton MOYE. Children were: Edwin MOYE. ETTA3,397 was born in Aug 1872 in MS.3,397 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 62516. Spouse: James B. TRULL. James B. TRULL and ETTA were married. Reference Number:1057435 Children were: Ora B TRULL, Annie E. TRULL, Mary E. TRULL. ETTA3,397 was born on 19 Jan 1917.3,397 She died on 31 Dec 1991.3,397 She was buried Unknown in Edom Cemetery, Edom, TX.3,397 She is reference number 62920. Spouse: Lee BOYD. Lee BOYD and ETTA were married on 7 Aug 1937.3,397 Reference Number:1063010 Father Of ETTA.395 Spouse: Mother Of ETTA. Children were: Etta LEONARD, John C LEONARD. Mother Of ETTA.395 Spouse: Father Of ETTA. Children were: Etta LEONARD, John C LEONARD. Barbara Ann ETTER3,407 was born in 1837.3,407 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 42275. Spouse: Jeremiah BOYD. Jeremiah BOYD and Barbara Ann ETTER were married in 1858.3,407 Reference Number:351885 Children were: Joseph M. BOYD, Jefferson A. BOYD, Jeremiah BOYD III, Ellen Margaret BOYD, John Franklin BOYD, Robert Lee BOYD, Nancy Caroline BOYD, William W. BOYD, Sarah Ida BOYD. |