[source: regimental letters book]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Pa. Vols
Camp near Kellys Ford Va November 19th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
A. A. General
In reply to the inquiry of this day concerning the two men of this Regiment against whom charges have been preferred.
I have the honor to state that Burkett is under charge of the Provost Marshall Guard and has been since his arrest. [Since Charles Burkett was tried by court martial in December 1863, he is the Burkett, and not Elias Burkett]
Hood [presumably James Hood, co H] was also under charge of the Provost Guard until ordered by the Doctor to the Regiment on account of Sickness neither have done duty since their arrest.
I am Captain &c.E M Gregory
Col Commdg
[source: regimental letters book]
Head Quarters 91st Regt Penna Vols
Camp near Kellys Ford Va November 19th 1863
Captain A. S. Marvin Jr.
A. A. General
In compliance with Provisions of Special Orders No. 298 the undersigned Board of Inspection have the honor to make the following report.
Upon a thorough inspection 5 days rations are now in the Haversacks and Knapsacks of the men having a deficiency of 3 days this deficiency was caused partly by exposure to bad weather during the march from Culpepper + other unavoidable circumstances resulting from loss in carrying the rations in their Haversacks + Knapsacks.
We are Captain Very Respectfully &cE. M. Gregory
Col Commanding
Eli G Sellers Senior Captain
David Lentz Regtl Q. Master
[source: regimental orders book]
Head Quarters 91st Regiment Penna Vols
Camp near Kellys Ford Va November 19" 1863
Company Commanders will proceed at once examine [sic] the condition and quantity of Rations in the hands of their respective commands and report to these Hd Qrs. care will be taken that the Inspection be thorough and complete stating the number of days on hand--what deficiencies exist and cause of such deficiencies
By Order ofE. M. Gregory
Col Commdg
B. J. Tayman