He was born in 1840/41 (2 [23 in 1863], 10 [20 in 1861], 14 [18 in 1860]). He was born in West Brommich, England (2, 14).
In 1860, he was living in ward 1, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (14). He was living with William and Jane Green (presumably his parents), with Samuel, Sarah, and John Green (presumably his siblings), and with Eliza and George Green (probably Samuel's wife and son) (14). He was an iron moulder (14).
When he enlisted, he was a moulder, and was living in Philadelphia (2, 10).
When he enlisted, he was 5 feet 7-1/2 inches tall, had a dark complexion, blue eyes, and dark hair (2, 10 [5'8", dark eyes]).
He also served in company D of the 20th Pennsylvania Infantry (12).
He enlisted and was mustered into service on 24 August 1861, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1, 10, 12). He was a private in company E (1, 16).
He fought in the battle of Gettysburg (5).
On 28 July 1863, he was reported as having been dropped because he was missing in the campaign (probably after 11 June 1863) (8).
On 20 November 1863, he was reported regained from missing in the campaign (9).
He re-enlisted for three years, as a veteran volunteer on 24 December 1863, at Bealton Virginia (1, 2, 10 [26 Dec]). He was enlisted by Lieutenant Carpenter, and mustered in by Lieutenant Swann (2).
In May or June 1864, he lost one Springfield rifle musket and accoutrements (6).
He was wounded, either on 18 June 1864 (1) or on 23 June 1864 (2), at Petersburg, Virginia (1).
On 7 September 1864, he was reported as returned to duty, apparently from being absent sick (11).
On 7 October 1864, Sellers reported that he was missing in action on 30 September 1864 near Peeble's House (7).
On 30 September 1864, he left his company and regiment, when they were at or near Squirrel Level Road, Virginia (13). He was ill; he drank some apparently contaminated water, and was then stunned by a shell bursting within two feet of him (13). He went to the Division Hospital, accompanied by James Clark, for treatment (13). Unfortunately, he didn't have permission (13). He returned on 14 October 1864 (13).
He was court-martialed for absence without leave and misbehaviour before the enemy (2, 4, 13, 15). The General Court Martial was headed by Colonel E S Jenney (185th NY Volunteers), and the Judge Advocate was 1st Lieutenant E S Farnsworth (32nd Massachusetts Volunteers) (13). The trial began on 3 November 1864 (13). He pled guilty to both charges and specifications (13). The Court accepted his pleas on 4 November 1864 (13, 4 has 19 November 1864). He was sentenced to forfeit $10 per month of his pay for six months (2, 4).
He was discharged, at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Maryland, on 30 May 1865 by War Department general order 77, because he had been a prisoner of war (1, 3, 10, 12). He was a private, in company E (16).
On 22 December 1890, he successfully applied for a pension (12).
On 11 March 1907, he again applied for a pension (12).
He died on 6 December 1920, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (12).
1 Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, state printer, 1869-71. 5 volumes. 'Ninety-first regiment', volume 3, pages 186-233. (In the roster)
2 descriptive roll, company E, entry 36 (Joseph Green)
3 company E, register of men discharged, number 44 (Joseph Green)
4 general order 60, headquarters, first division, fifth corp, 19 November 1864
5 Pennsylvania Memorial, 91st Pennsylvania plaque, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (Joseph Green)
6 letter, Lentz to Bennett, 16 July 1864
7 letter, Sellers to Tayman, 7 October 1864 (Joseph Green)
8 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 28 July 1863 (Private Green)
9 consolidated morning report, 91st PA, 20 Nov 1863 (Private Jos Green)
10 Civil War Veterans' Card File, available at the Pennsylvania State Archives, searched 6 May 2004 (Joseph Green)
11 consolidated morning report, 91st Pennsylvania, 7 September 1864 (Privt Green)
12 pension index, by regiment, 91st PA Infantry, company E (Joseph Green)
13 court martial record, Joseph Green, National Archives and Records Administration, RG 153, file #LL-2715 (Joseph Green)
14 1860 US census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, ward 1, precinct 8, microfilm series M653, film 1141, page 417 = 157 handwritten (Joseph Green)
15 National Archives Archival Research Catalog (accessed 24 July 2010) (John W Green)
16 index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Pennsylvania (Joseph Green)
Will please furnish this office with a copy of the proceedings and sentence of the General Court Martial in the case of Private Joseph Green of Co. E. 91st Regt. Penn. Vols.
RespyA General Court Martial is hereby appointed to meet at Head Quarters 1st Division at 11 oclock A.M. on the 31st day of October 1864, or as soon thereafter as practicable for the trial of Private Wallace Wilson Compy "B" 32d Regt Mass Vols, and such other cases as may be brought before it.
Detail for the Court | |||||
1. | Col. | E. S. Jenney | 185th | New York | Vols |
2. | Lt Col. | C. P. Herring | 118th | Penna | " |
3. | Capt. | P. M. Fogler | 20th | Maine | " |
4. | " | T. D. Chamberlain | 20th | " | " |
5. | " | A. H. Merritt | 1st | Mich | " |
6. | " | Powell Stackhouse | 198th | Penna | " |
7. | 1st Lieut. | W. O. Colt | 83d | " | " |
8. | 1st " | W. E. Allen | 155th | " | " |
9. | 2d " | Geo. Jenney | 198th | " | " |
1st " | E. S. Farnsworth | 32d | Mass | " | |
Judge Advocate. |
The Court will sit without regard to hours. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the Service.
The Court met pursuant to the above order.
Present. All the members of the Court and the Judge Advocate.The Court then proceeded to the trial of Private Joseph Green Co "E" 91st Reg't Penna Vet Vols Infty who was brought before the Court, and having heard the order convening the Court read, was asked if he had any objection to any member named in the order, to which he replied that he had not.
The Court was then duly sworn by the Judge Advocate, and the Judge Advocate was duly sworn by the President of the Court, in the presence of the accused.
The accused Private Joseph Green Co "E" 91st Reg't Penna Vet Vol Inft'y was arraigned on the following Charges and Specifications.
Charge 1st Absence without leave.In this, that Private Joseph Green Co "E" 91st Reg't Pa Vet Vol Inft'y did on or about the 30th day of September 1864, absent himself from his Company and Regiment without proper authority and did remain absent
In this, that Private Joseph Green Co "E" 91st Regt Penna Vet Vol Infty did leave his Company and Regiment without permission from his Commissioned Officer, this when his Company and Regiment were advancing to charge the enemy's works. All this at or near Squirrel Level Road Va. on or about the 30th day of September 1864.
To which Charges and Specifications the accused pleaded as follows:--
To the Specification of 1st Charge | Guilty |
To the Charge | Guilty |
To the Specification of 2d Charge | Guilty |
To the Charge | Guilty |
The accused having plead [sic] Guilty to the Charges and Specifications, no evidence for the prosecution was adduced.
The Court adjourned to meet tomorrow Nov. 4th at 10 o'clock A.M.
The Court met pursuant to adjournment
William G. Keir Surgeon of the 91st Regt Penna Vet Vols a witness for the defence was duly sworn.
Questioned by Judge Advocate for the Accused.Ques. | Do you know the accused? |
Ans. | I do, he is a private belonging to my Regiment. |
Ques. | Do you know if he was sick on or about the 30th day of September 1864? |
Ans. | No Sir, I do not. |
Ques. | Do you know if the accused was under treatment at the Division Hospital at that time? |
Ans. | No Sir, I do not. |
Ques. | Did you see the accused between the 30th of September and the 14th of October 1864? |
Ans. | Not to my knowledge. |
Ques. | Do you know anything of the whereabouts of the accused at that time? |
Ans. | I do not. |
Ques. | What is the general character of the accused? |
Ans. | It is good, he has never been on the Doctor's list to my knowledge. |
Ques. | Do you remember of prescribing for him one morning, and speaking to me about one Green belonging to Co "D"? |
Ans. | I do recollect the the circumstances now. |
Ques. | Was you at Division Hospital between the 30th of September and the 14th of October |
Ans. | I was |
Ques. | Do you know the accused? |
Ans. | I do. |
Ques. | What is his general character? |
Ans. | Good, as far as I know. |
Ques. | Do you know anything in regard to the absence of the accused about the 30th day of September 1864? |
Ans. | I know he was away from the Regiment at that time. I saw him this side of the church getting water out of a ditch. He complained of having a headache the day before we left camp, while on picket with me. |
Ques. | Where was the Regiment at that time? |
Ans. | I cannot say. |
Ques. | Was the accused sick at that time? |
Ans. | I cannot say, he complained of being sick |
Ques. | Did he go to the Hospital at that time? |
Ans. | No, he went about the 1st or 2d of October |
Ques. | When did the accused return to his Regiment? |
Ans. | About the 14th of October. |
Ques. | Where did he come from, when he returned to the Regiment? |
Ans. | From the Division Hospital. |
Ques. | What is the reputation of the accused on going into battle? |
Ans. | As to that I cannot say. |
Ques. | How long have you known the accused? |
Ans. | For the past three years. |
Ques. | Has he been in the same Regiment with you all the time? |
Ans. | He has. |
Ques. | Is the accused a Veteran Volunteer? |
Ans. | He is. |
Ques. | When did he reenlist? |
Ans. | December 25th 1863. |
Ques | Do you know where the accused was between the 30th day of September and the 1st or 2d of October? |
Ans | He was on the way to the Hospital, he could not go very fast on account of being unwell, and stopped on the way. |
Ques. | How do you know that the accused went to the Hospital? |
Ans. | I went to the Hospital with him. |
The accused having no further testimony to offer, presented the written statement marked "A" and appended to these proceedings. The Court was then cleared for deliberation, and having maturely considered the evidence adduced, find the accused Private Joseph Green Co "E" 91st Regt Penna Vet Vols as follows:
To the Specification of 1st Charge (Plea Sustained) | "Guilty" |
To the Charge (Plea Sustained) | "Guilty" |
To the Specification of 2d Charge (Plea Sustained) | "Guilty" |
To the 2d Charge (Plea Sustained) | "Guilty |
And the Court do, therefore, sentence him Private Joseph Green Co "E" 91st Reg't Penna Vet Vols to forfeit to the United States Ten Dollars per month of his monthly pay for Six Months.
The Court are thus lenient in view of mitigating circumstances which appear in Evidence.
Edwin S. JenneyOn the day before we moved I complained of being sick, and stayed with my Regiment until after we passed the church, when I fell out to get some water, and the water was so bad that it made me feel worse. I then went across the road to relieve myself, and as I was sitting down, a shell burst within two feet of me, which stunned me so that I was unable to get up to my Regiment, and I reported myself to the Division Hospital. I was in the Hospital until the 14th of October. When I returned to my Regiment I was put under arrest.
Joseph Greenline | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Dwelling number | 1135 | |||||||
Family number | 1289 | |||||||
Name | William Green | Jane " | Samuel " | Joseph " | Sarah " | John " | George W " | Eliza Green |
Age | 41 | 40 | 20 | 18 | 13 | 8 | 4 | 18 |
Sex | m | f | m | m | f | m | m | f |
Color | ||||||||
Occupation | Iron moulder | Iron moulder | Iron moulder | " " [sic] | ||||
Value of real estate owned | ||||||||
Value of personal estate | 300 | |||||||
Place of birth | England | " " | " " | " " | " " | Penna | MD | " |
Married within year | 1 |   | 1 | |||||
Attended school within year | 1 | 1 | ||||||
Cannot read & write | 1 | |||||||
Deaf, dumb, blind, etc. |