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D'AUSTRASIE7,222 was born in 504. He died in 548.
Parents: . Spouse: Deuterie DE REIMS. Theodobert D'AUSTRASIE and Deuterie DE REIMS were married. Children were: Theodebald D'AUSTRASIE. Theudeline D'AUSTRASIE.222 Parents: Childebert II D'AUSTRASIE and Faileuba N.... Roi De Neustrie & Bougogn Theuderic III D'AUSTRASIE7,222 died after 695. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Roi de Neustrie & Bougogne Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Name Su ffix:<NSFX> Roi de Neustrie & Bougogne Parents: Clovis II D'AUSTRASIE and Batilde N... (SAXON). Children were: Childebert III D'AUSTRASIE, Clovis III D'AUSTRASIE. Thibert D'AUSTRASIE II7,222 was born in 585. He died in 612. He was also known as Theodebert. Name Prefix:<NPFX> Roi Parents: Childebert II D'AUSTRASIE and Faileuba N.... Roi De Bourgogne Thierry II D'AUSTRASIE7,222 was born in 587. He died in 612. Name Suffix:<NSFX> roi de Bourgogne Name Prefix:<NPFX> Roi Name Suffix:<NSFX> roi de Bourgogne Parents: Childebert II D'AUSTRASIE and Faileuba N.... Children were: Childebert D'AUSTRASIE, Sigebert D'AUSTRASIE, Corpus D'AUSTRASIE, Merovee D'AUSTRASIE. Hugobert D'AUTRASIE7,222 was born in 590. He died in 640. Children were: Ragnetrud D'AUTRASIE. Ragnetrud D'AUTRASIE.222 Parents: Hugobert D'AUTRASIE. Spouse: King Of Austrasia And Of Dagobert I Le Grand D'AUSTRASIE. Children were: Adela D'AUSTRASIE, Sigisbert II (Iii) D'AUSTRASIE, Clovis II D'AUSTRASIE. Living D'AUTREMONT.3 Spouse: Glenn Richard MCBRIDE. Children were: Living MCBRIDE, Living MCBRIDE, Living MCBRIDE. Adaleleme D'AUTUN7,222 was born about 760. Name Prefix:<NPFX> comte Parents: Roi De Neustrie & Bourgog D'autun Aka Makir ABIBAI and Albane Or Aube DE HERSTAL. Aube D'AUTUN.222 Parents: Roi De Neustrie & Bourgog D'autun Aka Makir ABIBAI and Albane Or Aube DE HERSTAL. Duc De Bourgogne Childebrand D'AUTUN7,222 died in 752. Name Suffix:<NSFX> duc de Bourgogne Name Prefix:<NPFX> comte Name Suffix:<NSF X> duc de Bourgogne Parents: Fulcoald D'AUSTRASIE and Alpaide DE BRUYERES. Spouse: Chrodolinde DE BAVIERE. Children were: Nibelung DE BOURGOGNE, Roi De Neustrie & Bourgog D'autun Aka Makir ABIBAI, Gibert DE ROUERGUE. Hugues Ier D'AUTUN7,207,242,243,517 was born in 972. He died on 4 Nov 1039. #Générale# Comte d'Auxerre & de Châlon Evêque d'Auxerre. Parents: Lambert DE CHALON and Adélaïde Ou Wéra DE CHALON. Parents: Lambert DE CHALONS and Countess Of Bourgogne Adela 'Were' DE TROYES. Ingeltrude D'AUTUN7,242 was born in 780. Spouse: King Of Italy Pépin CARLOMAN I. King Of Italy Pépin CARLOMAN I and Ingeltrude D'AUTUN were married. _STATMARRIED Children were: Théodrate Of FRANCE. Lambert D'AUTUN7,21,32 was born in 924 in France.32 Spouse: Adelaide De Chalon DE VERMANDOIS. Lambert D'AUTUN and Adelaide De Chalon DE VERMANDOIS were married in France.32 Children were: Maud Mathilda DE CHALONS. Thierry II Or Theodoen D'AUTUN7,222 was born about 750. He died in 804. Name Prefix:<NPFX> comte Parents: Roi De Neustrie & Bourgog D'autun Aka Makir ABIBAI and Albane Or Aube DE HERSTAL. Thierry III D'AUTUN7,222 was born about 790. He died in 840. Parents: Count Of Toulouse, Marqui Guillaume Aka D'ORANGE Au De Gellone and Guibourg DE HERBAUGES D'AUSTRASIE. Varnier D'AUTUN.54 Parents: Thierry D'AUTUN OF ITALY METZ I and Richilde OF ARLES OF BURGUNDY. Thierry D'AUTUN OF ITALY METZ I7,54 was born in 820. He died in 864. Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count/Count Parents: Duke Of \Of Macon, Autun CHILDEBRAND II and Dunne De Autun NONNE. Spouse: Richilde OF ARLES OF BURGUNDY. Children were: Richardis OF METZ, Ermengarde DE CHALONS, Boso I Of Provence DE VIENNE D'AUTUN. Spouse: Richilde OF ARLES OF BURGUNDY. Children were: Richard II Burgandy OF AUTUN, Varnier D'AUTUN, Thierry DE CHALONS II. Ermengarde D'AUVERGNE.2244 Spouse: Warrachaire DE BOURGOGNE. Children were: Ermengarde DE BOURGOGNE. Ermengarde D'AUVERGNE7,130 was born in 994. She died in 1042. Parents: Ermengarde OF TOULOUSE. Spouse: Ct De Blois Champagne Odo II. Ct De Blois Champagne Odo II and Ermengarde D'AUVERGNE were married. Children were: Bertha DE CHARTRES, Count Of Champagne & Bloi THEOBALD III. Ferrolous D'AUVERGNE7,202 was born in 540 in Landen, Liege, Belgium. Parents: . Spouse: Dinteria N...(ROMAN). Ferrolous D'AUVERGNE and Dinteria N...(ROMAN) were married. Children were: Ausbertus DE MEROVING. Sigimberus I D'AUVERGNE7,201,219,542 was born about 419 in Westphalia, Germany.201 He died.201 [De La Pole.FTW] Source: Kraentzler 1636, 1772; Collins; AF. K: Auberdon l' Enchanteur de France. AF: Adelbert, born about 454, died 491. Collins: Albero , Duke of Moselle. Died 491. Parents: King Of Clodius WESTPHALIA V and I Basina Of THURINGIA. Spouse: Tonantia FERREOLUS. Sigimberus I D'AUVERGNE and Tonantia FERREOLUS were married. Children were: Sgr. De Moselle Ferreolus DE MOSELLE. Eve Or Berthe D'AUXERRE7,121,242 was born about 830. She died after 856. Parents: Count Of Auxerre Conrad ARGENGAU I and [Countess] Adele ALSACE. Ade D'AVESNES7,248 was born in 1059 in Avesnes, Pas-DE-Calais, France. Parents: Wedrichwilderich D'AVESNES III. Spouse: Fastre DE OISEY. Fastre DE OISEY and Ade D'AVESNES were married. Children were: Fastre DE OISEY. And D'etroen Bouchard D'AVESNES7,22,23 was born about 1180.22 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]463 He died in 1244 in Etraeungt, Nord, France.22 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]463 He was also known as Bouchard D'avesnes.45 He was buried in Abbey Of Clairefontaine.22 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] Name Suffix:<NSFX> and d'EtroenFrom the Maybee Society files. The data is not verified and is possibly incorre ct. From the Maybee Society files. The data is not verified and is possibl y incorrect. Parents: Of Flanders Jacques D'AVESNES and & Lesquilles Adèle De GUISE. Parents: Of Flanders Jacques D'AVESNES and Adelphie DE GUISE. Spouse:
Countess Of Flanders Margaret I Of FLANDERS.
And D'etroen Bouchard D'AVESNES and Countess Of Flanders Margaret I Of FLANDERS
were married in Mar 1211/12.463
_FREL Natural
Ida D'AVESNES7,14 died about 23 Sep 1266. She was buried about 23 Sep 1266. This database is always under construction. Please contact the author with any additions, corrections and/or comments. All of the information I have about pr e-1902 people is in the database, I have no more information about them. Happy hunting! Parents: Jacques D' AVESNES and & Lesquilles Adèle De GUISE. Spouse: Engelbert IV D'ENGHIEN. Engelbert IV D'ENGHIEN and Ida D'AVESNES were married. Children were: Sohier II D'ENGHEIM. Ida D'AVESNES7,248 was born in 1157 in Avesnes, Pas-DE-Calais, France. She died in 1178. Parents: Seigneur D'avesnes NICOLAS and Omtesse \De La Roche\ Mathilde C. Spouse: William IV De ST. OMER. William IV De ST. OMER and Ida D'AVESNES were married. Children were: Nicholas De ST. OMER. Of Flanders Jacques D'AVESNES7,22,23 was born about 1150.22 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]463 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He died on 7 Sep 1191 in In Battle Of Arsouf, Palestine.22 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]463 He was also known as Jacques D'avesnes.45,248 Name Suffix:<NSFX> of FlandersFrom the Maybee Society files. The data is not verified and is possibly incorre ct. Parents: Seigneur D'avesnes NICOLAS and Omtesse \De La Roche\ Mathilde C. Parents: . Parents: Seigneur D'avesnes NICOLAS and Mathilde De La ROCHE. Spouse: & Lesquilles Adèle De GUISE. Of Flanders Jacques D'AVESNES and & Lesquilles Adèle De GUISE were married. Children were: And D'etroen Bouchard D'AVESNES. Spouse: Adelphie DE GUISE. Of Flanders Jacques D'AVESNES and Adelphie DE GUISE were married in 1185.463 Children were: Seigneur D'avesnes GAUTIER II, Mathilde DE AVESNES, Jacques D'AVESNES, Ida DE AVESNES, Ada DE AVESNES, Guy DE AVESNES, Adelaide DE AVESNES, And D'etroen Bouchard D'AVESNES. Jacques D'AVESNES7,45 was born about 1184 in Of, Avesnes, Pas-DE-Calais, France.463 From the Maybee Society files. The data is not verified and is possibly incorre ct. Parents: Of Flanders Jacques D'AVESNES and Adelphie DE GUISE. Wedric I D'AVESNES7,248 was born in 975. Spouse: Ava D'OSTREVANT. Wedric I D'AVESNES and Ava D'OSTREVANT were married. Children were: Wedric II D'AVESNES. Wedric II D'AVESNES7,248 was born about 1000. Parents: Wedric I D'AVESNES and Ava D'OSTREVANT. Children were: Wedrichwilderich D'AVESNES III. Wedrichwilderich D'AVESNES III7,248 was born in 1020. He was also known as Le Barbu. Parents: Wedric II D'AVESNES. Children were: Ade D'AVESNES. Guitmond D'AVRANCHES.378 Children were: William D'AVRANCHES. Helisende D'AVRANCHES7,35,36 was born in 1055.35 2 SOUR S002120 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 17, 2001 Parents: Richard D'AVRANCHES and Emma DE MORTAIN. Jenare D'AVRANCHES7,838 was also known as Elesende. She died Deceased. Parents: Emma DE MORTAIN. Spouse: Comte William D'EU. Comte William D'EU and Jenare D'AVRANCHES were married. Children were: Lord Of Dutton Odard D'EU. Judith D'AVRANCHES7,35,36 was born in 1045.35 2 SOUR S002120 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 17, 2001 Parents: Richard D'AVRANCHES and Emma DE MORTAIN. Judith D'AVRANCHES7,45 was born after 1046 in Of, Avranches, Manche, France. TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 1999 TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DATA TEXT Date of Import: Oct 20, 19 99 SOUR misc.traveller.com/genealogy/gedhtml/kmilburn/d0002 says 1040 GIV N Judith SURN AVARANCHES NICK le Goz AFN V9VN-8B REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ance stral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copy right (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus C hrist of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 Ja nuary 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MAST ER Y DATE 22 OCT 2000 TIME 20:12:12 DATE 18 NOV 1999 Parents: . Spouse: Richard
DE L'AIGLE. Richard DE L'AIGLE and Judith D'AVRANCHES were married about
1072 in Of, Normandy, France. TITL tree1.ged
Maud D'AVRANCHES7,35,36,130 was born in 1033 in Avranches, Normandy.35 She died in 1089.35 She was also known as Margaret. 2 SOUR S002120 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 17, 2001 Parents: Toustien Le Goz Viscount D'avranches Lord HEISM and Judith DE MONTANDLIER. Parents: Richard D'AVRANCHES and Emma DE MORTAIN. Spouse: Viscount Of Ranulph DE BRICHESART. Viscount Of Ranulph DE BRICHESART and Maud D'AVRANCHES were married. Children were: Earl Of Chester Ranulph LE MESCHINES III, Agnes DE BRICHESART. Spouse: Harold Sudeley D'EWYAS. Harold Sudeley D'EWYAS and Maud D'AVRANCHES were married. Children were: Robert Fitzharold D'EWYAS, John DE SUDELEY. Maud D'AVRANCHES6,7,10,17,27,33,95,174,202,259,377,755 was born in 1051 in Of, Avranches, Normandy, France.47,377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] She was also known as Margaret. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 91SN-7S Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 91SN-7S ! ! SEALED TO PARENTS: IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1903579. ! SEALED TO SPOUSE: {Ra ndolph} IGI 1994 Edition, Film # 1761003. ! RELATIONSHIP: Patron, H. Reed Bla ck, is 25th G G Son & 25th G G Nephew. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> FLHB-MV Ancestral File Number:<AFN> FLHB-MV Parents: [Vicomte] Richard LE GOZ and Emma DE CONTEBILLE. Parents: Viscount Richard D' AVRANCHES and Emma DE CONTEBILLE. Spouse: Viscount Bayeux Ranulf De MESCHINES. Viscount Bayeux Ranulf De MESCHINES and Maud D'AVRANCHES were married about 1069 in Normandy, France.377 _STATMARRIED Children were: Earl Of Chester Ranulph III DE MESCHINES Meschines, William DE MESCHINES, Agnes De MESCHINES, Geoffrey DE MESCHINES, Henry LATHAM, Robert DE MESCHINES, Agnes De MESCHINES, Agnes De MESCHINES. Spouse: Viscount Bayeux Ranulf De MESCHINES. Viscount Bayeux Ranulf De MESCHINES and Maud D'AVRANCHES were married in 1069 in Normandy, France.47 Children were: Earl Of Chester Ranulph III DE MESCHINES Meschines, Earl Of Chester Ranulph LE MESCHINES III, Robert MESCHINES, ** Matilda MECHINES, Geoffrey DE MESCHINES, William DE MESCHINES, Robert DE MESCHINES. Spouse: [Vicompte Bayeux Randolph BAYEUX. [Vicompte Bayeux Randolph BAYEUX and Maud D'AVRANCHES were married about 1075 in Avaranches, Manche, France. Maud D'AVRANCHES7,378 was born in 1097 in England. She died on 21 Sep 1173. The Complete Peerage vol.IV,p.317 Parents: Robert D'AVRANCHES and Miss DE DOL. Spouse: Baron Of Okehampton Fitzedith ROBERT. Baron Of Okehampton Fitzedith ROBERT and Maud D'AVRANCHES were married. Children were: Maud DU SAP. Spouse: William DE COURCY. William DE COURCY and Maud D'AVRANCHES were married. Children were: Lady Of Okehampton De Courcy HAWISE. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He was born in 1025.35 He died in 1082.35 He was also known as Le Goz. He was also known as Richard 'Le Goz' D'avranches Vicomte D'avranches.130 2 SOUR S002120 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Apr 17, 2001 Parents: Thurston LE GOZ and Judith DE MONTEROLIER. Parents: Toustien Le Goz Viscount D'avranches Lord HEISM and Judith DE MONTANDLIER. Spouse: Emma DE MORTAIN. Richard D'AVRANCHES and Emma DE MORTAIN were married. Children were: Judith D'AVRANCHES, Hugh, Maud D'AVRANCHES, Helisende D'AVRANCHES. Robert D'AVRANCHES7,378 was born about 1075. Also Known As:<_AKA> /Abrincis/ Parents: William D'AVRANCHES and Miss FITZBALDWIN. Spouse: Miss DE DOL. Robert D'AVRANCHES and Miss DE DOL were married. Children were: Maud D'AVRANCHES. William D'AVRANCHES7,378 died about 1087. The Complete Peerage vol.IV,p.317. Parents: Guitmond D'AVRANCHES. Spouse: Miss FITZBALDWIN. William D'AVRANCHES and Miss FITZBALDWIN were married. Children were: Robert D'AVRANCHES. Sancha D'AYBAR.61 Parents: . Spouse: Count \Toulouse Albi\ Pons Count Of TOULOUSE III. Elisabeth D'ECRY7,14 was born in 1215. She died after 1274. She was buried after 1274. This database is always under construction. Please contact the author with any additions, corrections and/or comments. All of the information I have about pr e-1902 people is in the database, I have no more information about them. Happy hunting! Spouse: Manassas IV De RETHEL. Children were: Marie De RETHEL. Plectrude D'ECTERNACH7,222 was born about 665. Spouse: Maire Of P. Of Neustrie ( Pepin D'HERSTAL II. Maire Of P. Of Neustrie ( Pepin D'HERSTAL II and Plectrude D'ECTERNACH were married. Children were: Drogo DE CHAMPAGNE, Maire Du Palais Grimoald II D'AUSTRASIE. Queen Melisende D' D'EDESSE7,17,70,98,100,111,212,213 was born in 1108 in <, Jerusalem>. She died on 11 Sep 1161. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Queen Name Suffix:<NSFX> Queen Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9HPW-K5 Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Parents: . Spouse: Ct De Anjou\ Fulk V Le Grand ANJOU V. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] They were married in 1129 in , , , France. Children were: Baldwin JERUSALEM III, Almaric JERUSALEM I. Maud D'EIVILLE7,97 was born about 1251 in Ellesmere, Shropshire, England. She died after 1309. She was also known as Walton. Parents: . Spouse: Lord Of Knockyn John V LE STRANGE. Lord Of Knockyn John V LE STRANGE and Maud D'EIVILLE were married. Children were: Baron Of Strange John IV LE STRANGE. Joane D'ENGAINE7,252,948 was born about 1280.948 She died on 1 Jun 1315.948 2 SOUR S0993518 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002 This pa ge is just a start. Not all information has bee varified. Parents: John DE ENGAINE and Joan DE GREINVILLE. Spouse: 1st Baron Adam DE WELLES. 1St Baron Adam DE WELLES and Joane D'ENGAINE were married. Children were: Joan DE WELLES, Baron Welles Adam DE WELLES. Viel D'ENGAINE7,252,948 was born in 1202 in Laxton, Norfolk, England.948 He died on 22 Oct 1248.948 He was also known as Vitalis. 2 SOUR S0993518 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002 This pa ge is just a start. Not all information has bee varified. Parents: . Spouse: Rohese DE MONTGOMERY. Viel D'ENGAINE and Rohese DE MONTGOMERY were married in 1231 in Colne, Engaine, Essex, England.948 Children were: John DE ENGAINE. |