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Mother: Mary Elizabeth JONES |
__ | _Mareen (Laval) DUVALL "the Immigrant"_| | (1630 - 1694) m 1650 | | |__ | _John DUVALL __________| | (1652 - 1711) m 1686 | | | __ | | | | |_Mary "PARRAN" BOUTH __________________| | (1635 - 1672) m 1650 | | |__ | | |--Elizabeth DUVALL | (1687 - 1770) | __ | | | _William JONES Sr._____________________| | | (1620 - ....) | | | |__ | | |_Mary Elizabeth JONES _| (1665 - 1740) m 1686 | | __ | | |_______________________________________| | |__
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Mother: Susannah TARLETON |
The will of the son, George Penn, was filed in Feb 1790 as shown
below yet his name was recorded in his mother's will in 1794.
George Penn - 1768-1828 m. Sally Gordon, son of Abraham (I
believe this to be the George Penn that forged George Penn's
1705-1749 signature in Ann Fleming's will in 1794, and a number
of other documents as well).
(who may have been Fleming or Madison as some now believe)
George Penn married to Ann Fleming she had a cousin who was
married to Josiah Payne and they get mixed up on the internet
Caroline Co., Va. 9-8-1749, last will and testament of George
Penn was presented in court by Ann Penn the executrix therein
named and proved by John & Giles Rogers witnesses thereto. It is
ordered that Francis Taylor, Edmund Taylor, Edmund Pendleton and
Joseph Holmes appraise estate of George Penn.
Amherst Co., Va film 30275
Ann Dudly - 5-1-1794/p. 7-21-1794
sons; George, Phillip, Gabrial, Abraham
dau; Francis Tucker
exec; James Callaway (friend)
_THOMAS FLEMING "the Immigrant"_+ | (1600 - 1683) _John FLEMING _______| | (1627 - 1686) | | |_JUDITH Ursula TARLETON ________ | (1610 - ....) _Charles FLEMING ____| | (1650 - 1717) m 1680| | | ________________________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |________________________________ | | |--Ann FLEMING | (1706 - 1794) | _John TARLETON "the Immigrant"__ | | (1610 - ....) | _Stephen TARLETON ___| | | (1637 - 1687) m 1655| | | |________________________________ | | |_Susannah TARLETON __| (1661 - 1717) m 1680| | _John BATES "the Immigrant"_____ | | (1598 - 1666) m 1624 |_Susanna BATES ______| (1635 - ....) m 1655| |_Elizabeth WINSTON _____________+ (1605 - 1701) m 1624
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Mother: Sarah FOSTER |
"Know all men by these presents that we William Gatewood, Wesley
J. Wright, Reubin Gatewood, Charles B. Cook, Anderson Johnson,
Silas Gatewood, and Archibald Bain are held firmly bound under
the Commonwealth of Kentucky in penal sum of $3,000. for the
payment whereof well and truly to be made to the said
Commonwealth, we bind ourselves, our heirs, Executors and
administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents
sealed with our seals and dated this 27 day of March, 1837.
"The condition of the above obligation is such if the above
bound William Gatewood as Sheriff of Trimble County shall by
himself or deputies well and truly called all officers fees and
dues put into his hands or their hands to collect, and pay
account for and pay the same at such time and place and in such
manner as is directed by law, shall also well and truly execute
and due return make of all process and receipts to him directed
and to him or them delivered and pay and satisfy all sums of
money or tobacco by him or them received. Or which ought to have
been received upon any such process or receipt to the person or
persons entitled thereto and in all other things shall truly and
faithfully execute and perform the said office of the Sheriff
according to law during the time of his continuance therein then
the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full
William Gatewood
W.J. Wright
Anderson Johnson
Charles B. Cook
Silas Gatewood
Archibald Bain
Reubin Gatewood
Nine of the men in the foregoing records were related by blood
or marriage. Thus it may be seen that the Gatewood-Cook families
were foremost in founding the new county. William Gatewood, the
first sheriff was father-in-law of his bondsman, Charles B.
Cook, William and Rueben Gatewood were brothers, and Silas
Gatewood was a son of William. Daniel Lane, a justice of the
peace, was a son-in-law of Reubin and his wife was William's
niece. He was county judge during the Civil War. Archibald Bain,
another bondsman, was son-in-law of William Gatewood and
brother-in-law of Charles B. Cook. Silas Gatewood was William's
son, and was for a long time postmaster of Bedford. Dr. Wesley
J. Wright, bondsman for both James Latty and William Gatewood,
was brother-in-law of William. He was a lawyer and doctor, and
in 1850 was a delegate to the Consititutional Convention for
Kentucky. Davis Latty, brother of James Latty, County Clerk, was
brother-in-law of Charles B. Cook. William Campbell, not related
to the others, was probably the wealthiest man in the county,
living on the 1369 acre plantation north-east of the town.
An order to the Sheriff, William Gatewood: "Order of the Court
that the following be and the same hereby established as plan
for the county jail of Trimble County. (viz) To be built of
logs, the house to be 32 by 16 feet, one storey, ten feet high
with two rooms, to have a stone foundation, two feet deep in the
ground, and wide enough to receive a brick wall nine inches
thick around, the logs to be one foot square and dovetailed
together at the ends, the front room to be built of single
timber, and the dungeon to be built of double timber in the
following way..."
A handwritten slip of paper in possession of William Gatewood's
great-granddaughter: "State of Kentucky, Trimble County Court,
January term, 1839. Ordered by the Court that William Gatewood
Sheriff of the County pay to the undertaker of the building of
the Jail the sum of One Hundred and twenty-five Dollars out of
any money in his hands not otherwise appropriated. James Latty,
Clerk, p.t."
First County Officials: The first county officials of Trimble
County, March 27, 1837.
George Strother, County Judge; Elijah F. Nutter, County
Attorney; James Latty, County Clerk; Isaac T. Buchanan,
Assessor; William H. Gatewood, Sheriff; Francis E. Shetman,
Jailor; William Campbell, Coroner."
from the Trimble Banner Bi-Centennial April 1974
Owned the land that became Gatewood Cemetery.
He is probably buried there, but no records confirm it.
_Henry GATEWOOD Sr._____+ | (1692 - 1777) m 1714 _William GATEWOOD I__| | (1724 - 1785) m 1742| | |_Dorothy DUDLEY ________+ | (1695 - 1751) m 1714 _William GATEWOOD II_| | (1743 - 1789) m 1768| | | _Peter RANSOM __________+ | | | (1679 - ....) | |_Ann RANSOM _________| | (1710 - 1778) m 1742| | |________________________ | | |--William GATEWOOD III | (1776 - 1840) | _Anthony Samuel FOSTER _+ | | (1693 - 1763) | _Thomas FOSTER Sr.___| | | (1725 - 1763) m 1745| | | |_Martha TALIAFERRO _____+ | | (1705 - 1761) |_Sarah FOSTER _______| (1745 - 1827) m 1768| | _Henry GATEWOOD Sr._____+ | | (1692 - 1777) m 1714 |_Dorothy GATEWOOD ___| (1718 - 1784) m 1745| |_Dorothy DUDLEY ________+ (1695 - 1751) m 1714
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Mother: Elizabeth DARGAN |
_Thomas HARRISON I____________________+ | (1665 - 1746) _Thomas HARRISON II__| | (1704 - 1773) m 1731| | |_Sithia Elizabeth or Sophia C. SHORT _ | (1665 - 1746) _Burr HARRISON V_____| | (1738 - 1822) m 1758| | | _John B. GRAYSON "the Immigrant"______ | | | (1665 - 1736) | |_Ann GRAYSON ________| | (1698 - 1774) m 1731| | |_Susannah WHITE ______________________ | (1665 - ....) | |--Mordecai HARRISON | (1789 - ....) | ______________________________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |______________________________________ | | |_Elizabeth DARGAN ___| (1740 - 1825) m 1758| | ______________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |______________________________________
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Mother: Sarah S. "Sally" THORNTON |
_Samuel HIGGINBOTHAM ___________+ | (1745 - 1803) m 1768 _John Satterwhite HIGGINBOTHAM _| | (1771 - 1842) m 1792 | | |_Jane SATTERWHITE ______________+ | (1748 - 1842) m 1768 _John Green HIGGINBOTHAM ___| | (1807 - 1893) m 1827 | | | _John HIGGINBOTHAM _____________+ | | | (1726 - 1814) m 1767 | |_Ann Stanton HIGGINBOTHAM ______| | (1773 - 1812) m 1792 | | |_Rachel BANKS __________________+ | (1736 - 1814) m 1767 | |--Jeptha Banks HIGGINBOTHAM | (1847 - ....) | _Dozier THORNTON Sr.____________+ | | (1755 - 1843) m 1776 | _Benjamin T. THORNTON Sr._______| | | (1779 - 1836) m 1796 | | | |_Lucinda Elizabeth "Lucy" HILL _ | | (1760 - 1825) m 1776 |_Sarah S. "Sally" THORNTON _| (1814 - 1862) m 1827 | | _John UPSHAW Sr.________________+ | | (1755 - 1834) m 1776 |_Sarah R. UPSHAW _______________| (1779 - 1833) m 1796 | |_Amy GATEWOOD __________________+ (1757 - 1826) m 1776
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Mother: Nancy DUNAWAY |
By Rev Benjamin Jones, 1st Reg Baptist
_Edward TINSLEY Jr.__+ | (1730 - 1798) m 1760 _James TINSLEY ____________| | (1763 - 1838) | | |_Elizabeth BUFORD ___+ | (1740 - 1803) m 1760 _Enoch TINSLEY ______| | (1797 - 1875) m 1818| | | _Isaac RUCKER _______+ | | | (1721 - 1807) m 1758 | |_Susanna RUCKER ___________| | (1764 - ....) | | |_Mildred HAWKINS ____+ | (1734 - 1815) m 1758 | |--Mary Ann "Polly" TINSLEY | (1824 - 1887) | _____________________ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) DUNAWAY _| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Nancy DUNAWAY ______| (1800 - 1882) m 1818| | _____________________ | | |___________________________| | |_____________________
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Mother: Anne STROTHER |
_Henry TYLER Jr._______________+ | (1664 - 1729) m 1683 _Francis TYLER Sr.________| | (1687 - ....) | | |_Elizabeth CHILES _____________+ | (1665 - 1702) m 1683 _Francis TYLER Jr.___| | (1719 - ....) m 1744| | | _Alexander WALKER II___________+ | | | (1660 - ....) | |_Rebecca WALKER __________| | (1690 - ....) | | |_Ann BOOKER ___________________ | (1665 - ....) | |--Francis TYLER III | (1747 - ....) | _William STROTHER III__________+ | | (1665 - 1726) m 1695 | _William STROTHER IV Esq._| | | (1696 - 1732) m 1718 | | | |_Margaret THORNTON ____________+ | | (1678 - 1727) m 1695 |_Anne STROTHER ______| (1723 - ....) m 1744| | _Richard WATTS "the Immigrant"_+ | | (1670 - 1716) |_Margaret WATTS __________| (1700 - 1755) m 1718 | |_______________________________
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