Deutsch Paulowitz, Silesia (Osoblaha, Moravia, CZ)

Deutsch Paulowitz , Silesia (Slezské Pavlovice, Moravia, CZ)

You are visitor counter

Here is a postcard picture of Deutsch Paulowitz *new*

See also Slezské Pavlovice under Official Municipal Site of Deutsch Paulowitz. (in Czech) with many pictures here.

Information about the municipalities: Bruntál district. (in Czech) with 2 pictures here.

Welcome to the microregion site of Dívcí Castle *new* (in Czech)

Slezské Pavlovice (Czech Republic) - Bruntál District, Moravian-Silesian Region *new* dated 2.11.2000 - in Czech Detailed Czech map of Slezské Pavlovice *new* Good photo map of Deutsch Paulowitz *new* The church is on the extreme left. It is also possible to view a historical map from 1836-1852, but not at this definition.

Slezské Pavlovice wikipedia. *new*

A friend's website on Deutsch Paulowitz Genealogy *updated*

A list of Cities and Villages that are within 10 Kilometers *new* of Deutsch Paulowitz.

Data of Deutsch Paulowitz in 1910:

Catholic parish: Heiligste Maria Magdalena in Hotzenplotz (Hotzenplotz, Glemkau, Deutsch Paulowitz), Pfarrkirchen - und Pfarrpatron der Fürst - und Erzbischof von Olmütz (now Olomouc).

Evangelical parish: Bistrzitz

Lebendgeburten in Deutsch Paulowitz 1901-1910: 151

Todefaelle in Deutsch Paulowitz 1901-1910: 99


Schlesiens Bevoelkerung in einigen wichtigeren Beziehungen auf Grund der Volkszählung vom 31. Dezember 1910 mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der vorhergegangenen Volkszählungen1, Verlag des landesstatistischen Amtes, Troppau 1912.

1.  The title Silesia's population ... does mean the population of Austrian Silesia.  The book contains only Austrian Silesia not Prussian Silesia.

Provided by the courtesy of Angelika Beck <[email protected]>

Czech Republic - Slezske Pavlovice - site that provides latitude and longitude (decimal) which are 50.3166667 and 17.7.

Deutsch Paulowitz: Familien u. Familienforschung *updated* - a friend's new genealogical site on D.P. and surrounding villages (in German).

Disambiguation of the various Paulowitz or Pawlowice names:

In case that this is not the village that you are seeking, there are many other places with Paulowitz, Pawlowitz, Pablowitz, or Pavlovice as their names. Here are some: And there are people with the name Pawlowitz. Here's a link to Google's Search of Pawlowitz *new*
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Last modified: Fri Nov 13 21:36:47 MET 2009