My Ancestors

Grave photos

My Ancestors

Signing the Register by Edmund Blair Leighton

click on any name to take you to their page

= photo on page


Grand Parents:

 Great Grand Parents:

2 x Great Grand Parents:

3 x Great Grand Parents

4 x Great Grand Parents

William & Ellen BONEHOUSE

5 x Great Grand Parents

Thomas and Mary WATSON

Thomas & Elizabeth JARROD

6 x Great Grand Parents

Benjamin and Elizabeth NICHOLS

Samuel and Elizth DORRINGTON

Jonathan and Elizabeth WEEDEN

7 x Great Grand Parents

 --- and Elizabeth PRESGRAVE

 John and Mary NEWMAN

Jonathan and Mary WEEDEN

8 x Great Grand Parents

Peter and Mary BROWNING

9 x Great Grand Parents

John and Elizabeth DORRINGTON

Thomas and Anne JUGG

10 x Great Grand Parents

Edward and Elizabeth ALLISON

William and Joan DORRINGTON

Thomas and Annas JUGG


I have added individual pages for the following Gt Aunts,Uncles & Cousins. Either they were significant living people to me or I have gathered enough info about them to warrant their own page.

4 generations on a pedigree chart

e-mail me

Page last updated Tuesday, October 29, 2013