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Of Nor, Princess Joan PLANTAGENET7,10,67,72,97,129,312
was born on 22 Jul 1188 in Coucy, Alsne, France. She died in Feb
1236/37 in Aberconwy, Arllechwedd Isaf, Caernarvonshire, Wales. She
was buried in Llan-Faes, Dindaethwy, Anglesey, Wales. Name Suffix:<NSFX>
Princess Of Nor, Princess Of
Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8X J8-0X GIVN Joan Princess Of SURN ENGLAND AFN 8XJ8-0X PEDI adopted REPO @RE PO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR An cestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 199 8, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO109 7@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sain ts PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestr al File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1056@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Chur ch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, da ta as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y DATE 5 NOV 2000 T IME 13:20:36 Parents: King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Agatha De FERRERS. Parents: . Parents: King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Agatha DE FERRERS. Spouse: Prince Llywelyn Fawr AB IORWERTH. Prince Llywelyn Fawr AB IORWERTH and Princess Of Nor, Princess Joan PLANTAGENET were married after 16 Apr 1205 in , , England. Children were: Dafydd Ap LLYWELYN, Dafydd AP LLYWELYN, Elen Or Helen Verch LLEWLYN, Gwenllian LAS, Gwenllian Las Verch LLYWELYN, Helen AP IORWERTH, Angharad Verch LLYWELYN, Angharad AP LLYWELYN, LLYWELYN, Wen Tegwared Y Bias AP LLYWELYN, Margred Verch LLYWELYN, Margaret VERCH LLYWELYN. Children were: Princess Of North Wales Gladys DHU, Countess Chester Elen Verch LLEWELYN. Joan PLANTAGENET7,113,115,122 was born on 22 Jul 1190 in Newark Castle, Nottinghamshire, England. She died on 30 Mar 1236 in Court Of Aber.115 Parents: King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Agatha De FERRERS. Princess Of Joan PLANTAGENET7,62,69,82,129,313,377 was born in 1265 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, Eng.377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] She died on 7 Sep 1265 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, Eng.377 She was buried on 7 Sep 1265 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8WKN-7T Parents: King Of England Edward ENGLAND I and Queen Of England Eleanor FERDINANDEZ. Countess Gloucester, Prin Joan PLANTAGENET7,11,12,13,14,15,20,32,67,69,82,129,252,258,267,268,270,312,377,555,2058,2338,2339,2375,2669 was born in 1272 in ( Acre), Akko, Hazafon, Israel.12,13,20,258,270,377,2058,2338,2339 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]377 She died on 23 Apr 1307 in (Age 35 ) Clare, Suffolk, Eng.12,13,20,258,270,377,2058,2338,2339 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death]377 She was buried on 26 Apr 1307 in Austin Friars', Clare, Suffolk, England.12,13,377,2338,2339 She was also known as Of Acre. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Countess]377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Countess]377 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Unknown-Begin] Name Suffix:<NSFX> Countess Gloucester, Princess Of Ancestral File Number:<AFN > 84ZQ-DM NAME Joan "of Acre" Princess Of /ENGLAND/ TITL [COUNTESS GLOUCESTER AND HERTFORD] 2 SOUR S025186 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Mar 19, 20 01 2 SOUR S022688 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Mar 17, 2002 Plea se use this information at your own risk. Every effort has been taken to verify the accuracy but you are responsible for your own research. GIVN Joan "of A cre" Princess of SURN ENGLAND _AKA Joan of /Acre/ AFN 84ZQ-DM _PRIMARY Y R EPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) A UTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, J une 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @ REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-d ay Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH T he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1 998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1 097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sa ints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ances tral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Ch urch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1136@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y DATE 6 NOV 2000 TIME 18:39:14 GIVN Joan "of Acre" Princess of SURN ENGLAND _AKA Joan of /Acre/ AFN 84ZQ-DM _PRIMARY Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The C hurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TIT L Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUB L Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of J esus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as o f 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Anc estral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Cop yright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 J anuary 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1136@ TITL Ancestra l File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyrigh t (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MAS TER Y DATE 6 NOV 2000 TIME 18:39:14 TITL GEDCOM file imported on 10 Aug 20 00. ABBR Imported GEDCOM file TITL BUSHGEORGEWALKER.GED REPO CALN MEDI Oth er DATA TEXT Date of Import: 10 Aug 2000 OCCU Also Known As:<_AKA> Joan of Acre /Plantagenet/ Cts of Gloucester 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1272 2 PLAC Palestine 2 SOUR S007587 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Impor t: 21 Feb 1999 1 DEAT 2 DATE 1307 2 PLAC England 2 SOUR S007587 3 DA TA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 21 Feb 1999 1 _FA1 2 PLAC Sole mistress of es tates of her son Gilbert during his minority. 2 SOUR S261374 3 NOTE Brøderb und WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1990, Date of Import: 18 Jul 1996 1 _FA2 2 PL AC She controlled them with marked ability. 2 SOUR S261374 3 NOTE Brøderbun d WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1990, Date of Import: 18 Jul 1996 1 _FA3 2 PLAC She introduced important modifications to administration of the estate. 2 S OUR S261374 3 NOTE Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1990, Date of Import: 18 Jul 1996 1 _FA4 2 PLAC One of greatest examples in 13th century England of ability of women to govern. 2 SOUR S261374 3 NOTE Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2 , Ed. 1, Tree #1990, Date of Import: 18 Jul 1996 1 _FA5 2 PLAC Countess of Gloucester & Hertford. 2 SOUR S186983 2 SOUR S261374 3 NOTE Brøderbund W FT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1990, Date of Import: 18 Jul 1996 1 _FA6 2 PLAC In terred: 26 Apr 1307, Priory Church of the Austin Friars, Clare. 2 SOUR S18698 3 2 SOUR S261374 3 NOTE Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #1990, Date of I mport: 18 Jul 1996 [large-G675.FTW] Joan of Acre died in April, 1307, b ut during her tenure of the inheritance of Gloucester important modifications w ere introduced in its administrative structure. After Isabella de Fortibus, do wager countess of Devon and Aumale (1262-93), Countess Joan stands as perhaps t he best example in thirteenth century English history of the ability of a widow to run the estates and otherwise manage the complex affairs of a great comital house." --- Michael Altschul, *A Baronial Family in Medieval England: The Cla res, 1217-1314*, Baltimore MD (Johns Hopkins Press) 1965. p 38-39. Parents: King Of England Edward ENGLAND I and Leonor Queen Of ENGLAND. Parents: . Parents: King Of England Edward ENGLAND I and Queen Of England Eleanor FERDINANDEZ. Spouse: Baron Monthermer Ralph De MONTHERMER. Baron Monthermer Ralph De MONTHERMER and Countess Gloucester, Prin Joan PLANTAGENET were married in Jan 1296/97 in Akko, Hazafon, Israel.377 Children were: Mary De MONTHERMER, Sir Thomas De MONTHERMER. Spouse:
Earl Of Gloucest Gilbert De CLARE.
They were married in May 1290 in Westminister Abbey, West Minister, Middlesex,
Eng.12,13,20,32,258,267,270,377 1 _FA1
Spouse: Gilbert De Clare 7Th Earl Of HERTFORD. Gilbert De Clare 7Th Earl Of HERTFORD and Countess Gloucester, Prin Joan PLANTAGENET were married. Children were: Eleanor DE CLARE, Margaret DE CLARE, Isabel DE CLARE, 8th Earl Of Hertford GILBERT. Spouse: Ralph DE MONTHERMER. Children were: Thomas DE MONTHERMER. Baroness Mowbray Joan PLANTAGENET7,51,62,97,111,129,252,948 was born about 1305 in Lancastershire, England.948 She died on 7 Jul 1375 in (Unknown), Eng.948 She was buried in The High Altar At Byland, England.948 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Baroness Mowbray Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 9FTX-7T TITL [BARONESS MOWBRAY] Parents: Earl Of Lancaster Henry PLANTAGENET and Maud DE CHAWORTH. Spouse: John DE MOWBRAY. John DE MOWBRAY and Baroness Mowbray Joan PLANTAGENET were married about 28 Feb 1325/26. Children were: Eleanor DE MOWBRAY, John DE MOWBRAY. Princess Of Joan PLANTAGENET7,69,129,377 was born in Jul 1321 in Tower Of London, London, Middlesex, Eng.377 She died on 7 Sep 1362 in Of, Hertford, Hertfordshire, Eng.377 She was buried in Grey Friars, London, Middlesex, Eng.377 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJD-CD Parents: King Of England\ Edward PLANTAGENET II and Queen Of England Isabella DE FRANCE. Spouse: David II King Of SCOTLAND. Joan PLANTAGENET7,62,111 was born on 29 Sep 1328 in Woodstock, Kent, England. She died on 8 Aug 1385 in Wallingford, Berkshire, England. Wallingford Castle. Parents: \Earl Of Kent\ Edmund Of Woodstock PLANTAGENET and Margaret WAKE. Spouse: William DE MONTACUTE. Spouse: Earl Thomas Of Kent HOLAND. Earl Thomas Of Kent HOLAND and Joan PLANTAGENET were married in 1342. Children were: 2 Earl Thomas Of Kent HOLAND, Earl John Of Huntingdon HOLAND. Spouse: Earl Of Kent; K. Thomas DE HOLLAND. Earl Of Kent; K. Thomas DE HOLLAND and Joan PLANTAGENET were married in 1346. Children were: John DE HOLLAND, Maud DE HOLLAND, Edmund DE HOLLAND, Sir Thomas DE HOLLAND. Spouse: Prince Of Wales Edward ENGLAND. Prince Of Wales Edward ENGLAND and Joan PLANTAGENET were married on 10 Oct 1361 in Windsor. Children were: Edward OF ANGOULEME, RICHARD II. Joan PLANTAGENET7,62 was born in Jan 1333/34. She died on 2 Sep 1348. Died of the Plague. Parents: King Of Edward III ENGLAND and Countess Of Holland Philippa De HAINAULT. Joan PLANTAGENET377 was born in 1384 in Of, Pleshey, Essex, Eng.377 She died on 16 Aug 1400.377 Parents: Duke Gloucester Thomas PLANTAGENET and Eleanor DE BOHUN. Joan II PLANTAGENET7,555 was born about 1310. She died on 7 Jul 1349. Parents: Earl Of Lancaster Henry PLANTAGENET and Maud DE CHAWORTH. Joan Of Acre PLANTAGENET7,111 was born in 1272 in , Akko, Hazafon, Israel. She died on 23 Apr 1307. Parents: King Of England Edward ENGLAND I and Alianore Fernandez OF CASTILE. Johanna PLANTAGENET5,7,51,128,148 was born in Oct 1165 in Angers.5,128 She died on 4 Sep 1199. She was also known as Princess Of England. She is reference number 8690. Parents: King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Queen Of France & England Eleanor AQUITAINE. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He was born in 1232 in England.32 He died in 1232 in England.32 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He was buried in ., Reading, Berkshire, England. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ6-7V Parents: Earl Cornwall, Prince Of Richard ANGEVIN and Countess Of Cornwall Isabel MARSHALL. Prince Of England John PLANTAGENET7,32,51,82,129,252,1103 was born about 1250 in Of, Westminster, Middlesex, England.32,1102,1103 He died before 1256 in Westminster, Middlesex, England.1102,1103 He was buried in Westminster, Middlesex, England. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ8-8B Parents: King Of England Henry PLANTAGENET III and Countess Of Provence Eleanor BERENGER. John PLANTAGENET7,69 was born in 1266 in Windsor. He died in 1271 in Wallingford. Parents: King Of England Edward ENGLAND I and Queen Of England Eleanor FERDINANDEZ. Prince Of John PLANTAGENET7,82,129,252,377,2338,2339 was born on 10 Jul 1266 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, Eng.377,1103,2338,2339 He was buried in 1272.2338,2339 He died on 1 Aug 1272 in Westminster Palace, London, Londonshire, England.377,2338,2339 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8WKN-81 1 NAME John /Plantagenet/, Prince of England 2 SOUR S0734044 3 DATA 4 T EXT Date of Import: Jun 24, 2002 1 DEAT 2 DATE 1 AUG 1272 2 SOUR S073404 4 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: Jun 24, 2002 1 TEXT 8WKN-81 This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified. Parents: . Parents: King Of England Edward ENGLAND I and Queen Of England Eleanor FERDINANDEZ. John PLANTAGENET7,51,129 was born before May 1286 in Of, Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, England. He died before 1327 in Unmd, France. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ9-HN Parents: Earl Of Leicester Edmund PLANTAGENET and Queen Of Navarre Blanche DE ARTOIS. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I5,7,10,13,14,15,17,20,32,51,67,69,81,82,104,111,115,121,122,128,129,171,172,212,213,239,313,364,422,707 was born on 24 Dec 1166 in Beaumont Palace, Oxford, England.5,13,15,20,32,81,104,118,128,157,171,172,422,527 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth] He was buried in 1216 in Cathedral, Worcester, Worcestershire, England.13,171,172 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] He died on 19 Oct 1216 in Newark Calste, Lincolnshire, England.5,13,32,104,128,171,172 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Death] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] He was also known as Lackland. He was christened in Reign. He is reference number 10546. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Burial] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Christening] Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of England Cause of Death:<CAUS> Fever, chills, exhaus tion after crossing Wash of Lincoln & Norfolk. Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 8XJ 4-1K John was born on Christmas Eve 1167. His parents drifted apart after hi sbirth; his youth was divided between his eldest brother Henry's house,where he learned the art of knighthood, and the house of his father'sjusticiar, Ran ulf Glanvil, where he learned the business of government.As the fourth chil d, inherited lands were not available to him, givingrise to his nickname, Lac kland. His first marriage lasted but ten yearsand was fruitless, but his seco nd wife, Isabella of Angouleme, bore himtwo sons and three daughters. He al so had an illegitimate daughter, Joan,who married Llywelyn the Great, Ruler o f All Wales, from which the Tudorline of monarchs was descended. The survival of the English governmentduring John's reign is a testament to the reforms of his father, as Johntaxed the system socially, economically, and judiciall y. The Angevin family feuds profoundly marked John. He and Richard clashedi n 1184 following Richard's refusal to honor his father's wishessurrender Aqui tane to John. The following year Henry II sent John to ruleIreland, but John alienated both the native Irish and the transplantedAnglo-Normans who emigr ated to carve out new lordships for themselves;the experiment was a total fai lure and John returned home within sixmonths. After Richard gained the thro ne in 1189, he gave John vastestates in an unsuccessful attempt to appease hi s younger brother. Johnfailed to overthrow Richard's administrators during th e German captivityand conspired with Philip II in another failed coup attem pt. UponRichard's release from captivity in 1194, John was forced to sue forp ardon and he spent the next five years in his brother's shadow. John's reig n was troubled in many respects. A quarrel with the Churchresulted in England being placed under an interdict in 1207, with Johnactually excommunicated tw o years later. The dispute centered on John'sstubborn refusal to install th e papal candidate, Stephen Langdon, asArchbishop of Canterbury; the issue was not resolved until Johnsurrendered to the wishes of Pope Innocent III and paid tribute forEngland as the Pope's vassal. John proved extremely unpopular with his subjects. In addition to theIrish debacle, he inflamed his French vassals by orchestrating the murderof his popular nephew, Arthur of Brittany . By spring 1205, he lost thelast of his French possessions and returned to E ngland. The final tenyears of his reign were occupied with failed attempts to regain theseterritories. After levying a number of new taxes upon the baro ns to payfor his dismal campaigns, the discontented barons revolted, capturin gLondon in May 1215. At Runnymeade in the following June, John succumbedto pressure from the barons, the Church, and the English people at-large,and sig ned the Magna Carta. The document, a declaration of feudal rights,stressed th ree points. First, the Church was free to make ecclesiasticappointments. Se cond, larger-than-normal amounts of money could only becollected with the con sent of the king's feudal tenants. Third, nofreeman was to be punished except within the context of common law. MagnaCarta, although a testament to John 's complete failure as monarch, wasthe forerunner of modern constitutions. Jo hn only signed the document asa means of buying time and his hesitance to imp lement its principlescompelled the nobility to seek French assistance. The barons offered thethrone to Philip II's son, Louis. John died in the midst of invasion fromthe French in the South and rebellion from his barons in the No rth. John was remembered in elegant fashion by Sir Richard Baker in AChroni cle of the Kings of England: ". . .his works of piety were verymany . . . as for his actions, he neither came to the crown bName Suffix:<NSFX> Lord Of Ireland & Count Of Mortain Ancestral File Number:<A FN> 8XJ4-1K Concubine #1 of 10 - Hawisa Fitzwarin Concubine #2 - Unknown Concubine #3 - Margaret Concubine #4 - Matilda Gifford Concubine #5 - Mi ss De Warrene Concubine #6 - Agatha De Ferrers Concubine #7 - Unknown Concubine #8 - Unknown Concubine #9 - Unknown Concubine #10 - Margaret Pl antagenet (De Warenne) This is King John of the Magna Charta. The Magna C harta is recognized today as one of the most important documents in the history of human freedom. Coming near the end of the Dark Ages, it challenged the "div ine right" of kings to rule arbitrarily. King John of England was a tyrant w ho seized the throne in 1199 by imprisoning and probably murdering young Prince Arthur, the rightful heir. King John threw people into prison at the drop of a hat, confiscated their property by heavy taxes and unjust decrees, and despoil ed the wives and daughters of his Nobles. His quarrels with the pope caused the pope to excommunicate all England for a period of six years. The King had a t iresome habit of forcing the peasants to build bridges over streams he might wi sh to cross while hunting, and at one time he made the whole of England his own private game preserve, so that none of the starving peasantry could kill even a rabbit for supper. The King's Nobles finally refused to fight for him abro ad, and as a result he was utterly defeated at the Battle of Bouvines during th e summer of 1214. The King then turned in fury on his Barons at home, but he un derestimated the powers arrayed against him. The Barons, assembled in conferenc e by the Archbishop of Canterbury, each took a solemn oath on the altar that th ey would stand united and not relinquish their efforts until they had either co mpelled the King to confirm their liberties or had waged war against him to the death. During the winter of 1214-15, the Barons prepared and presented to K ing John a list of their demands. When the King saw the Articles, he is suppos ed to have sworn by "God's teeth", his favorite oath, that he would never agree to such demands or any part of them. But the Barons were not to be denied. T hey raised an army and launched a "holy crusade" against the King to recover th eir rightful liberties. The King was finally forced to surrender at Runnemede on June 15, 1215. After four days of negotiations, the King's seal was affixed to all copies of the historic Magna Charta. The Magna Charta is recognized today as a foundation stone of free government and has been referred to as "The Mother of Constitutions." It was an important forerunner of the United States Constitution. Sections 39 anbd 40 of the Charter state: "No free man shall be t aken, or imprisoned, or dispossessed, or outlawed, or banished, or in any way d estroyed...except by the legal judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny, or delay, right of justice." The Barons offered to their sub-tenants the same concessions that they were dem anding from the King. Section 61 authorized the election of 25 Surety Barons to see that the provisions of the Charter were enforced. These Sureties were given the right to distress and harass the King by any means in their power if he did not keep his pledges. Several of these Sureties are included in this ro yal line pedigree: Hugh Bigod Robert De Vere Roger Bigod Alan Galloway [Lord] G ilbert De Clare William De Albini Richard De Clare [Sir] William Marshal (Marsh all) John De Lacy William De Warren Sahar De Quincy William [Earl Of Salisbury] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.Name Suffix:<NSFX> King of England GEDCOM line 11539 not recognizable or too l ong: () 2 GIVN John Lackland GEDCOM line 11540 not recognizable or too long : () 2 SURN Plantagenet GEDCOM line 11541 not recognizable or too long: () 2 NSFX King of England Acceded: 27 May 1199, Westminster Abbey, London, Eng land. Reigned 1199-1216. Signed Magna Carta in 1215 at Runnymede. His reig n saw renewal of war with Phillip II Augustus of France to whom he has lost se veral continental possessions including Normandy by 1205. He came into confli ct with his Barons and was forced to Sign the Magna Carta. His later repudiat ion of the charter led to the first barons war 1215-17 during which John died. Burke says he was born in 1160. King of Ireland 1177, Count of Mortain 1189 , Earl of Gloucester. Weis' "Ancestral Roots. . ." (1:26), (26:26), (27:26) , (29:A), (117:27), (153:28), (176:7), (260:29). http://www.genuki.org.uk/b ig/eng/History/Barons/Extinct1Earls.html : John, son of king Henry the second, was created by that monarch earl of Cornwall and by king Richard the first ea rl of Nottingham, Lancaster, Devonshire and Dorset. He succeeded 1189 to the t itle of earl of Gloucester in right of Isabel, his wife, daughter of William d e Mellent earl of Gloucester. These titles merged in the crown upon the access ion of that prince to the throne of England.Name Suffix:<NSFX> King NPFX King GIVN John Lackland SURN PLANTAGENET NSFX 15th Duke Normany ABBR Compuserve TITL Any information taken from Compuserve. AUTH Various authors PAGE Book, by T.E. Graves ABBR The Historian's History of the World, 1908 TITL 25 volume set printed 1908 AUTH Henry Smith Williams PUBL Hooper & Jackson Ltd, of London & New York, 1908 PAGE Vol XVIII, pp 285 QUAY 2 ABBR The Historian's History of the World, 1908 TITL 25 volume set p rinted 1908 AUTH Henry Smith Williams PUBL Hooper & Jackson Ltd, of London & New York, 1908 PAGE Vol XVIII, pp 330 QUAY 2 ABBR The Historian's History of the World, 1908 TITL 25 volume set printed 1908 AUTH Henry Smith Williams P UBL Hooper & Jackson Ltd, of London & New York, 1908 PAGE Vol XVIII, pp 361 Q UAY 2 EVEN Named King of England TYPE Misc DATE 1199 ABBR The Historian's H istory of the World, 1908 TITL 25 volume set printed 1908 AUTH Henry Smith Wi lliams PUBL Hooper & Jackson Ltd, of London & New York, 1908 PAGE Vol XVIII, pp 329 QUAY 2 EVEN Forced to sign the Magna Charta at Runnymede TYPE Misc D ATE 1216 ABBR The Historian's History of the World, 1908 TITL 25 volume set p rinted 1908 AUTH Henry Smith Williams PUBL Hooper & Jackson Ltd, of London & New York, 1908 PAGE Vol XVIII, pp 347 QUAY 2 EVEN Failed in an attempt to up surp Richard I as King TYPE Misc DATE 1193 ALIA King /John/ GIVN John K ing Of SURN ENGLAND NICK Lackland AFN 8XJ4-1K PEDI adopted _PRIMARY Y Too late to be known as John the first, he's sure to be known as John the worst. REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of La tter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO 1035@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day S aints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ance stral File (R) _MASTER Y DATE 13 NOV 2000 TIME 18:16:30 GIVN John King Of SURN ENGLAND NICK Lackland AFN 8XJ4-1K PEDI adopted _PRIMARY Y Too late to be known as John the first, he's sure to be known as John the worst. REPO @ REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-d ay Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH T he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1 998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1 097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sa ints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ances tral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1097@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Ch urch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y REPO @REPO1035@ TITL Ancestral File (R) AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 ABBR Ancestral File (R) _MASTER Y DATE 13 NOV 2000 TIME 18:16:30 Buried: Cathedral, Worc ester, Worcestershire, England _FA1 PLAC King that signed the Magna Carta w hen his Knight revolted. _FA2 PLAC ruled 1199-1216. Last of the Angevin Dynas ty TITL tree1.ged REPO CALN MEDI Other DAT Parents: II HENRY and Queen Of France & England Eleanor AQUITAINE. Parents: King Of England Henry II Curtmantle DE ANJOU and Queen Of France & England Eleanor AQUITAINE. Spouse: Queen Of England Isabella DE TAILLEFER. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Queen Of England Isabella DE TAILLEFER were married on 24 Aug 1200 in , Bordeaux, Gironde, France.5,104,128 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]13,171,172 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]15,20,32,81,157,304,422,527,707 Reference Number:31923 Children were: King Of England Henry PLANTAGENET III, Count Of Provence Raymond IV BERENGER, Princess Of England Eleanor PLANTAGENET, Princess Of England Joane ANGEVIN, Earl Cornwall, Prince Of Richard ANGEVIN, Earl Of Cornwall RICHARD, Empress Of Germany Isabella PLANTAGENET, Isabella Elizabeth GERMANY, Isabella Eliz ANGEVIN, Alianor ANGEVIN. Spouse: Agatha DE FERRERS. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and
Agatha DE FERRERS were married in Unmarried. Unmarried_FREL Natural
Spouse: Daughter PLANTAGENET. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Daughter PLANTAGENET were married. Children were: Richard Fitzroy DECHILHAM. Spouse: Matilda GIFFORD. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Matilda GIFFORD were married in Unmd. Children were: Osbert GIFFORD. Spouse: Concubine Mrs. John UNKNOWN. Spouse: Concubine #1 Hawisa De Tracy FITZ WARIN. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Concubine #1 Hawisa De Tracy FITZ WARIN were married in Unmd. Children were: Osbert GIFFORD, Isabella La BLANCHE, Oliver ENGLAND, Geoffrey FITZ ROY, Odo Eudo FITZ ROY, Ivo ENGLAND, Henry ENGLAND, Richard ENGLAND, Matilda ENGLAND, Kt John Fitzjohn COURCY. Spouse: Concubine Mrs. John UNKNOWN. Spouse: Concubine Mrs. John UNKNOWN. Spouse: Concubine Mrs. John UNKNOWN. Spouse: Concubine #5 Suzanne DE WARENNE. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Concubine #5 Suzanne DE WARENNE were married. Children were: Kt John Fitzjohn COURCY, Baron Of Chilham Richard FITZ ROY, Richard FITZ JOHN, \Baron Chilham\ Richard Fitzjohn Of DOVER. Spouse: Countess Of Mort Isabel De Clare FITZ ROBERT. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Countess Of Mort Isabel De Clare FITZ ROBERT were married on 29 Aug 1189 in Marlborough, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.32 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]105 Spouse: Concubine 10 PLANTAGENET. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Concubine 10 PLANTAGENET were married Not Married in Kings Manor Hous, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. Spouse: Agatha De FERRERS. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage]
They were married in Children were: Henry
FITZ ROY. Children were: Lucia
Children were: Osbert GIFFORD, John FITZ JOHN, Henry PLANTAGENET, Richard
Isabella LA BLANCHE, Geoffrey FITZ ROY, Odo
Eudo FITZ ROY. Spouse: Dtr Of Earl
Suzanne Plantagenet De WARENNE. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and
Dtr Of Earl Suzanne Plantagenet De WARENNE were married in (Had Natural Children-Not
Married). Children were: Joan
Lackland WALES, Baron Of Chilham
Richard Fitzohn FITZ ROY. Spouse: Constance
De Brittany DSS DE BRITTANY. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Constance
De Brittany DSS DE BRITTANY were married. Spouse: 5th Concubine WARRENE. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I
and 5th Concubine WARRENE were married in Unmd. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE:
Alt. Marriage] Children were: Baron
Of Chilham Richard Fitzohn FITZ ROY, Isabel
FITZ ROY, Odo Eudo FITZ ROY. Spouse:
Concubine 6 England MRS-JOHN. Spouse:
Concubine 7 England MRS-JOHN. Spouse:
Concubine 10 England MRS-JOHN. Spouse:
Concubine 8 England MRS-JOHN. Spouse:
Concubine 9 England MRS-JOHN. Spouse:
Suzanne De WARRENE. King Of England
John L. PLANTAGENET I and Suzanne De WARRENE were married in Spouse: Miss PLANTAGENET. Spouse: Hawise
DE TRACY. King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I and Hawise DE TRACY were
married before 1186. Children were: Osbert
GIFFORD, Geoffrey Fitz ROY, Eudo Fitz ROY, Oliver OF ENGLAND, Ivo
ENGLAND, Henry ENGLAND, Richard ENGLAND, Matilda
ENGLAND. Spouse: Isabella Of ANGOULEME.
Children were: HUGH, Unknown GUY, Earl Of
Cornwall RICHARD, JOAN, ISABELLA, Princess Of
England Eleanor PLANTAGENET, King
Of England Henry PLANTAGENET III. Spouse: Isabelle
DE CLARE. Spouse: Elizabeth
De Burgh Duchess Of CLARENCE. Children were: Philippa
Plantagenet Countess Of MARCH. Spouse: Violanta
Visconti (Duchess Of CLARENCE. Spouse: Duchess
Clarence Elizabeth DE BURGH. Duke Of Clarence Lionel PLANTAGENET and Duchess
Clarence Elizabeth DE BURGH were married on 9 Sep 1342 in Tower Of London, London,
Middlesex, England. Children were: Countess
March Philippa PLANTAGENET. Spouse: Duchess
Of Clar Violanta VISCONTI. Duke Of Clarence Lionel PLANTAGENET and Duchess
Of Clar Violanta VISCONTI were married on 25 Apr 1368. [NEED TO DEFINE
SENTENCE: Alt. Marriage] Spouse:
Duke Of Brabant Ii Jean "The PEACEABLE".
Spouse: Sir
Walter MANNY. Children were: Anne
MANNY. Spouse: Lord John DE SEGRAVE.
Lord John DE SEGRAVE and Margaret PLANTAGENET were married on 15 Dec 1338.
Children were: Anne DE SEGRAVE,
Elizabeth DE SEGRAVE. Spouse: John
De Hastings (Earl Of PEMBROKE. Spouse: Baron
Henry De PERCY. Baron Henry De PERCY and Baroness Percy Mary PLANTAGENET
were married about 1350 in Tutbury Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England.
Children were: Earlnorthumberld Henry
De PERCY. Spouse: Henry DE PERCY.
Henry DE PERCY and Baroness Percy Mary PLANTAGENET were married in Sep 1334. Spouse: Earl Of Ulster
William DE BURGH. Earl Of Ulster William DE BURGH and Maud PLANTAGENET were
married before 1 May 1327 in Of, Ulster, Ireland. Children were:
Duchess Clarence Elizabeth DE BURGH. Spouse:
Justiciar Ireland Ralph D' UFFORD.
Justiciar Ireland Ralph D' UFFORD and Maud PLANTAGENET were married before 8
Aug 1343. Children were: Maud
DE UFFORD. Spouse: Henry II D' EU. Henry II D' EU and Maud De Warenne PLANTAGENET
were married about 1179 in , , England. Children were: Alice D' EU. Spouse: Henry II D' EU. Henry II D' EU and Maud De Warenne PLANTAGENET
were married about 1179 in , , England. Children were: Alice D' EU. Spouse: Henry II D' EU. Henry II D' EU and Maud De Warenne PLANTAGENET
were married about 1179 in , , England. Children were: Alice D' EU. Spouse:
King Of England John L. PLANTAGENET I.
Spouse: \King
Of England Geoffrey V "The PLANTAGENET Count Of Anjou Plantagenet. Spouse: \King Of England Geoffrey V "The PLANTAGENET Count Of Anjou
Plantagenet. \King Of England Geoffrey V "The PLANTAGENET Count Of Anjou
Plantagenet and Concubine Two Mrs. Geoffrey V PLANTAGENET were married.
2 _PREF Y Children were: 5th Earl
Of Surrey Hamelin Plantagenet De WARENNE, Mary
Edmund MORTIMER. Edmund MORTIMER and
Philippa PLANTAGENET were married in 1368.3,659 Reference Number:1130653 Children
were: Eleanor NEVILLE. Spouse: Earl Of March Edmund MORTIMER. Earl Of March Edmund MORTIMER
and Countess March Philippa PLANTAGENET were married in 1359 in Queens Chapel,
Reading, Berkshire, England. Children were: Elizabeth MORTIMER, Earl
Of March Roger De MORTIMER, Countss
Pembroke Philippa De MORTIMER, Edmund
De MORTIMER. Spouse: Sir Edmund
DE MORTIMER. Sir Edmund DE MORTIMER and Countess March Philippa PLANTAGENET
were married in 1368. Children were: Sir John DE MORTIMER, Elizabeth
Sir Edmund DE MORTIMER, Earl Of March Roger De MORTIMER. |