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Mother: Lydia CASSELS |
__ | __| | | | |__ | _David BOLAND _______| | (1800 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Amanda BOLAND | | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Lydia CASSELS ______| (1800 - ....) | | __ | | |__| | |__
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _Robert BROCKSLEY ___| | (1520 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Isabel BROCKSLEY | (1550 - 1587) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Jane TRAVERS |
_Richard GATEWOOD Sr.__+ | (1681 - 1730) m 1712 _Richard GATEWOOD Jr._____| | (1716 - 1760) m 1744 | | |_Rachel KEMPE _________+ | (1696 - 1720) m 1712 _William GATEWOOD ___| | (1745 - 1825) | | | _Richard TYLER Jr._____+ | | | (1685 - 1761) | |_Frances "Frankey" TYLER _| | (1730 - 1785) m 1744 | | |_Catherine WILLIAMSON _+ | (1685 - 1751) | |--William Kemp GATEWOOD | (1778 - 1836) | _______________________ | | | __________________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Jane TRAVERS _______| (1760 - 1790) | | _______________________ | | |__________________________| | |_______________________
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Mother: Martha OWEN |
__ | __| | | | |__ | _James HOLLOWAY _____| | (1760 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Julia HOLLOWAY | (1784 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_Martha OWEN ________| (1760 - ....) | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Jane (Cockshutt) Matthews made the deed of gift to her Matthews
children 15 Jan 1676/77. Keep in mind that both Thomas the elder
and Thomas the younger were dead by the date of the above
William Guither lawsuit 27 May 1676 and Thomas (husband of Jane)
had his will proved 11 Mar 1676/77.
Archives of Maryland, Volume 67, Provincial Court Proceedings,
1677/8; Page 224-5;
13 February 1677/78
***Tho: Matthews agt John Jerome, Mrchant: Comand was given to
the Sheriffe of St Maryes County that he take John Jerome late
of his County if he should be found in his bailywick & him safe
keep so that he haue his body here the fourth day of Decembr in
the third yeare of his Lordpps dominion &c to answer unto Thomas
Matthews in a plea that he render unto him his reasonable
accompt for the tyme he was Receiver of the tobacco of him the
said Thomas to the proper use of him the said Thomas, Which said
fourth day of Decemb on which the said Court ought to haue been
held was by his Lordpps Writts of Adjournmt adjourned untill the
thirteenth day of ffebruary then next following.
Att which said thirteenth day of ffebry the same Sheriffe maketh
returne of the writt aforesaid that the said John Jerome is not
found in his bailywick Whereupon the said Thomas by Kenelm
Cheseldyn his Attorney prayed an Attachmt agt the Estate of the
said John Jerome according to Act of Assembly in that case made
& provided, & itt is granted unto him
***Thomas Matthews agt George Southerne: Comand was given to the
Sheriffe of St Maryes County that he take George Southerne if he
should be found in his bailywick & him safe keep so that he have
his body here the fourth day of December in the third yeare of
his Lordpps Dominion &c to Answer unto Thomas Matthews in a plea
of trespas upon the case, Which said fourth day of Decembr on
which the said Court ought to have bin held was by his Lordps
Writts of Adjournmt adjourned untill the thirteenth day of
ffebruary then next following.
Att which said thirteenth day of ffebruary the same Sheriffe
maketh returne of the writt aforesaid that the said George
Southerne is not found in his bailywick, Whereupon the said
Thomas by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorney prayed an Attachmt agt
the Estate of the said George Southerne according to Act of
Assembly in that case made & provided, & itt is granted unto him
***Tho: Matthews agt John Quigley: Comand was given as
heretofore to the Sheriffe of St Maryes County that he take John
Quigley if he should be found in his bailywick, & him safe keep
so that he haue his body here the twelfth day of ffebruary in
the third yeare of his Lordpps Dominion &c to Answer unto Thomas
Matthews in a plea of trespas upon the case Which said twelfth
day of ffebruary on which the said Court ought to have bin held,
was by his Lordps Writt of Adjournment adjourned untill the
thirteenth day of the same month Att which said thirteenth day
of ffebruary the same Sheriffe maketh returne of the writt
aforesaid that the said John Quigley is not found in his
bailywick, whereupon the said Thomas prayed an Attachmt against
the Estate of the said John Quigley according to Act of Assembly
in that case made & provided & itt is granted unto him
I found an item in the Archives today that will require me to
estimate the birth years of Thomas Matthews Jr. and Ignatius
Matthews (his brother) as about 1642 and 1644 respectively (at
the latest, I think).
I found this that bears directly on the ages of the elder
Matthews family--the children of Thomas Mathews and Hester, as
well as the children of Thomas Mathews and Jane Cockshutt. (ARMD
Vol. 51, p. 24) dated 3 Oct 1678 states that John Breed, his
wife Jane and her son Ignatius Matthews were delivered a
This concerned a suit by William Guyther to recover his
property; finally in the possession of the "infant" Ignatius
Matthews as the heir of Thomas Matthews the Younger. (William
Boarman represented as his guardian the "infant" Ignatius
Matthews in this lawsuit in 1677. I think the "infant" Ignatius
Matthews had to be the nephew of the Ignatius Matthews who was
the son of Jane (Cockshut) Mathews Breed.) Bye, Norma
Archives of Maryland, Volume 3, Proceedings of the Council of
Maryland, 1661-1675. Page 501; To the Rt honnorble Charles,
Calvert Lieut of this province of Maryld dd. St Mary's this 9th
of June 1664.
Upon Munday last the Indeans of Pascattaway sent to my Brother &
mee, word tht they had taken two prisonrs of the Johnadoes
(Oniedas) upon the North side of patomake river desiring tht
some of the English would come & heare their Confession & see
their pceedings agt them which should be the next day by noone
if wee would come or else send thm word or wee tht I would not
come where upon I requested my brother Ignatius & Henry More to
goe along with mee & wee went thither according to the tyme they
appointed & after I came they presently began to Torter the man
& gave mee this Relacon from him by an Interpreter who undrstood
him tht there was sixty of them upon the North side of Patomacke
River for to Warr & kill the English & the Indeans & doe what
mischeife they could & he confessed they had Cutt of one house &
tht the English had killed thm six men but what had been don
since hee came from them he could not tell & he sd there was a
hundred more which were gone to the head of the bay to kill
English there & sasqehanoes to if they can light of them & tht
this Suffler they did intend to come into our Necke to kill
English if they could but passe the Indeans & not be discouered
this I thought good to acquaint yor lop wth tht you may use what
meanes you can to giue thm notice at Baltemore County tht they
may looke to themselues, as for the Relacon & maner of from
Potobacco their tortering thm I omitt till I shall see yor
honor, from yor humble servt.
Tho: Mathews
My brothr Adams pnrth his seruice unto yor honnor; For the Rt
honrble the Lieut genrall. These from the Indian Interpreto Mr
Thomas Mathewes for the safty of this pvince from howse to howse
post haste 1664 June 27th Then a Comcon issued to Lewis Stockett
to bee Coll: and Comander in Cheife of all the fforces to bee
raysed betweene the Coues of Riuer to the head of the Bay on
both sides as allsoe uppon the Isle of Kent, and to enlist for
his owne Company such and soe many of the Inhabitants in any
part of the said diuisione as hee shall thinke ffitt, mutatis
mutandis Ut est in folio 27d Comcon for Collonell Nathaniell
Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1
Mathews, Thomas ,Chas. Co., 9th Jan., 1675; 11th Mch., 1676.
To wife Jane, execx., 300 A. Huckleberry Swamp or Beckley, in
Chas. Co.; 400 A. St. Helen's and Matthews' Hope at St. Helen's;
also personalty for the use of herself and testator's children.
To son Thomas and hrs., 700 A., part of tract on Mattawoman
Branches. To dau. Mary, wife of Capt. Boreman, and hrs., part of
tract afsd. given to son Thomas, and 255 A., Hill Freehold at
St. Mary's. Test: Ignatius Caussin, Marke Lankford. 5. 83.
Maryland Archives Volume 41 page 226
Adams- Mathews v. Mitchell's Esqr
& Bee it knowne unto all men by these pents tht I Willm Mitchell
doe assigne all my right tytle & interest of a blackish browne
Estate horse wth a white face unto Henry Adams & Thomas Mathewes
p. 184 for the use of Jane Clearke, the late Relict of Nicholas
Cawsine deceased; To haue & to hould unto the sd Henry Adams &
Thomas Mathewes to & for the sole benefitt & use of the sd Jane
Clearke & her heyres for euer & in wittness whereof I sett my
hand this 7th of January 1656. Willm Mitchell
Signed & Deliuered in pence of Giles Sadler
These pents wittnes tht I the aboue named Willm Mitchell doe
engage my selfe my heyres, Executors & admistrators uppon or
before the last of Aprill next comming to deliuer to the aboue
Volume 41 page 227 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 227
named Henry Adams & Thomas Mathews for the use abouesd a mare
(Liber P. C. R.) betweene fowre & fiue yeares old, uisibly sownd
wind & limb, uppon the Receipt of Eight hundd pownds of good
sownd merchble leafe Tob & cask as wittnes my hand this 7th of
January 1656
Willm Mitchell.
In Case I fayle performance hereof my seruant Jane Witton is
hereby engaged for satisfaction.
Test Robert Thimbleby
This Bill bindeth me Willm Mitchell of St Maries, in the
prouince of Maryland Esqr, my heyres Executoes admistratoes or
assignes to pay or Cause to be payd unto Henry Ellery of the
foresd prouince Plante his heyres or assignes, the iust summe or
quantity of Eight hundd weight of good sownd merchble leafe Tob
& cask to be payd att or before the Tenth of Nouembr next
ensuing as wittnes my hand this pent 14th of August 1656 Willm
Wittnes Math: Stone Rich: Hotchkeys.
Nouembr 7th 1656
I Henry Ellery the wth in named doe by this presents assigne &
sett ouer all my right tytle & interest of this Bill (wth the
consent of Capt Mitchell) unto Robert Cleark of this prouince.
Wittnes my hand the day & yeare aboue written
Henry H E Ellery
Daniel Johnson
January 20th 1658
Henry Ellery aged 45 yeares or thereabouts Sayth uppon Oath That
this Bill was assigned ouer unto Mr Robt Clearke wth Capt
Mitchells consent. Both Capt Mitchell & Mr Clearke, & this
Depont being ailtogether in a Boate in St Georges Riuer, att the
assigning thereof Hen: H E Ellery J urat Coran me Willm Bretton
Whereas att a Court held in Caluert County on the 30th of Aprill
Vid.( fol. 47) last Attatchmt issued out agst the Estate of Capt
Mitchell for Two Thowsand fiue hundd pownds of Tob att the
Request of Mr Robert Clearke And whereas not long after the sd
Attatchmt was Layd Mr (p. 185)
Robert Thimbleby Attorney of the sd Capt Mitchell came into this
prouince, & had notice gyuen him of the sd Attatchmt by the
Gouernor. And whereas likewise tht former Attatchmt was by order
of the last Prouinciall Court held allso in the County of
Caluert on the sixth day of Octobr last continued, yett soe as
in the names of Mr Henry Adams & Mr Thomas Mathewes in the
behalfe of the Orphanes of Mr Nicholas Cawsine, (as appeareth by
the sd Order of Court) to whom the specialty was signed &
consequently the Debt due. It is Ordered (the sd Capt Mitchell
not appearing nor any...
Volume 41 page 228
228 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
Liber Attorney for him) That W Henry Adams & Mr Thomas Mathewes
P. C. R. haue Judgmt for the sd Two Thowsand fiue hundd pownds
of Tob & Cask allready attatched in part of satisfaction of
their demand, for non payment of the Mare according to the Capt
Mitchells ohligaon & specialty.
Whereas att a Court held in Caluert County on the 30th of Aprill
last Attatchmt issued out (att the request of Mr Robt Clearke)
agst thc Estate of Capt William Mitchell for 25OOl Tob & Cask &
whereas att the next Court likewise in Caluert County 6° October
That At tatchmt was continued in the names of Mr Henry Adams & W
Thomas Mathews & whereas lastly att this Court held att St
Maries 25o ffebruary the sd Henry Adams & Thomas Mathews
obteyned Judgmt agst the sd Capt Willm Mitchells Estate for the
foresd summe.
T h Leauy therefore by way of Exequuon uppon any the goods debts
0t e Clk or Chattles of Capt Wm Mitchell in this Prouince Two
To the Sher. fiue hundd pownds of Tob & Cask (according to the
forestd order) & deliuer the same to Mr Henry Adams & Thomas
Mathewes or to whom they shall appoynt to receaue the same, &
for soe doeing this shall bee yor warrt. Gyuen att St Maries
this 25° ffeb. 1658.
Philip Caluert
To the Sheriffe of Caluert County or his Deputy
The Court adiorned by the Gouernor till to morrow morning
February 26 Saturday 260 ffebruary
Josias ffendall Esqr Gour.Mr Robt Clearke Mr Ba: Brook
Philip Caluert Esqr Secr.Mr Job Chandler W Ed: Lloyd
Capt Willm StoneDr Luke Barber
****And then we have these items which would possibly apply to a
third Thomas Matthews. I'm going to post the entire transcript
but it basically says that Thomas Matthews filed three lawsuits
and answered in court by his attorney on 13 Feb 1677/78."
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Mother: Jane CRAIG |
_Nathaniel SANDERS Sr.________ | (1664 - 1733) _Hugh SANDERS ________________| | (1710 - 1781) m 1737 | | |_ WATKINS ____________________ | (1770 - 1733) _John SANDERS _______| | (1738 - 1805) m 1763| | | _Samuel HOSKINS ______________ | | | (1680 - 1738) m 1706 | |_Catherine HOSKINS ___________| | (1715 - 1787) m 1737 | | |_Mary BRERETON _______________ | (1682 - ....) m 1706 | |--Catherine SANDERS | (1784 - ....) | _John CRAIG __________________ | | (1680 - 1704) m 1703 | _Taliaferro "Toliver" CRAIG I_| | | (1705 - 1795) m 1730 | | | |_Jane TALIAFERRO _____________ | | (1684 - ....) m 1703 |_Jane CRAIG _________| (1743 - 1786) m 1763| | _John HAWKINS "the immigrant"_+ | | (1680 - 1740) m 1698 |_Mary "Polly" HAWKINS ________| (1716 - 1804) m 1730 | |_Mary LONG ___________________+ (1680 - ....) m 1698
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Mother: Judith DUDLEY |
_(RESEARCH QUERY - VA) SCOTT of Virginia_ | _John SCOTT I_______________| | (1632 - ....) m 1662 | | |_________________________________________ | _John SCOTT II_______| | (1672 - 1729) m 1699| | | _William BASSETT I_______________________ | | | (1580 - 1646) | |_Mary or Elizabeth BASSETT _| | (1632 - ....) m 1662 | | |_Anne DICKESON __________________________ | (1580 - ....) | |--Joseph SCOTT | (1702 - 1743) | _RICHARD DUDLEY I________________________+ | | (1623 - 1687) m 1642 | _Ambrose DUDLEY ____________| | | (1649 - 1738) m 1674 | | | |_Mary SEWELL (SEAWELL) of York Co. VA____+ | | (1622 - 1657) m 1642 |_Judith DUDLEY ______| (1679 - 1734) m 1699| | _Joseph FOSTER "the Immigrant"___________ | | (1632 - 1660) m 1652 |_Ann FOSTER ________________| (1656 - ....) m 1674 | |_Mary or Elizabeth BASSETT ______________+ (1632 - ....) m 1652
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