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Mother: Sarah TRAMMELL |
_Edward BRISCOE Sr._____________+ | (1685 - 1725) m 1698 _John BRISCOE _______| | (1724 - 1791) m 1746| | |_Susannah "Sorrow" Gerard SLYE _+ | (1680 - 1725) m 1698 _Ralph BRISCOE ______| | (1747 - 1831) m 1792| | | _William WOOD __________________+ | | | (1700 - ....) | |_Ann WOOD ___________| | (1724 - ....) m 1746| | |________________________________ | | |--Truman BRISCOE | (1794 - 1803) | _John TRAMMELL II_______________+ | | (1700 - 1753) m 1728 | _John TRAMMELL III___| | | (1728 - 1784) | | | |_Suzannah HARLE ________________ | | (1710 - ....) m 1728 |_Sarah TRAMMELL _____| (1760 - 1803) m 1792| | ________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |________________________________
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_THOMAS CHERIS Of Maidenhead_ | (1300 - ....) _JEAN (Or John) CHERIE _| | (.... - 1412) | | |_____________________________ | _JOHN CHERIE ________| | | | | _____________________________ | | | | |________________________| | | | |_____________________________ | | |--RICHARD CHERIE | | _____________________________ | | | ________________________| | | | | | |_____________________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________________ | | |________________________| | |_____________________________
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Mother: Marie |
__ | _Bartholomew DUPUY _____________| | (1652 - 1743) m 1685 | | |__ | _Francoi DUPUY ______| | (1712 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |_Susanne le VILLAIN? LAVILLON? _| | (1663 - 1731) m 1685 | | |__ | | |--Jean DUPUY | (1732 - ....) | __ | | | ________________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Marie_______________| (1710 - ....) | | __ | | |________________________________| | |__
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Aka: Lamare. Note by Kenneth O'Neal, Internet [email protected] : The
earliest reference to the LEMAIRE family is in 1663 when Thomas
Lamore and Peter Lamore 'late of Virginia, subjects of the King
of France ' were granted 'Pattents of Dennizacon' from Lord
(Maryland Archives , Vol. 3 p. 489) (To Maryland from Overseas,
Harry Wright Newman, 1982) See below . In 1665 Peter (Lamore,
Lemare, Lamaire, Lamar) & brother immigrated to Charles Co.
Maryland (Source SKORDAS, GUSTAV, EARLY SETTLERS of Maryland. p.
178 ) See below NOTE:
Note by Jason H.Lamar: Internet
Colonial History c. 1660 Prior to the revocation of the Edict of
Nantes (October 17, 1665), four brothers left France in the Mass
Exodus of French Huguenots. They came to America seeking
religious freedom. The edict [once] granted civil rights to the
Huguenots. The Lamars anticipated this revocation however, and
acquired extensive land holdings in England and America by 1663.
The Ancestral home of the Lamar family was near the village of
Wirre' not far from Flanders. Two of the four brothers, Thomas
and Peter "Lamore" moved to England where they shortly acquired
considerable wealth as proven by the Will of Thomas Lamore,
probated in Maryland in 1714. Thomas and Peter emigrated to
Virginia but did not stay long enough to be Naturalized.
Naturalization was not instituted until 1649, this another act
by Lord Baltimore. September 14, 1663 The Maryland Provincial
Assembly approved the petition for "petents de Dennizacon" to
Peter and Thomas Lamore of French Descent. Novermber 17, 1664
Lord Baltimore, on the 17th of the following November, granted a
Certification of Naturalization that is now to be seen in the
Annapolis Land Records. It States, "Whereas Thomas and Peter
Lamore, late of Virginia and subject to the Crown of France have
transported themselves to this province here to abide; have
besaught us to grant the the said Thomas and Peter Lamore leave
to here inhabit as free denizens and freedoms land to them and
their heirs to purchase. Know Ye that we, willing to give
encouragement to the subjects of the Crown do hereby declare the
said Thomas and Peter Lamore to be free dennizens of our
Province of Maryland." November 8, 1664 Thomas and Peter Lamore
were deeded land on the Petauxent River on the South Side and
binding upon St. Steven's Creek some 350 Acres. Here they
immediatly started to acquire more land and assumed the position
as the most prominent and wealthy planters of Calvert County,
Maryland. Novermber 24 , 1665 Thomas Lamore petitions for land
such as would compensate the expense of transfering himself and
his wife into Maryland. c. 1697 The Ancestoral name of Lamore is
changed to Lamar
http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/eleanorcol/LamarFam ily.html
Maryland Archives, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664. Vol ume
49, page 126
This Indenture made the Eleauenth day of ffeb. in the yeare of
our Lord God one Thowsd six hundd sixty & Three, Betweene Andrew
Woodbery of Salem in New England mariner of th e one parte, &
Willm Tanehill of Poplar Hill in the Count y of St Maries Plantr
on the other parte, Wittnesseth tht t he sd Andrew Woodbery for
& in Consideration of ffowre Thows d ffowre hundd pownds of Tob
& Cask to him in hand payd, wh ereof & wherewith hee doth
acknowledge himselfe fully satis fyed contented & payd, Hath
gyuen, graunted, remised, relea sed, bargayned, sold, assigned,
& for euer sett ouer, & b y these prnts doth giue, graunt,
remise release, bargaine , sell, assigne, & for euer sett ouer
unto the sd Willm Te nehill his heyres or assignes all tht Three
hundd & ifift y Acres of Land, Lying on the Sowth side of Patuxt
Riuer , & the North side of a Creeke of the sd Riuer called St
Stephens Creeke, Bownding as on the Pattent of the sd Land gr
aunted to Richard Crackbone the Three & Twentith day of Nou embr
in the Seauen & Twentith yeare of his Lps Dominion oue r this
Prouince Aflocp Dfli 1658, To haue & to hold the s d Three hundd
and ffifty Acres of Land to him the sd Will m Tenehill his
heyres & assignes foreuer, Wth warranty fro m the Just Claymes
of any prson or prsons whatsoeur. In wi ttnes whereof hee the sd
Andrew Woodbery to this prflt Inde nture hath putt his hand &
Seale the day & yeare aboue writ ten. Andrew Woodbery. Signed
Sealed & deliuere d Seale in the prnce of us L Barbier Tho. Dent
. Came Andrew Woodbery & doth acknowledge that Deed of Sal e of
Land to Willm Tenehill, produced in open Court by Rob t Macklin
the sd Tenehilis Attorney To bee his owne Reall a ct & Deed.
Maryland Archives, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664. Volume
49, page338
Know all men by these prsents that I William Tennahill in t he
County of St Marys Plantr for Certaine causes mouing m e
thereunto doe Constitute Ordaine and appoint my louing fr einde
Robert Macklin my true and law full Attorney for me a nd in my
behalfe to acknowledge a parcell of land l ying upon Petuxent
riuer on the south side and binding upo n st Steuens Creeke & as
by pattent appeare to be three hundred and fifty acres formerly
belonging to Richard Crackbone but now sold by mee to Thomas
Lamore Peter Lamore and John Jero, and wt my said Attorney shall
doe in the law ful l Conueyance of the land from me my heires
Executors Admin s and Assignes to them theire heires Executors
Adminis or A ssignes doe hereby Ratifye and Confirme in as full
ample sort & manner as if I were prsonally prsent in wittness
here of I haue sett my hand this 8th on Nouember 1664 — the
marke of Wittnes John Lawson Willi am Tenahills Henry Hyde
Command William Tennehill plantr that Justly &c hee keep wth
Peter Lamore Thomas Lamore & John Geroe of St Marys County
plantrs the Couenant &c of three hundred and fifty acres of land
lying on the south side of Petuxent riuer and the north side of
a Creeke of the sd riuer Called St Stephens Creeke in Caluert
County— Charles Caluert And the agreemt is such that the sd Wm
Tannihill haue acknowledged the foresaid three hundred & fifty
acres to be the right of the Aforesaid Peter Lamore Thomas
Lamore and John Geroe, as those wch the said Peter Lamore Thomas
Lemore and John Geroe hath of the Guift of the said Will:
Tunnihill and the same hee hath remised and quitt Claimed from
him and his heires to the said Peter Lamore Thomas Lemore and
John Jeroe and theire heires for euer and further the said Willm
Tunnihill haue granted for him and the heires of the said Wm
Tunnihill that he will warrant to the said Peter Lamore Thomas
Lamore and John Jeroe and theire heires the afore said three
hundred and fifty acres of land wth the appurtenances, agst him
the said William Tunnihill and the heires of the said Willm
Tunnihill for euer and for this remise release and quitt Claime
the aforesaid Peter Lemore Thomas Lemore and John Jeroe hath
giuen to the aforesaid William Tunnihill the sume of ffiue
thowsand three hundred pounds of tobacco— the marke of
Acknowledged in Open Cort Robt M Mackling by Robt MackIn the
Attorney of Wm Tunnihill and past ouer to Peter and Thomas
Lemore and Jno Geroe & theire heires Daniel Jenifer Clke
Will of Peter LEMARE (LAMAR) of Virginia and Maryland
The Will of Peter Lemare, Transcribed from a Photocopy of the
original will By Bev Crow, John W. O'Neal, II 1/29/2002 On
record at The Annapolis Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland
Will book 2, -- folios 301-302
Page 1 In the name of God Amen. That whereas I Peter Lemare of
this County Calvert and province of Maryland planter - being
very Sick and weak of body but in good and Sound- perfect Sense
and Memory Do here make my Last will and Testament renounceing
all other wills before this present Item I give and bequeath my
Soul into the hand of almighty God who gave it me trusting in
and through the Merits of Jesus Christ to have free pardon of
all my Sins and to have a Joyful Resurrection at the Last Day
and what worldly Estate (which) it pleased God to bestow upon me
I give and be-Queath (in manner) and form as followeths That
after my fu - neral (expenses) and Debts paid that my moveable
Estate Shall be (administered ) and that it Shall be Equally
divided amongst my loving wife frances Lemare frances and my
three Daughters as namely Ann Lemare and Mary Lemare and
Margaret Lemare and that they Shall have their Equall pro-
portion at the age of Sixteen years or on the day of their
marriage and also I give and bequeath to my Loving wife the
plantation whereon I now Live with all writs and privileges
thereunto belong during her Naturall Life and after her decease
to be Equally divided amongst my three Daughters before named My
Daughter Margaret to have the first Choice I also give and
bequeath unto my Grand Child Peter Oweill that plantation with
all the Land on the Western Side of that branch
Page 2 whereon now Joseph Edwards Lives with all rights and
priviledges thereunto belonging to him and to his heirs for Ever
and that he Shall pofsefs And Enjoy the Same when he shall
attain to the age of one and Twenty years and also my will and
pleasure is that my Son in Law Jo Ownoill shall pofsefs
(possess. Double s's were written as fs.) the said plantation as
Soon as the Said Joseph Edwards Lease is Expired and that he
Shall enjoy the Same till the Said peter Owned shall come to the
age afford and further I do appoint and ordain my good and
Lovening friends Jo Davis and Joseph Edwards to be my Trustees
and to Execute according to this my Last will and Testament and
So - Committing all to the almighty God II have hereunto Sett my
hand and affixed my Seal this 9th Day of October 1693
Peter Lemare mark & Seal (Looks like a tipped over capitol H)
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Tho Person
(His) Mark (Looks like a capitol T) Francis Dais ( His) Mark
(Looks like a capitol O with a cross in the center of the O) Wm.
Dalres (or Dabres ) March the 31st 1694
Then was the within named will proved by the within named
wittnefses Coram me Jo B-er Dep Court Ca Co (Jo B--er or P-- er)
(Dep Court Ca Co Deputy of The Court of Calvert County,
Maryland) Johnson, Isabell Spencer, Eliz. Florey, Geo. Benson
NOTE: For many years I and many others believed John's given
name was Joseph, based on an extract of Peter Lamar's will,
which mentioned him as Jos O'Neill . The original scanned copy
of the will shows him as Jo O'Neill which was an abbreviation
for John. Note that John Davis is also referred to as Jo Davis,
while Joseph Edwards is referred to as Joseph.
Note: "WM. YOUNG 1000acs. Staff Co., in the freshes of Potomack
Riv., 6 Oct. 1669. At the mouth of the Island Cr. being the N.
br. of Poehick. Cr., &c. Trans. of 20 pers: Eliz. Crouch (or
Crench), Hen. Bayly, Nevet Howlet, Jno. Savage, Joseph Thomas,
Geo. Ambrose, Ja. Reynolds, Tho. Reynolds, Danl. browne, Tho
Sheere, Ana. Burson, Saml. Sadler, Jno. Oneale, Rich. Owen, Jno.
Johnson, Isabell Spencer, Eliz. Florey, Geo. Benson" Source:
Abstacts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants Volume Two: 1666 -
1695 p.244. by Nell Marion Nugent, 1977 Comment: This could
possibly be our ancestor.
__ | __| | | | |__ | _ LAMAR _____________| | (1600 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Peter LAMAR "the Immigrant" | (1645 - 1694) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Susannah Wright BOWMAN |
_______________________________ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) RICHARDSON _| | | | |_______________________________ | _William Hervey RICHARDSON _| | (1790 - 1853) m 1811 | | | _______________________________ | | | | |______________________________| | | | |_______________________________ | | |--Susan A. RICHARDSON | (1818 - 1897) | _George BOWMAN "the Immigrant"_ | | (1709 - 1768) m 1729 | _Isaac BOWMAN ________________| | | (1757 - 1826) m 1782 | | | |_Maria Elizabeth "Mary" HITE __+ | | (1708 - 1768) m 1729 |_Susannah Wright BOWMAN ____| (1790 - 1849) m 1811 | | _Philip GATEWOOD ______________+ | | (1737 - 1793) m 1760 |_Elizabeth GATEWOOD __________| (1764 - 1790) m 1782 | |_Susannah WRIGHT ______________+ (1740 - 1823) m 1760
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Mother: Narcissa E. GAINES |
______________________ | _________________________| | | | |______________________ | _William Washington SCOTT _| | (1850 - ....) m 1873 | | | ______________________ | | | | |_________________________| | | | |______________________ | | |--George Rufus SCOTT | (1875 - ....) | _William GAINES ______+ | | (1789 - ....) | _Marshall Travis GAINES _| | | (1831 - 1898) m 1851 | | | |_Sarah BIGBY _________ | | (1793 - 1856) |_Narcissa E. GAINES _______| (1854 - ....) m 1873 | | _William Carroll LEE _+ | | (1796 - 1886) m 1829 |_Nancy LEE ______________| (1833 - 1854) m 1851 | |_Dorcas LITTLEFIELD __ (1811 - 1863) m 1829
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Mother: Unity CREW |
_Thomas STANLEY II_____________+ | (1665 - 1733) m 1685 _John STANLEY "The Eldest"_| | (1691 - 1783) m 1744 | | |_Anne? or Mary Holme?__________ | (1665 - 1703) m 1685 _Thomas STANLEY _____| | (1752 - 1823) m 1780| | | _Nicholas HUTCHINS (HUTCHENS) _ | | | (1680 - ....) m 1701 | |_Martha HUTCHINS __________| | (1709 - 1789) m 1744 | | |_Mary WATKINS _________________+ | (1682 - 1736) m 1701 | |--James STANLEY | (1787 - 1820) | _______________________________ | | | _James CREW _______________| | | (1735 - ....) m 1759 | | | |_______________________________ | | |_Unity CREW _________| (1760 - 1852) m 1780| | _Benjamin HARRIS ______________+ | | (1698 - 1765) m 1737 |_Judith HARRIS ____________| (1739 - ....) m 1759 | |_Sarah DUMAS __________________+ (1715 - 1780) m 1737
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Mother: Edy HENTIGE |
__ | _William TUCKER "the Immigrant"_| | (1586 - 1644) m 1620 | | |__ | _Thomas TUCKER ______| | (1628 - 1677) | | | __ | | | | |_Mary Elizabeth THOMPSON _______| | (1597 - ....) m 1620 | | |__ | | |--Robert TUCKER | (1655 - 1702) | __ | | | ________________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_Edy HENTIGE ________| (1632 - ....) | | __ | | |________________________________| | |__
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Mother: Calpurnia Cicero "Roie" WOOD |
or 21 May 1959?
_William WHITELY Sr._+ | (1734 - 1789) _John WHITELY ________| | (1775 - 1842) m 1803 | | |_Susannah TYLER _____+ | (1745 - 1795) _John Wesley WHITELY Sr._______| | (1826 - 1893) m 1864 | | | _Henry HAYNES Sr.____+ | | | (1745 - 1816) m 1768 | |_Bersheba HAYNES _____| | (1776 - 1844) m 1803 | | |_Bersheba HAMPTON ___+ | (1747 - 1784) m 1768 | |--Commedia Elizabeth" Media" WHITELY | (1883 - 1969) | _William WOOD Sr.____ | | (1771 - 1850) | _Luke WOOD ___________| | | (1806 - 1879) m 1832 | | | |_____________________ | | |_Calpurnia Cicero "Roie" WOOD _| (1841 - 1908) m 1864 | | _Seth THORNTON ______ | | (1780 - ....) |_Mary Ellen THORNTON _| (1812 - 1880) m 1832 | |_Nancy POE __________+ (1790 - ....)
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Father: Hugh WINTER Mother: Margarite STRAIN\STRANE |
_____________________ | _Robert WINTER __________| | (1740 - 1800) m 1769 | | |_____________________ | _Hugh WINTER _____________| | (1760 - 1800) | | | _James MCCANTS Esq.__+ | | | (1713 - 1772) m 1740 | |_Mary Elizabeth MCCANTS _| | (1745 - 1818) m 1769 | | |_Agnes MCNEALY ______+ | (1725 - 1760) m 1740 | |--Jane "Jannet" WINTER | (1760 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _Adam STRAIN ____________| | | (.... - 1761) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Margarite STRAIN\STRANE _| (1760 - ....) | | _____________________ | | |_Margaret BOYD? _________| (.... - 1774) | |_____________________
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