91st PA--regimental letters, 1864

Regimental letters, January to June 1864

[regimental letters book]
[I have proofread and edited these entries.]

[edited version]

Head Qrs 91st P.V.V.
March 2nd 1864
Major Gilbert
19 U S Inftry
Supt Vol R.S.

Major I have the honor here with to report in compliance with orders from Hd. Quarters of February 20th 1864 that the Regt leaves this day at 11 o'clock a.m for the Army of the Potomac via Washington.

I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos H Sinex
Lt. Col. Com 91st P.V.V.
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 2nd 1864
S. F. Barstow
A. A. G.

I have the herewith [sic] to report in compliance with instructions from Hd. Qrs. Army of Potomac of February 20th 1864 that the Regt. leaves this day for the Army via Washington D.C.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 2nd 1864.
Major Thos. M. Vincent
Act Adj Gen:

I have the honor to report in Compliance with orders from your office of the 29th ult. "inquiring why this Regiment has not been forwarded to the Field," that the order for transportation dated Philadelphia February 27th was received March 1st. 1864. On its receipt I immediately applied for a train, and we will leave this day at 12 o'clock M.

I am Major
Very Resp'tfully
Your Ob'd Servant
J H Sinex
Lt. Col. 91st P. V. V.
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 5th 1864
S. F. Barstow
Asst. Adj't Genl.

I have the herewith [sic] most respectfully to report in compliance with instructions from your Hd. Qrs. of February 28th 1864 that this Regt arrived at this Camp (3rd Brig 2nd Div 5th Corps) this day.

I am Sir Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 6th 1864
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report in compliance with Orders from your Hd. Qrs. of March 6th 1864 as follows

No Enlisted Men Jan 4. 64.233
" Officers20
" Recruits158
" reported from Hospital25
" Off. on detached Service3
" " on Sick Leave2
No Enlisted Men March 6th 1864204
" Officers " " "14
" " on detached Service8
" " Sick absent1
" " without leave1
" Enlisted Men " "156
" " " absent Sick17
" " " Died3
" " " Deserted1
" Off. Resigned1
" Enlisted Men on detached service35
I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Servant
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
[edited version]
[I have made small non-substantive changes in features of the letter related to its spreading over three pages.]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt P.V.V.
March 7th 1864
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor to request that the following Named Officers & Enlisted Men now on detached Service in the City of Philada Pa & Chester Pa be returned to their Regt for duty

NameRankCoBy whomWhenWhereOn what duty
Commissioned Officers
John F. LentzMajor War DepartmentJuly 22/ 63Phila. Collecting Conscripts
David H. LentzQr. MrExpected to be detailed by Maj [illegible]
Benjamin J. TaymanAdj't Sup Vol Rec ServiceFebruary 19. 64Chester PaRecruiting Officer
Matthew HallCaptECol. GregoryMarch 1 /64Philada PaCollecting Conscripts
James B. Deihl1st LtDGenl TylerNov 4 /62In the fieldAid de Camp
Theodore A Snyder2nd LtKWar DepartmentJuly 22 /63Philada PaCollecting Conscripts
Joseph T. Jones2nd LtHCol. GregoryMarch 1 /64Philada Pa" "
Justus A. Gregory2nd LtBSup Vol. Rec Service Philada PaRecruiting Officer
Enlisted Men
Wm. H. ChandlerSergtDSup Vol. Rec ServiceFebruary 22 /64Philada PaRecruiting Service
Wm C. StackhousePrivateK" "" "" "" "
Wilbur F. Wampole"D" "" "" "" "
John F Jester"A" "" "" "" "
Walter WiddefieldMusicianD" "" "Chester Pa" "
Patrick Byrne"B" "" "" "" "
Cyrus C. CartledgeSergtECol. GregoryMarch 1 /64Philada PaCollecting Conscripts
Stephen WhinnaSergtH" "" "" "" "
William LetourneauCorplG" "" "" "" "
Charles WillisPrivateA" "" "" "" "
Franklin G Clough""" "" "" "" "
John H. Barnes""" "" "" "" "
Benjamin Redhiffer""" "" "" "" "
James Rulon"B" "" "" "" "
George Stewart"C" "" "" "" "
William Scheiffer""" "" "" "" "
John M. Wharton""" "" "" "" "
Charles Coates""" "" "" "" "
Wm H. Care"D" "" "" "" "
Thomas Christy""" "" "" "" "
John Griffith"E" "" "" "" "
James Clayton""" "" "" "" "
David G. Lentz""" "" "" "" "
George Young""" "" "" "" "
Barney McNulty""" "" "" "" "
John Null""" "" "" "" "
James A Clark""" "" "" "" "
William H. Kintzle"A" "March 2 /64Chester PaRecruiting Service
George H. McNeilMusician"" "" "" "" "
Thomas J KurtzPrivateD" "" "" "" "
William Michenor""" "" "" "" "
Preston H Hoopes""" "" "" "" "
David A Buchanan""" "" "" "" "
George BlackMusicianH" "" "" "" "
Jacob S. SmithPrivateI" "" "" "" "

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt P.V.V
March 7th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst Adjt Genl

I have the honor to make the following Report in compliance with Orders from your Hd. Qrs. of this date

No of Sentinels on post during dayNone
" " extra post at night, posted around Camp5
" detailed on Rail R. Gaurd [sic] Officers & MenNone
" present for duty equipped twelve (12) Commissioned Officers &
One Hundred & Thirty Four Enlisted Men

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 11th 1864
Samuel Brick [?]
Asst. Adj't Genl

I have the honor to report in compliance with Orders from your Office of March 4th 1864 in relation to George. A Cline Co "D" that when he was enlisted he had a written consent from his parents & that he was sworn to age; he is now absent without leave in Philadelphia Pa having failed to report to the Regt. when it was ordered to the front.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt. Col Commdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 13th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report as follows in Compliance with Order from your Hd Qrs of this date

Present for duty
Commissioned Officers13
Enlisted Men249
Of these one (1) Com Officer & Seventy Six enlisted men are on duty east of Cedar Run
Com. Officers on detached service9
" " Sick1
Enlisted Men on detached Service61
" " without authority146
" " Sick72
" " in Confinement9

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jos H Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt. P.V V
March 13th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst Adjt Genl

I would respectfully request that you send as many wagons, besides Reg'l Teams as you can spare to morrow Morning let them report at 7 o'clock.

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Servant
Jos H Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 14th 1864
Samuel Breck
Asst Adjt Genl

I have the honor herewith to transmit to you a report relative to Joseph Devier a private in Co D 91st Regt. P.V.V.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Servant
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg

Report Relative to Joseph Devier
Hd Qrs. Co "D" 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 13th 1864
Joseph H. Sinex, Lt. Col
Comdg 91st Regt Pa Vols

In compliance with your Order I have the honor to furnish the following information in relation to the case of Jos. Reynolds private in Co D 91st Regt P.V. He was enlisted in the aforesaid Company & Regt. under the assumed name of Joseph Devier on the 5th day of February 1864 by Lieut H. W. Shipley. He was mustered into the U.S. Service In the same day by Lieut. Hildeburn.

On my last Muster & Pay rolls I mentioned his case in the remarks opposite his name.

Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Servant
Wm. H. Carpenter
1st Lt Co K. Comdg Co D
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 14th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr A. A. G

I have the honor to request that the Mustering Officer be directed to Remuster some Enlisted Men of this Regt who were furloughed from the Department of Washington for Thirty (30) days for the purpose of reenlisting as Veterans.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully &c
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt P.V V
March 15th 1864
Samuel Breck
Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor herewith to transmit to you a report of the Commdg Officer of Co. D. 91st Regt. P. V relative to Pvt [??] William H. Michener a private in Co D 91st Pa Vols. [several words are crossed out] I would add that this man has never been on duty with the Regt having been detached at Chester Barracks.

I am Sir Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg

Hd Qrs Co D. 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 14th 1864
Howard W. Shipley
Lieut & actg Adj.


I have the honor to furnish the following information in relation to the Case of William H. Michener a private in co D 91st Pa. Vols. He was enlisted by Lt. H. W. Shipley on the 16th day of February 1864. He was Mustered by Lt. Hildeburn on the same day. On his descriptive List he is represented as being 19 years of age.

I do not think he is physically capable of performing active military duty in the field.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Servant
Wm. H. Carpenter
1st Lt. Co K Comdg Co D
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 15th 1864
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

In compliance with Orders from Brig. Hd. Qrs. of this date I have the honor to make the following Report of the Number, Kind & Calibre of Muskets & amount of Ammunition on hand

Springfield Rifle Musket Caliber.58 %173

I am Capt. Very Respectfully &q
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 19th 1864
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt Genl

In compliance with Orders from Brig Hd. Qrs. of the date I have the honor to report the following Number of Com. Officers & Enlisted equipped for duty viz.

Com. Officers13
Enlisted Men293
Total No. of Com. Officers and Enlist. Men present for duty equipped306

I am Capt.
Very Respectfully
Your Obd't Servant
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col. Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 19th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt Gen

I have the honor herewith most respectfully to request that Priv. Frank Braceland Co E & Harry Buckly Co I of this Regt be released from Arrest & restored to duty. from what I can learn Braceland left the Regt at Washington D.C. & was arrested and sent on the Peninsula where he has been ever since. he received no pay for eleven months. Priv. Buckly is reported on the descriptive List sent here to have Enlisted in four different Regts. but I can get no proof against him. He is a new Recruit in this Regt.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt. Col Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt P.V.V
March 20th 1864

Company Commanders will send in at once to these Hd. Qrs. The names of all men wishing to reenlist & also those who have received furloughs for that purpose.

[written diagonally to the left of the preceding paragraph:] In order Book
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st P.V.V
March 20th 1864
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor to make the following Report of Vet. Vols who came with the Regt. on the 5th inst & the Number since joined.

No present when the Regt Returned March 5th108
" joined March 7th2
" " " 91
" " 15th4
" " 17th4
" " 18th30
Total Number present149

I am Captain
Very Respectfully &q
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

[to left of list is written vertically:] in Order Book
Head Quarters 91st Regt P.V.V.
March 20th 1864
General Orders N. 4

The following Calls will be observed in the Command untill [sic] further Orders

Reveille at6AM
Breakfast Call6 1/2" "
Police Call7 1/2" "
Surgeons Call8" "
1st Sergeants Report8 1/2" "
Guard Mount9" "
Company Drill10 to 11" "
Dinner Call12M
Squad Drill1 to 2P. M
Officers School2" "
Company or Battallion [sic] Drill3" "
Dress Parade5" "
Supper5 1/2" "
Tattoo8" "
Taps8 1/2" "

H W Shipley
Lt & Actg Adjt

By Command of
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 22nd 1864
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor herewith most respectfully to transmit Descriptive List of Philip H. Peltz Co E of this Regt Called for by Orders from Hd. Qrs Army of Potomac dated March 19/64

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col. Commdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 23rd 1864
Lieut Wm Fowler
Actg Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor to make the following Report in Compliance with Orders from Brig. Hd Qrs. of this date of the number of Com Officers & Enlisted Men present for duty & also of the number absent.

Com. Officers present for duty13
Enlisted Men " " "207
Total present for duty220
Com Officers Absent10
Enlisted Men "222
Total absent232

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col. Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt P.V.V
March 24th 1864
Lieut Wm Fowler

I have the honor to request that Priv Henry T. Angel & Charles Armstrong of this Regt be relieved by Teams. Isaac Tyson & Joseph Clowney. the former belonging to Companies which are very small in the number of Men for duty

I am Lieut Very Respectfully
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg.
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 23rd 1864
Lieut William Fowler
Actg Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor herewith most respectfully to report in Compliance with Instructions from your Hd Qrs of this date that the Regiment under Command of Col. E. M Gregory left Phila on the 16th day of February for Chester Barracks Pa and that the command was verbaly [sic] given up to me on the 20th day of February but that I never really had Command until the day the Regiment left the Barracks. that Col. Gregory made all the details without my knowledge up to March 1st 64. I received the Order from the Sup. Vol. Rec. Ser. dated February 16th 1864 on the 20th ult. from Col. E. M. Gregory and I immediately gave orders for the Command to be supplied with Knapsacks, Haversacks, Canteens, Shelter Tents, & qq which they were entirely deficient in. the new Recruits had no Arms or Clothing, the former were not supplied until our arrival in the field, the latter was supplied on the 29th ult. The order from Hd. Qrs. Army of Potomac of February 20. 64 (Copy enclosed) ordering the Regt. to the front was received on the 25th day of February 1864 this also through Col. Gregory. The Order from Sup. Vol. Rec. Serv. of February 25th (Copy also Enclosed) ordering the Regt to proceed to the Army of Potomac on the 29th ult. was received through the mail on the Afternoon of the 26th ult. The next day transportation was applied for and was not received until the 1st inst. though dated the 27th ult Signed by Capt. Craig A. Qr. Mr. this also was received through Col. Gregory. I immediately applied at the Office of the Phila. Wilmington & Balt. R. R. for a Train which arrived at Chester at 12 O'clock M. on the day following (March 2nd) The Regiment arrived in Baltimore at 12 O'Clock P.M. I applied for transportation but could get none until 10 O'clock A.M on the 3rd inst. The Regiment arrived in Washington at 4 O'clock P.M the same day. After applying for transportation I found I was too late for the boat of that day. I left for Alexandria at 3 O'clock PM the next day (4th inst) and arrived at Warrenton Junction at 11 A.M. on the 5th inst having left Alexandria at 7 O'clock that Morning.

I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Jos. H. Sinex
Lieut Col Commdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 24th 1864
Capt. Warren
Asst. Com Subs

I have the honor to ask for the following information.

A number of the men who have reenlisted & been home on furlough have lost said furloughs; in what way, if any, Can they receive the Commutation authorized by the Secretary of War

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Commdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 25th 1864
Lieut William Fowler
Actg Ast Adjt Genl

In pursuance of orders of this date I have the honor to report the following named enlisted men employed as Servants &q by Commissioned Officers of this Regt.
     Robert Ross Co "I" Lt Col Sinex    Hostler     March 6th 1864

I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Comdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs
M [sic]
Lieut Wm Fowler
A. A. A. G

I have the honor to make the following report of the Men present in the Army of this Regt including the detached & sick within the Dept

No of Men present in Regt327
" " " detached within the Army17
" " " Sick in the Div Hospital1
Total Strength in Army345

I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 25th 1864
Lieut William Fowler
Actg. Asst Adjt Genl

In pursuance of orders of this date I have the honor to report the following number of Com Officers & Enlisted Men who were engaged at [?] the Battle of Gettysburg [illegible word; perhaps 'Pa']

Com Officers20
Enlisted Men exclusive of Music & Pioneers205

I am Lt
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt. P.V.V.
March 26 1864
Col. E. M. Gregory
Comding Chester Rendezvous

I am directed by the War Dept to inquire by what authority the details from this Regt of Officers and Men for draft and Recruiting Service, of March 1st and 2nd inst. [sic] were made

I am Col.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Serv
J. H. Sinex
Lieut Col. Comd
[edited version]

Hd Qr. 91st Regt. P.V.V
March 28th 1864
Capt Warren
Asst. Com Sub

I have the honor to report that Thirty seven (37) of the Men who joined the Regiment at Expiration of Furlough are ready to be paid to morrow

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Joseph H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 1st 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report that (12) twelve Veterans joined the Regt this day

Nr previously reported149
" reported this day12
" Dis. by order Secretary of War1
Total reported162

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt P.V.V
April 2 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr.
Ast. Adjt. Gen.

I have the honor herewith to enclose the report of Col. E. M. Gregory called for by orders from the War Dept. of March 19. 64. In regards to the last paragraph "that I was fully aware of the existence of the Order" J. G. [??] No 164 I would say that I never saw it before today. the only order I rcvd was one from Col. Gregory, a copy of which I enclose.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Jos H Sinex
Lt. Col Comding
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 4th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

I have the honor to make the following report of the Strength present & absent in this Command.

Com. Officers present13
Enlisted Men "351
Com Officers absent10
Enlisted Men "206

Of the Strength present there are for duty
Com Officers13
Enlisted Men314

I am Capt Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs. 91st. Regt. P.V.V
April 5th 1864
Statement send [sic] to Col Locke concerning Return of Veteran Vols [?] as follows
Noreturnedwith Regiment109
""March 7th 18642
""" 9th "1
""" 15th "4
""" 17th "4
""" 18th "30
""April 1st "13
Total returned to date163

Two (2) died while absent on furlough, One (1) discharged by order of Sect. of War, leaving still Seventy-two (72) Veterans absent

(Sgn) [?] Jos H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Comdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs. 91st Regt P.V.V
April 5th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl
I have the honor to report that the following Number of Veterans joined Regt this day6
No previously reported163
Total No. joined169

I am Capt. Very Respectfully
Jos H Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt P.V.V
April 8th 1864
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt Genl.

I have the honor to report the following relative to Veterans

Returned with Regt109
" since60
Still absent66

The Regt overstayed its time 15 days

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt P.V.V
April 8th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report that one (1) Veteran joined the Command this day.

I am Capt Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt. Col Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 10th 1864
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report as follows in compliance with Orders from Brig Hd. Qrs. of this date

No of Veterans who have joined the Regt170
" " " overstaying their Furlough45

The balance who have heretofore been reported absent are on detached service.

I am Capt Very Respectfully
Joseph H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Reg. P.V.
April 11th 1864
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report in compliance with Orders from Army Hd. Qrs. of April 8th 1864 as follows

[This table was very hard to read; it's squeezed in at the bottom of a page, and it's unclear in some columns which line numbers belong to. The far right column is mostly illegible because it runs into the gutter.]
Command No of Officers who have signified their intention to serve for a new term of 3 years No of Enlisted Men who have reenlisted No of Officers who will be discharged by reason of expiration of their term the present year No of Enlisted Men who will be discharged by reason of expiration of their term during the present year No Officers present No of Enlist Men present No of Officers Absent No of Enlisted Men absent Expiration of [illegible]
91st PVV F&S 4 7  3 341  
A  41 2 4 154 1 34 At term [??]
B  16 1 2  27 1 16  
C  34 1    49  17  
D  26114156 1 14 Dec 4/[illegible]
E  40 12  68 1 26  
F  22 221  27  12 No [illegible]
G  1235 2 20  16  
H  25 111 3 37 1 12 Dec 2[illegible]
I  13 1 3 1 21  13  
K  13 3 10 2 22 111  
  246 23 79 13 384 10 172  

I am Capt Very Respectfully
Jos H Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 12th 1864
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report as follows in compliance with Orders from Brig. Hd. Qrs. dated April 10th 1864

No. of Veterans who have joined Regt173
" overstaying their Furlough42
five (5) of whom are reported Sick in Hospital

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Joseph H. Sinex
Lt. Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st P.V.V
April 13th 1864
Lieut William Fowler
Post Adjutant

I have the honor to report as follows in compliance with Orders from Brig Hd Qrs. dated April 10th 1864

No. of Veterans who have joined Regt175
" overstaying furlough40
five (5) of whom are reported as being sick in Hospital

I am Lieut Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lieut Col. Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 14th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst. Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report as follows in compliance with Orders from Post. Hd. Qrs. of this date

No. of Com Officers present for duty12
" " Enlisted Men " " "339
Total for duty351
No of Com Officers Absent10
" " Enlisted Men "193
Total Absent203

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Joseph H. Sinex
Lt Col. Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 14th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr.
Asst. Adjt. Genl

I have the honor to report as follows in compliance with Orders from Brig Hd. Qrs. dated April 10th 1864

No of Veterans who have joined Regt179
" overstaying Furlough36
five (5) of whom are reported absent sick in Hospital

I am Capt Very Respectly
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt P.V.V
April 15th 1864
Capt. F. Winthrop
Actg Asst Q. Genl

I have the honor to make the following Report in compliance with Circular from the Office of the A. A. Q. G. of the 1st Brig 1st Div 5th Corps dated April 13th 1864

Gain in Regt for Week ending April 15th 1864 Loss in Regt for week ending April 15th 1864
From what causeC.O.E.M.Total From what causeC.O.E.M.Total
By promotion or appointment1 1 Resigned   
Transfer     Dismissal    
Recruits  4 4 Cashiered    
Reenlistment     Transfered [sic]   
From Absent on detached Service     Killed in Action    
" " Sick     Died of Wounds recd in Action    
" " with leave     " " Disease    
" " without leave  99 Accidentally Killed   
" " Missing     Discharged for disability  1 1
" " in Confinement  2 2 " by Order    
" Desertion     " " " Expiration of time    
     Deserted 11
Total Gains 1 15 16 Total Loss  2 2
Total Strength of Regt present this Week 14 394 408 Total Strength present last week 3 381 394
Total Strength of Regt present & Absent this week 24 556 580 Total Strength of Regt present & Absent last week 23 554 577

I am Captain Very Respectfully
Joseph H. Sinex
Lt Col. Commdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 15th 1864
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

In compliance with Genl Orders No 18 Hd Qrs. Army of the Potomac dated April 8th 1864 I would respectfully recommend a detail of the following Enlisted Men

NameRank Co Regt
Elisha Butt Sergt I 91st P.V.V  
Israel Lazerus Private D " 
Joseph Amer """ 
William Dorsey "E" 
Stephen Kelly """ 
Robert Ellingsworth """ 
John W. Bender "G " 
William Collins """ 
Edward Gillespie "H " 
Thomas Wallace "B" 

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 15th 1864
Capt. A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

In compliance with Orders from Brig Hd Qrs. I have the honor to report as follows

No. of Veterans who have joined Regt187
" overstaying Furlough34
five (5) of whom are reported as absent sick

I am Cap Very Respectfully
Joseph H Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st P.V.V. April 20th 1864
Capt A. S. Marvin Jr
Asst Adjt Genl

I have the honor to report as follows

No. of Veterans who have joined Regt192
" overstaying Furlough29
six (6) of whom are reported absent sick

Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[to left of signature block:]
report April 21st No Returned 192
" overstaying 28
six (6) of whom absent sick
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt P.V.V
April 22nd, 1864
Capt F. Winthrop
Actg. Asst Qm. Genl

I have the honor to make the following Report in compliance with Circular from the Office of the A. A. Q. G of the 1st Brig 1st Div 5th Army Corps dated April 13th 1864

Gain in Regt for Week ending April 22/64 Loss in Regt for week ending April 22/64
From what causeC.O.E.M.Total From what causeC.O.E.M.Total
By promotion or appointment    Resigned   
Transfer     Dismissed    
Recruits  99 Cashiered    
Reenlistments    Transfered   
From Absent on det Service 31010[sic] Killed in Action    
" " Sick     Died of Wounds recd in Action 134
" " with leave  11 " " Disease    
" " without leave  55 Accidentally Killed   
" " Missing     Discharged for disability    
" " in Confinement  33 " by Order    
" Desertion     " " " Expiration of time    
Total Gains 32831 Total Loss 134
Total Strength of Regt present this Week 16 418 434 Total Strength of Regt present last week 14 394 408
Total Strength of Regt present & Absent this week 23 562 585 Total Strength of Regt present & Absent last week 24 556 580

I have the honor to be Sir Very Respectfully
Joseph H Sinex
Lieut Col Cmdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 22nd 1864
Capt J. S. Conrad
A. A. A. G

In compliance with Orders from Brig. Hd. Qrs I have the honor to report as follows

No of Veterans who have joined Regt198
" overstaying Furlough28
Six (6) of whom are absent Sick

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Jos H Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters, 91st Regt P.V.V
April 24th 1864
Lieut Wm Fowler
Post Adjt

I have the honor to report the following Non-Com. Officers for detail to accompany Surplus Bagage [sic] to Alexandria Va.

Sergt. Robert Chism Co K. 91st Regt P.V V

I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt. P.V.V.
April 25th 1864

List of Enlisted Men Employed as Servants, Hostlers, &qq in the Ninety-First Regt. Penna Vet. Vol

Name of SoldierCoRegtWith whom serving In what CapacityLength of time the service has been entered [?]
Robert RossI91st P.V.Lieut Col SinexHostler Since March 6th 1864
William HarrisI91st P.VLieut DonnellServant" April 16th 1864

Hd Qrs. 91st Regt P.V.V
April 25th 1864
Joseph H. Sinex
Lt Col. Comdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 26th 1864
Capt. J. S. Conrad
Actg Asst Adjt Genl

In compliance with Special Order No 16 [??] from your Hd. Qrs. dated April 23rd 1864 I have the honor to state that I am unable to send Priv. G. Kite Co "G" who by the above order is detailed for duty in Ambulance Corps, he being absent Sick in Germantown Hospital without proper authority since March 30th 64

I am Capt
Very Respectfully your Obdt Servant
Joseph H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 27th 1864
Lieut Wm Fowler
Actg Post Adjt

I have the honor to state in compliance with Orders from Post Hd Qrs. of this date that F. Klim former Sutler of the 91st P.V. has never been assessed nor has the present Robertson been assessed.

I am Lt Very Respectfully
Jos H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Pa. V. V
April 27th 1864
Lieut William Fowler
Actg Post Adjt

I have the honor to request that the following named Officers and Enlisted Men may be returned to this Regt for duty

[This list is very light in the microfilm I have; I found it very hard to read.]

Capt F. H. Gregory Rep. absent Sick in Phila without Authority

Lieut J. A. Gregory relieved from rec Ser April 13th. not yet reported

" Theo. Snyder on duty in Camp Cadwalader Phila

Adjt B. J. Tayman on Rec. Service at Chester Pa

Qr. M. D. H. Lentz Actg Post Qr. M. Chester Pa

Sergt Chandler, W. L. Wampole [?], & Wm G Stackhouse relieved Rec Ser not yet reported

Corpl Letorneau Co. B, Priv Barnes, Redheffer, Clough, Willis Co A, [illegible; possibly Rulon] Co B, Clayton & Lentz relieved from Camp Cadwalader not yet reported

privs [??] McNeil Co A, Byrne B, Widdefield [?] D, Priv Kurtz, [illegible, perhaps 'Hoopes'] Buchanan D, Smith I & Mus Black H in Recruiting Service in Chester Pa. Houston "G" On duty at Camp Cadwalader July 22 /62

Private J. H. [illegible], [illegible] Bell, [illegible], Lieut [??] Rodgers Kearney "A", Nickel, Baird, Johnson, Marshall, & McGroney Daballad "B" Boyd, Reston, Gallagher "D", Garrick, Vidal F Farvin, Gilbert Johnson, Smith, Watkins "G" Jackson Miller "H" Dempsey [perhaps the Edward Dempsey (I) Bates lists as enlisting on 1 Mar 65] Brouse Hall "I" Denyer [?] "K" [illegible] Thompson Enlisted [??] at Camp Cadwalader Phila

I am Lieut Very Respectfully
Jos H Sinex
Lt Col Comd'g
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Regt P.V.V.
April 28th 1864
Lieut William Fowler
Actg Post Adjt

In compliance with Circular from Corps Hd. Qrs. from dated [sic] April 25th & 26th April [sic] 1864 I have the honor to report the following

No of Officers present who will be discharged this year12
" " Enlisted Men " " " " " " "47
No of Officers absent but likely to join Regt soon who will be dis. this year6
" " Enlisted Men " " " " " " " " " " " " "10

I am Lieut
Very Respectfully
Joseph H Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt P. V. V.
April 28th 1864
Lieut William Fowler
Post Adjt

I have the honor to report as follows in compliance with Orders from Brig. Hd. Qrs. dated April 10th 1864

No of Veterans who have joined Regt199
" overstaying Furlough27
Six of whom are reported as absent sick

I am Lt Very Respectfully
Jos. H. Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd. Qrs. 91st Regt. P.V.V
April 28th 1864
Lieut William Fowler
Post Adjt

I have the honor to report as follows in compliance with Orders from Brig Hd. Qrs dated April 13th [perhaps 18th] 1864

Gain in Regt for Week ending April 28th 64Loss in Regt for Week ending Apr 28 /64
From det Service3
" absent Sick1
" without leave2
Total Gain32Total Loss3
Total Strength present this Week 16-429-445 Total Strength of Regt present last week, 16-418-434
Total Strength of Regt present & absent this week 23-584-607 " " " " " " & absent " " 23-562-585

I am Lt Very Respectfully
Jos H Sinex
Lt Col Comdg
[edited version]

Hd Qrs 91st Reg. P. V. V
May 2 64
Cap J. P. Comar
A. A. G.

I have the honor to report in compliance with orders fm your Hd Qrs. the number of Applicants for Admission to Free Military School is Four

I am Sir &c
Jos H Sinex
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Reg. P. V. V.
May 2nd 1864
Major Thomas M. Vincent
Asst. Adjt Gen

I have the honor to report in compliance with orders from your Office of April 26th /64 as follows Asst. Surg. John Young left this Regt. on a sick leave on the 11th day of Dec 1862 and did not report at the expiration of his leave. While he was connected with this Regt. he bore a good character both as regards his personal qualities and professional ones. He was always so far as my knowledge went very attentive to his duties and ever ready to attend to all calls upon him

The Regt. is now without any Ast. [sic] Surg. Surg. Wm G. Kier being the only Doctor connected with the Regt.

I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Jos H. Sinex
Lt. Col. Commdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Reg Pa Vols
June 28th 1864
Major Samuel Breck
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
Washington D.C.

In compliance with endorsement on the enclosed I have the honor to furnish the following information

William R. Cooper Private Co K was severely wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville Va. May 2nd 1863 and sent to Hospital at Portsmouth Grove R. I. returned to the Regiment at Warrenton Junction Va. on the 23rd day of April /64 his condition on his return was such as to render it necessary to place him under the care of the Surgeon. he was detailed to assist in the Division Hospital May 8th, remained with the Hospital until the wounded were removed.

When last heard from he was in Portsmouth Grove Hospital; a communication was received from the Surg in charge directing the Captain Commdg Co K to furnish his Descriptive list. The foregoing is all that is known of the facts connected with the above named man. The statement made by his wife I have no doubt is true, from the conduct and character of Cooper prior to the Battle of Chancellorsville and respectfully recommend that the petition be granted, that the charge of desertion be removed

I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
E M. Gregory
Col. Commdg.
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Regt P V
Camp near Petersburg Va
June 30 1864
Maj Saml Breck
War Dept
Washington D.C.

In Compliance with directions endorsed on the enclosed communication I have the honor to furnish the following information obtained from the Records of the Regt

Michael Connelly private Co K 91st Reg PV was with the Regt on the advance to Chancellorsville April 28 1863 he was with the Regt in the action of May 3 since which time he has not been heard from was reported as missing in action

I am Major &c
E M Gregory
Col Commdg
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Reg Pa. Vols.
near Petersburg Va. June 20th 1864
Lieut B J Tayman
Adjutant 91st P.V.V

In compliance with directions I have the honor to make the following statement of facts connected with the arrest under which I have been placed since May 9th 1864.

On my arrival at Alexandria Va on the 29th I reported with a detachment of Fourty [sic] (40) recruits from Genl. Rendezvous for Vet Vols. Chester Hospital Pa. delivered the men and procured a pass from Pro. Marshall Alexandria Va. to join my Regiment

Left Alexandria Va with Sergt Theodore A Hope May 2nd /64 reached Culpepper May 3rd on the 4th started to find the regiment; left Culpepper Va in the cars and stopped at Brandy Station. could get no correct information of the whereabouts of the Regiment; was advised by the Provost Marshall at Brandy Station to follow the Wagon train of the 5th Corps untill [sic] we found the regiment remained with the train untill [sic] the 9th of May. heard where the Regiment was and at once reported when we were placed in arrest by Lt Col Sinex commdg the Regt. he the Col stated he had Orders from Genl Ayers to put myself and Sergt Hope under arrest, at the same time directing me to be at the front of the Regt. I obeyed the order untill [sic] I was taken sick and sent to Division Hospital for medical treatment have been in arrest since 9th of May (41 days) Received no Copy of Charges nor heard anything concerning my arrest since

I am Lieutenant
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
F. H. Gregory
Capt [illegible crossed out word] Co A 91st P.V.
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa Vols.
near Petersburg Va. June 16th 1864
C. C. Bennett
Capt. & A. A. A. Genl.
2nd Brig. 1st Div. 5th Corps

I have the honor to make the following report in the case of Capt F. H. Gregory 91st Reg. Pa. Vols. now under arrest by what authority does not appear as no record of the arrest is on file at these Hd. Qrs. The 91st Reg. left Philadelphia Pa. March 2nd to return to the Army, the men having re-enlisted as Veterans and Furloughed, Capt. Gregory was placed in Hospital at Chester Pa by direction of Surg. Knight March 2nd /64 and discharged by Surg Rex [?] April 19th 64 he was placed in charge of a detachment of Recruits by me as commandant of Genl Rendezvous for Vet Vols Chester Hospital, and forwarded to the Army April 20th and on my arrival to the Regiment the 8th inst found him in arrest since May 9th

Enclosed are the certificates of George Rex Surg U.S.V. in charge of Chester Hospital, and the receipt of P. P. Crawford A. A. Genl. Head Qrs Camp distribution near Alex. Va for the men under his charge together with his statement of what occurred on his arrival with the Regt. I am Captain

Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servant E. M. Gregory
Col Commdg
[edited version]

Head Qrs 91st Reg Pa. Vols
Near Petersburg Va. June 26th 1864
To his Excellency
Andrew J Curtin

I have the honor to recommend and do nominate 1st Lieut Justus A Gregory Co. "B" as Regimental Quarter Master of the 91st Reg. Pa. Vols. vice Lieut David H. Lentz promoted to Capt and A. Q. M.

I am Governor
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
E. M. Gregory
Col 91st P.V.V.
[edited version]

Head Quarters 91st Reg. Pa Vols
near Petersburg Va. June 29th 1864

I have the honor to request that Sergt. Theodore A. Hope Co. "E" 91st Reg. Pa. Vols be discharged to enable him to be mustered as 1st Lt. of said Company. He having received a commission from the Governor of Pennsylvania June 9th 1864 (dated April 7th 1864)

The Company has 41 Enlisted men for duty and a total of present and absent of 83 with but one (1) Commissioned Officer (namely) Captain Matthew Hall

No of Officers in Regt23
" " Men " "516
" " Officers " Co1
" " Men " "83

The commission of Sergt. Theodore A. Hope is herewith enclosed.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
E. M. Gregory
Col. Commdg.
91st Reg. Pa. Vols.

Capt C. C. Bennett
A A A Genl
2nd Brig 1st Div 5th Corps

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revised 1 Jan 02
contact Harry Ide at [email protected] with comments or questions